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44 Cards in this Set

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Standard deviation

A summary of how far the scores vary from the mean


The entire group of research interest

Experimental group

The group in an experiment who are exposed to the independent variable

Quantitative data

Numerical information of the quantity or amount of what is being studied


A judgement about what the results of an investigation mean and making a decision as to whether the hypothesis is supported or rejected

Self reports

Written or spoken responses to questions statements or instructions presented by the researcher e.g questionnaires, interviews, and rating scales


a subsection or smaller group of research participants selected from a larger group of research interest


A controlled condition used to test whether one variable influences or causes a change in another variable


Arithmetical average of all individual scores in a set of scores

Control group

The group in an experiment who is not exposed to the independent variable


A testable prediction of the relationship between two or more variables


The process of selecting participants for a research study


The extent to which the results from a research study are consistent


Clarifying participants' understanding of the research study after it has been conducted


A judgement about how widely the findings of the research study can be applied to the population of interest

Single blind procedure

When participants are unaware of which condition they have allocated to in an experiment

Case study

An in depth investigation of a behavior or event in an individual or small group of people


Process of systematically changing the order of the treatments in a repeated measures design to balance the unwanted effects of performance on any one order


A fake treatment given to a control group of an experiment

Random allocation

Participants selected for the experiment have an equal chance of being selected for either the control or experimental group

Informed consent

Participants are given information of the nature and purpose of the research study, including procedures, possible risks, how information will be collected and the right to decline or withdraw from the study

Standardized procedures

When the directions and explanations given to participants are predetermined and identical and the techniques to collect data are the same


The extent to which the procedures used in a research study measured what they weresupposed to measure.

Double-blind procedure

When participants and the experimenter are unaware of which condition participantshave been allocated to in an experiment.

Withdrawal rights

Participants are able to leave a study at any time, without having to give a reason fordoing so. This includes removal of individual data collected.

Qualitative data

Information about the characteristics or the ‘qualities’ of what is being studied.


The researcher must not disclose private information about participants

Independent groupsdesign

An experimental design where participants are allocated to one of two (or more)groups.

Confounding variable

A variable other than the IV which has had an unwanted effect on the DV, making itimpossible to determine which of the variables has produced a change in the DV

Convenience sampling

Selecting participants who are readily available without any attempt to make thesample representative of the population.

Extraneous variable

Any variable other than the IV that can cause an unwanted change in the DV.

Repeated measuresdesign

A research design where each participant is in both the experimental and controlconditions.

Stratified sampling

Dividing the population into strata (sub-groups) and then selecting a sample of peoplefrom each stratum in the same proportions as they occur in the population of researchinterest.

Individual participantdifferences

The unique combination of personal characteristics that each participant in anexperiment has.

Random sampling

Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for a sample

Order effects

When the results (the DV) are influenced by the specific order in which participantscompleted the control and experimental conditions of an experiment. Only occur in arepeated-measures design.

Cross-sectional study

Comparing groups of participants on more or more variables at one point in time(usually to study age-related differences)

Placebo effect

A change in a participant’s behaviour due to a belief that they are receiving anexperimental treatment and therefore respond according to that belief.


Each participants in one condition is paired with a participants in the other condition onone or more relevant variables.

Primary data

Data collected directly by the researcher for their own specific purpose.


The statistic used to determine the probability that the results of an experiment weredue to chance.

Observational studies

Collection of data which occurs by carefully watching and recording behaviours ofresearch interest.

Experimenter effect

A change in the participant’s response that is due to the actions, biases or expectationsof the researcher, instead of the effects of the IV.

Secondary data

Data that was collected by someone else other than the original user for their ownpurpose.