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22 Cards in this Set

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The branch of psychology that studies how people change over the lifespan.
developmental psychology
Inborn predispositions to consistently behave and react in a certain way.
The emotional bon that forms between and infant and caregiver(s), especially his or her parents.
The words that are understood by an infant or child.
comprehension vocabulary
The words that an infant or child understands and can speak.
production vocabulary
In Piaget's theory, the first stage of cognitive development, from birth to about age 2; the period during which the infant explores the environment and acquires knowledge through sensing and manipulating objects.
sensorimotor stage
The understanding that an object continues to exist even when it can no longer be seen.
object permanence
In Piaget's theory, the second stage of cognitive development, which lasts from about age 2 to 7; characterized by increasing use of symbols and prelogical thought processes.
preoperational stage
The ability to use words, images, and symbols to represent the world.
symbolic thought
In Piaget's theory, the inability to take another person's perspective or point of view.
In Piaget's theory, the inabilty to mentally reverse a sequence of events or logical operations.
In Piaget's theory, the tendency to focus, or _center_ on only one aspect of a situation and ignore other important aspects of the situation.
In Piaget's theory, the understanding that two equal quantities remain equal even thought the form or appearance is rearranged, as long as nothing is added or subtracted.
In Piaget's theory, the third stage of cognitive development, which lasts from about age 7 to adolesence; characterized by the ability to think logically about concrete objects and situations.
concrete operational stage
In Piaget's theory, the fourth stage of cognitive development, which lasts from adolesence through adulthood; characterized by the ability to think logically about abstract principles and hypothetical situations.
formal operational stage
In Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development, the difference between what children can accomplish on their own and what they can accomplish with the help of others who are more competent.
zone of proximal development
The model that views cognitive development as a process that is continuous over the lifespan and that sutdies the devlopment of basic mental processes such as attention, memoru, and problem solving.
information-processing model of cognitive development
The traditional stage between late childhood and the beginning of adulthood, during which sexual maturity is reached.
Parenting style in which parents are demanding and unresponsive toward their shildren's needs or wishes.
authoritarian parenting style
Parenting style in which parents are extremely tolerant and not demanding; permissive-indulgent parents are more responsive to their children, whereas permissive indifferent parents are not.
permissive parenting style
Parenting style in which parents set clear standards for their childrens' behavior but are also responsive to their children's needs and wishes.
authoritative parenting style
A discipline technique that combines parental control with explaining why a behavior os prohibited