Piaget's Stages Of Cognitive Analysis

Decent Essays
Nina Thueson

Piaget’s stages of cognitive development:

The sensorimotor stage, from birth to age 2

In this stage the infant learns and explores primarily through their senses and the world around them is only what they can see and make associations with. Piaget believed object constancy, which is when something only exists when can be seen, belongs in this stage.

The preoperational stage, from age 2 to about age 7

This is the stage were kids struggle to see other people's point of views and are very egotistical. They can't use logic to reason their actions and usually make decisions thinking for their best interests.

The concrete operational stage, from age 7 to 11

Children begin
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Intimacy vs. isolation—This is the first stage of adult development, ages of 18 to 35. Dating, marriage, family and friendships define the stage in their life.The inability to form any of these types of relationships cause them to be isolated and alone.

7. Generativity vs. stagnation—Another stage of adulthood in the ages of 35-64. During this time people have their life path figured out and family life sorted.If a person is not at ease in how their life is progressing, they experience regret about the decisions that they have made in the past and feel useless.

8. Ego integrity vs. despair—This stage is seen in the age group of 65 and older.The person has approached the last chapter in their life. Ego-integrity is the acceptance of life in its fullness and along with this is Wisdom coming with their experiences.

Kohlberg's moral development:


The pre-conventional level of moral reasoning common in children, although adults have been known to show this level of reasoning unfortunately. People at this level make decisions based on direct consequences. Both the first and second stages of moral development have to do with egocentric
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This is founded around the fear of punishment.

•Stage two: Their reasonings show little to no interest in the needs of others, but only to a point where it might further the individual's own interests. Often will do actions in exchange for a reward.

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