Scout, a character —and narrator— of To Kill a Mockingbird, goes through the levels and stages throughout the book: from the beginning, middle, and to …show more content…
When Scout started school— on her first day— she “started on the wrong foot (22)”. It all started when Ms. Caroline asked the children to take out their lunches. After scanning the whole class, she notices that one of the children didn’t have a lunch bucket; so, she offered him a quarter to get something to eat — he refused. His name was Walter Cunningham— Cunninghams don’t accept what they can’t pay back. However, Ms.Caroline didn’t take the memo and urged Walter to take the coin— again he refused. That’s when the whole class looked at Scout. Soon after, She got the hint and stood up from her seat and explained to her that he was a Cunningham — Ms. Caroline still didn’t understand. Consequently, Ms. Caroline became furious and punished Scout in front of the class— for embarrassing her. Later that day, at lunch recess, Scout was in the middle of beating up Walter, when Jem stopped the fight between them. This infers that Scout is in level one stage …show more content…
When Scout and Jem were rushing to Calpurnia's— their house maid— church, Calpernia dressed Scout in a “petticoat and she wrapped a pink sash tightly around (118)” her waist. She also went over her shoe — patent leather— “until she saw her face in its reflection (118).” Scout commonly doesn't akin to wear clothing such as a dress and shiny shoes; however, she feels inclined towards the social norms— she is a ‘lady after all’ and she should ‘show it.’ She isn’t the stereotypical ideal girl they aspire her to be; nevertheless, she chose to undertake it because it’s a social norm — she let it happened. This could be the point that Scout obtains to level two — stage three.
As time went by, when the trial —of Tom Robinson— was happening, Dill went outside of the courthouse because he couldn’t take the way were treating Tom — a black man being accused of rape— in this trial. Scout told “Dill, that’s his job. Why, if we didn’t have persecutors—well, we couldn’t have defense attorneys,... (199).” She believed that it the way of the law but she couldn’t understand like Dill could. Believing that, it being a court trial, it’s alright to call Tom a boy: to also call Tom other names. This suggests that Scout is at level two — stage