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78 Cards in this Set

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Clinical research

A branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness, abnormal behavior and psychiatric problems

Applied research

A scientific study and research that seeks to solve practical problems. Used to find solutions to everyday problems, cure illness and develop innovative technologies

Evolutionary theory

The application of the principles of evolution to explain psychological processes and phenomena.


Survival of the fittest

Biological theory

Emphasizes studying the physical bases of human and animal behavior. including the nervous system, endocrine system, immune system and genetics


Reasons for illness=biological/physical

Medication as remedy

Psychoanalytical theory

The role of the unconscious
Inner conflicts--> sexual and aggressive
Our personality set in stone from age of 5
Ruled by our drives
Psychosexual stages


Focus on whats objective and measurable, such as behavior
Our behavior and thinking is a direct cause to the events occuring
Change behavior--> Change feeling
Learn through association with repeat (Pavlov)

Cognitive theory

Thinking, learning, memorizing
How you perceive something in a therapeutic setting
Focus on how you perceive something--> your perception of an event will affect how theyre influenced by the event

Social learning theory


we observe our social environment then imitate= either rewarded or punished which affects our future behavior and thinking


People have all the power needed to change, withing themselves

Therapists job is to create a warm and nurturing environment for the client
Client is the key part in the solution

Divisions of psych: Clinical

Studies causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of different types of behavioral and emotional disorders such as anxiety, major depressive disorder, eating disorders.
Clinical psychologists have extensive training in evaluating and diagnosing psychological disorders, psychotherapy techniques and psychological testing

Divisions of psych: Developmental

Studies the physical, social and psychological changes that occur at different ages and stages of the lifespan, from conception to old age

Divisions of psych: Cognitive

Investigates mental processes, including reasoning and thinking, problem solving, memory, perception, mental imagery and language

Divisions of psych: Experimental

is the term traditionally used to describe research focused on such basic topics as sensory and perceptual processes, and principles of learning, emotion and motivation.

Divisions of psych: Cross cultural

Behavior across/between different cultures is used as a foundation for locating the errors and sources of our own problems

Scientific method hypothesis theory

1. formulate a hypothesis
2. Design the study and collect the data
3. Analyze the data and draw conclusions
4. Report the findings


A factor that can vary or change in ways that can be observed measured and verified

Operational definition

A precis description of how the variables in a study will be manipulated or measured


A branch of mathematics used by researchers to organize, summarize and interpret data

Statistically significant

A mathematical indication that research results are not very likely to have happened by chance

Quantitative data



-Closed ended


-Numerical form

-Easy to interpret

-Easy to use
-Black and white (surveys and polls)

Qualitative data


-No numerical form


-Questions such as "any comments" (written text etc)
-Open ended

Quantitative data vs Qualitative data

Easier to compare quantitative data. no real way to accurately compare qualitative data


A statistical technique that involves combining and analyzing the results of many research studies on a specific topic in order to identify overall trends


A tentative explanation that tries to integrate and account for the relationship of various findings and observations

Descriptive research methods

Scientific procedures involve systematically observing behavior in order to describe the relationship among behaviors and events

Case study

An intensive study of a single person or a small group of individuals

Cannot be used to identify the cause of the behavior

Naturalistic observation

the systematic observation and recording of behaviors as they occur in their natural setting


Subjects read a list of written Q's and check off specific answers. Quick easy and fast


is a research method used to demonstrate cause-and-effect relationship between one variable and changes in another

Cause and effect

noting a relationship between actions or events such as one or more are the result of the other or others

Independent variable

the purposely manipulated variable thought to produce change in an experiment

dependent variable

the factor that is measured and observed for change in an experiment; thought to be influence by the independent variable

Experimental group

in an experiment, this is the group of participants who are exposed to all experimental conditions, including the independent variable

Control group

the control group is composed of participants who do not receive the experimental conditions, including the independent variable

Confounding variables

a factor or a variable other than the ones being studied that if not controlled could affect the outcome of the experiment

Random sample

a subset of individuals that are randomly selected from a popultion.

Random assignment

the process of assigning participants in either the control group or experimental group randomly

Longitudinal studies

same age group measured t different times in their lives.

Cross sectional studies

different age groups measured at one time. People born in the 60's, 70's etc

Cohort effects

group of people that you move with in your development. the effects of being born at the same time, exposed to the same events in society, and influenced by the same demographic trends and thus having similar experiences that make the group unique form other groups

Positive correlation

Two variables moving the same way

Negative correlation

Two variable moving opposite directions

Descriptive statistics central tendency

is an index of the central location within a distribution of scores


the most frequently occuring score in a set of scores


the point is a distribution of scores that divides the distribution exactly in half


the average of all scores, arrived by adding scores together and dividing by the total amount of scores

Measures of variability

statistics that describe the amount of difference and spread in a data set. These measures include variance, standard deviation, and standard error of the mean. if the numbers corresponding to these statistics are high it means that the scores or values in our data set are widely spread out and not tightly centered around the mean


measure of variance. Subtract the lowest score form the highest score and then adding 1.

Standard deviation

how much do you deviate from the mean?

Normal distribution

describe how traits are described through a population. often referred to as "bell curves". it tracks rare occurances of a trait on both the high and low ends of the curve with the majority of occurances appearing in the middle section of the curve. The most commonly known example comes form IQ tests with the majority of the population scoring within the normal or middle range of intelligence

Correlation coeffecient

a numerical indication of the magnitude and direction of the relationship between two variables. -1 to +1. Number=strength!

Inferential statistics

statistical analysis of two or more sets of numerical data to determine sttistical significance of results in research. indicates how confident one can be in drawin conclusions or inferences about a population based on findings obtained form a sample

Statistically significant

P VALUE! Probability of some result from a statistical test occuring by chance


Cell body, dendrites and axon. Highly specialized cell that communicates information in electrical and chemical form

Glial cells

Support around the neuron, provide insulation to prevent from interference from other electrochemical signals. Provide nutrients and remove rubbish from the cell. Release chemicals that influence a neurons growth and function.


receives incoming signals from axons of other neurons.

Cell body

Contains the nucleus. The soma. Processes nutrients and provides energy for the neuron to function


carries signals away from the soma. Carries a neurons message to other body areas

Terminal button

located at the branching end of the axon that hold vesicles that contain neurotransmitters

Myelin sheet

protects the info/electroimpulses going through the axon

Resting potential

state in which a neuron is prepared to activate and communicate its message if it receives sufficient stimulation

Action potential

a brief electrical impulse by which information is transmitted along the axon of a neuron


the point of communication between two neurons

Synaptic gap

the tiny space between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrites of another


Chemical messengers released at axon bulb or terminal. Dozens of different chemicals made by neurons and then used for communication between neurons during the performance of mental or physical activities



Muscle actions, memory

Alzheimers disease--> lower levels of this
nicotine increases levels


Anxiety: lower gaba levels

Relax, lower inhibition: increase in GABA


Stress and mania: increased levels
Depression: Lower levels

Regulates sleep states in conjunction with acelthylcholine


regulation of sleep, mood, attention, learning
Depression=Lower levels

Prozac= increase levels


Natural opates. Mediate feelings of pleasure and pain


the part of a nerve that receives and reads chemical signals (neurotransmitters) from other nerves to transmit the electrical signals that transfer info through the brain and nervous system. Happens in the synapse!!

Peripheral nervous system

division of the NS that includes all the nerves lying outside the central nervous sytem

Somatic division

responds to your external environment and consists of nerves connected to sensory receptors and skeletal muscle. It permits voluntary action.

Autonomic division

permits involuntary functioning of blood, organs, glands. response to my INTERNAL environment

Afferent (sensory) nerves

Carry nerve impulses FROM receptors or sense organs toward the central nervous system

Somatic nervous system


communicates sensory information to the central nervous system and carries motor messages from the CNS to the muscles

Efferent (motor) nerves

carry nerve impulses away from the CNS to effectors such as muscles or glands

Autonomic nervous system

regulates involuntary functions