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43 Cards in this Set

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what are the technical and attitudinal requisites most important for PR success?
page 14
how does PR differ from advertising?
Advertising is paid for and created with a specific message. PR is not. Also, 3rd party credibility
what is the significance of the planning aspect in PR?
PR professionals always engage in a planned process to influence the attitudes/actions of their targets
how to professional public relation people regard the aspect of "spin" as a part of what they do?
professionals are aware that "spin" occurs but they know it is unethical. they have to remember to never life because it will ruin their credibility. Theyre sensitive to and considerate of how their actions/words influence the public
how prominent is PR in the world in the 21st century?
the field has grown immeasurably both in numbers and respect in the 21st century. It is clearly a growth industry
how would you define the practice of PR?
the process in which publics are influenced and is an essential management function to help establish and maintain lines of communications
what is the most important element in the RACE process?
what are 7 functions of PR?
-marketing communcation
-media relations
what is the status of the internet an world wide web in PR today?
it has evolved into an indispensable marketing tool for organizations and is a way to communication more easily with publics. mastering and monitoring the internet have become a priority for PR professionals
how has the internet impacted journalism? commerce? internal communications?
journalists have embraced the internet as their primary source for research and reporting. most of them today are online and prefer email as their primary source of public relations correspondence.
how has email changed the way people and organizations communicate?
email can be personal, buisness, informative, subscription-based, or spam. it has become a pervasive internal communications vehicle. in buisness, it tends to produce a more honest and immediate feedback than traditionally had been the case. Its quick and almost effortless
how has texting changed the way people look at email?
texting is an easy way to send a text message directly to the person. it is the most widely used mobile data service.
what are the characteristics that make up an effective email newsletter?
-no more than one page
-link content
-regular dissemination
how have blogs influenced public relations ?
blogs are important for PR professionals in that it reflects the need for respected, third-party "endorsers" or products of services. PR professionals must monitor, identify, and build relationships with these influential bloggers.
what is the significance of twitter relative to PR?
PR professionals can use twitter to get the inside track on story ideas, much like journalists do
what is a podcast? a wiki? second life?
a podcast is the act of making audio programs available for download on any MP3 player. a wiki is a collaborative web site that combines the work of many authors. second life is a popular online universe in which a 3-d world is created entirely by its members.
what is the difference between an intranet and an extranet?
intranets are a pervasive internal communications phenomenon. it integrates communications with workflow, process management, infrastructure, and all other aspects of completing a job. Extranets allow a company to use the internet to communicate information to finely segmented external groups, such as the media, investors, vendors, key customers, etc.
what societal factors have influenced the spread of public relations?
-growth and big institutions
-heightened public awareness and media sophistication
-increasing incidence of societal change, conflict, and confrontation
-globalization and the growing power of global media, public opinion, and democratic capitalism
-dominance of the internet and growth of social media
why do PR professionals think of the PT Barnum as a mixed blessing?
he created techniques that are still used today. but people looked at them as unethical. He fooled the public
what did the robber barons and muckrackers have to do with the development on public relations?
page 29
why are Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays considered the two fathers of PR?
Lee was among the first to counsel his clients that "positive public relations starts with action, with performance" and that positive publicity must follow positive performance. Bernays was a giant in the field for nearly the entire century. He was a true PR scholar. He transformed the practice from a purely journalistic-based approach to one underpinned by psychology, sociology, and social-psych.
what was the significance of Aurthur Page to the development of corporate PR?
Page became AT&T's first Pr vice president. He was a legendary PR figure, helping to maintain the companies reputation as a prudent and proper corporate citizen.
what are some of the yardsticks that indicated that PR had "arrived" in the latter part of the 20th century?
in the 90's, corporations came to realize that their reputations are a valuable asset to be protected, conserved, defended, nurtured and enhanced at all times.
what are some of the issues that confront public relations in the 21st century?
page 36
what is the relationship between public relations an public opinion?
most public relations programs are designed to: 1. persuade people to change their opinion on an issue, product, or organization. 2. crystallize uninformed or undeveloped opinions 3. reinforce exisiting opinions
what are the attitudes, and on what characteristics are they based?
attitudes- evalutations people make about specific problems or issues. Based on 7 characteristics:
1. personal 2. cultural 3.eduational 4. familial 5.religion 6. social class 7. race
how are attitudes influenced?
maslow hierarchy of needs
what is the maslow hierarchy of needs?
it is a 5 tier hierarchy that helps define the origins of motivation, which in turn helps explain attitude change
what is the theory of cognitive dissonance?
when individuals tend to avoid information that is constant with, or in support of their own attitudes
how difficult is it to change a persons behavior?
relatively hard
what are several key public opinion laws, according to cantril?
1. opinion is highly sensitive to important events
2. opinion is generally determined more by events than by words
3. once self-interest is involved, opinions are harder to changed
what kind of evidence persuade people?
1. facts
2. emotions
3. personalizing
4. appealing to "you"
what are the elements involved in managing a reputation?
page 73
what is the foremost technical skill of PR professionals?
what are several of the writing fundamentals that one must consider?
1. the idea must precede the expression 2. dont be afraid of the draft 3. simplify, clarify 4. writing must be aimed at a particular audience
what is the essence of the Flesch method of writing?
he believed that if people wrote the way they spoke, they would become better writers
what are the cornerstone corporate writing fundamentals advocated by Jim Ylisela?
1. be specific 2. use more words 3. find better verbs 4. persue the active voice 5. omit needless words 6. embrace simplicity an clarity 7. tell a good story 8. find interesting voices 9. take chances 10. rewrite
what is the inverted pyramid, and why does it work?
the first tier is the lead of the story and include the most important facts. from there, paragraphs are written in descending order of importance
what is the essential written communications vehicle used by PR professionals?
the news release
what are common purposes of news releases?
-lets people know what an organization is doing in a clear way
-influences a publication to write favorably about the material discussed
should a news release writer try to work his or her own editiorial opinion into the release?
what are the key writing releases for the internet?
page 318
why shouldnt public relations writers include attachments on email releases?
journalists wish neither to face the risk of a virus nor take the time to download. do a URL link instead