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20 Cards in this Set

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What does the renin angiotensin system regulate

Blood pressure and water balance

What results in the secretion of renin and production of angiotensin II

Increased renal sympathetic nerve activity, decreased BP, decreased glomerular filtration

What causes increased Na and water resorption into the bloody

Increased BP and secretion if aldosterone

What does it mean if your suffering from high bp and not get treated

Thr body will try to regulate with the heart to compensate, hypertrophy of the cells of the heart eill get bigger to pump more efficiently.

Hypertrophic remodelling of the heart until it becomes decompensated and the cells will bail leading to heart failure

What is angiotensin II

A potent vasoconstrictor, increases bp

How does angiotensinogen get to angiotensin II

Renin cleaves angiotensinogen and produces angiotensin I. Angiotensin I acts as a substrate for ACE anD cleaves it to produce angiotensin II

What does angiotensin I-7 have

Opposite effects of angiotensin II- acts as a potent vasodilator

What produces the I-7 component of angiotensin I-7?


What is renin produced in and what is it controlled by

renin produced in the kindey

Release if renin is controlled by blood pressure, sodium levels, water levels and symptathetic input

Whats the two different types of renin

Tissue renin

Circulating renin

What is circulating renin

Produced by juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney

Release controlled by blood pressure, na and sympathetic nerves

What is tissue renin

Components if the RAS found in the heart, blood vessels and cardiovascular centres

Components produced locally or captured from circulation

What is release of aldosterone important in

In regulating bp as it enhances sodium resorption in the body and ultimately increase retention of sodium, water and increase bp

How do we get regulationnir renin from the kidney

Epithelial like cells in the kidney, if we stimulate with sympathetic neuronal input, renal perfusion oressure and low NaCL, these cells will pick up wnd measure the level of NaCl going through the kidney. Low renal perfusion gets a release of prostaglandins which activate kidney to allow release of renin

What are all the actions of angiotensin II

Vasoconstriction, stimulation of aldosterone sectetion, direct effect on kidney to cause Na and water retention(this leads to raised blood vol and bp) feedback inhibition of renin secretion, increase in sympathetic nerve activity, stimulates secretion of ADH which will also lead to increased bp

What other things can angiotensin II increase

Increases intracellular calcium

Increases pro inflammatory factors like nfkb

Increase oxidative stress

AT1 receptor AngII > AngIII when is receptor activated

During vasoconstriction and cardiac hypertrophy

What is coupled to AT1 receptor and what does it cause

Coupled to phospholipase C- increase in IP3 formation

Coupled to adenyl cyclase

Coupled to MAP kinase pathway leading to increased production of growth factors and increased production of ECM proteins

What does stimulation of AT2 receptors evoke

Opposite to those produced by stumulation of AT1 receptors


Anti proliferative effects

Anti thrombotic effects

Angiotensin converting enzyme substrates

Angiotensin I

Brady kinin


Substance P