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31 Cards in this Set

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What are the functions of the kidney

Regulation of H2o and inorganic ion balance. Removal of metabolic waste products from blood and excretion in urine, removal of foreign chemicals in the blood and excretion in urine, gluconeogenesis and endocrine functions i

What happens in kindey disease

Build up of waste serious but not as bad as ECF volume and composition disturbances

Where do adrenal glands sit

On top of the kidney

What are adrenal glands responsible for

Secretion of a number of important hormones

What is each adrenal gland composed of

Two endocrine components: a medulla(inner part) that constitutes 20% of the gland and cortex (outer part) that constitutes the remaining 80%

Whats the different parts of cortex

Zona glomerulosa

Zona fasciculata

Zona reticularis

Whats in the zona glomerulosa


Na, K and water homeostasis

What happens in zona fasciculata


Glucose homeostasis and many others

Whats in zona reticularis

Sex steroids (androgens)

Whats in the medulla

Adrenaline and noradrenaline

How do kidneys process plasma portion of the blood

By removing substances from it and in a few cases by adding substances to it

What does the renal system work with

Cardiovascular system in an integrated manner

How does the bowmans capsule work

Glomerulus filtrate drains into bowmans space and then into proximal convoluted tubule

Endothelium has pores to allow small molecules through

Podicytes have - charge this and the basement membrane stops proteins getting through into tubular fluid

How does macula densa sense GFR

By na

what does JGA (juxtaglomerular apparatus) regulate

Renal blood flow, GFR And also indirectly modulates Na balance and systemic BP

Whats the functional unit of the kidney


Each nephron consists of two functional components, what are they

The tubular component (contains what will eventually become urine)

The vascular component (blood supply)

Each nephron consists of two functional components, what are they

The tubular component (contains what will eventually become urine)

The vascular component (blood supply)

The mechanisms by which kidneys perform their functions depends upon what

The relationship between the nephrons two functional components

Three basic renal processes

Glomerular filtration

Tubular reabsorption

Tubular secretion

What is gfr controlled by

Diameters of afferent and efferent arterioles

What things also have effect on GFR


What does autoregulation do

Maintains blood supply and so maintains GFR

Also prevents high pressure surges damaging kidneys

High hydrostatic pressure at glomerular capillaries is due to what

Short wide afferent arteriole (low R flow)and low narrow efferent arteriole( high R)

What does increase gfr do to the afferent and efferent arterioles at the glomerulus

Afferent arteriole dilates and efferent arteriole constricts

Dilates due to prostaglandins, kinins, dopamine

Constricts due to angiotensin II

Low gfr on afferent and efferent arterioles

Afferent arteriole constriction and efferent arteriole dilation

Constriction by angII, noradrenaline and endothelin

Dilation by ang II Blockade

How does the kidney deal with a reduction in renal pressure

Intrarenal redistribution of pressure and increases absorption of salt and water

How dies the kidney deal with decreased pressure in renal arterioles and sympathetic activity

Renin production and angiotensin II production

What does angiotensin II Do to the kidneys

Causes direct constriction of renal arterioles

Stimulation of aldosterone synthesis- sodium absorption and increase in intravascular blood volume

Rass is important where

Blood pressure

When us RASS Activated

In response to reduced blood flow