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20 Cards in this Set

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What are some ACE inhibitors

Captopril, Enalapril, Lisinopril, Fosinopril,Ramipril

What do ace inhibitors do

Inhibit formation if angiotensin II by preventing conversion of angiotensin Iwhat

What are the consequences of ACE inhibition

Fall in circulating angiotensin II

reduced aldosterone secretion

Whats another consequence of using an ACE inhibitor

Renin increase as more angiotensin I production to angiotensin I-7 which has vasodilatory effeftd on MAS refeptor having a vasodilatory effect

Bradykinin isnt being broken down by afe so increased cough

How are ACE inhibitors used in hypertension

Decrease bp by reducing pvr(peripheral vascular resistance)

Inhibiton of bradykinin breakdown may play a role due to its vasodilatory properties

Increased formation of angiotensin I-7 which apposes actions of all

What else does local inhibion of ace do for hypertension

May directly prevent development of hypertrophy due to AngII Effects on cell function/growth

Inc formation of angiotensin I-7 has hypotensive actions

What are some adverse effects of ACE inhibitors


Renal failure in certain patients


What are some other adverse effects of ace inhibitors


Adverse effects on feotus

What is the adverse effect angio odema

Swelling of dermis/sub cutaneous tissue

Thought to be mediated by brady kinin and substance p (potent vasodilators causing vascular permeability and fluid leakage

Can effects can ace inhibitors have for adverse effects on fetus

Renal failure, rejal dysplasia, hypotension, pulmonary hypoplasia, oligohydramnios

Angiotensin receptor blocking drugs





What are the effects or at1 receptor antagonists

Similar to ACE inhinitors but;

Do not decrease angiotensin II LEVELS

dont cause cough

Dint know if they are as effective and safe as ACE inhibitors

What are renin inhibitors and whats the types

More specific inhibitors of RAS than ACE inhibitors

First generation and second generatiok

Whats the first generation of Renin inhibitors

Poor bioavailability due to peptide structure

Whats the second generation of renin inhibitors

Are non-peptides. Since 2012 aliskiren is the only renin inhibitor on the market

What are the effects of renin inhibitors

Similar pharmacology to ACE and effective in lowering Bp

Reduce angiotensin I levels, shouldnt cause cough, possible risk of combination of aliskerin and ace inhibitors/ARBs in patients with kidney impairment- remains to be established if they are as arfficive and safe as ACE inhibitors

ACE inhibitors and ARBs are used in what

Heart failure- improve exercise tolerance and reduce mortality



What fo caucasians get for hypertension

ACE inhibitors OR ARBS if these are not tolerated then a beta blocker

What do afro-caribbeans get for hypertension

Use Ca channel blockers as they dont respond well to ACE inhibitors they have diff renin levels

What do patients get for heart failure

ACE inhibitor and beta blocker plus diuretic