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50 Cards in this Set

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What 4 structures make up the periodontium?

gingiva, cementum, PDL, alveolar bone

Gingiva can be divided into what 4 categories?

free, sulcular, interdental, attached

Define periodontium

functional system of tissues that surrounds teeth and attaches them to the bone

what types of tissue make up the gingiva?

a thin layer of epithelium and an underlying core of connective tissue

what is the function of the gingiva?

holds tissue against teeth during mastication

The attached gingiva is surrounded by what 2 boundaries?

free gingival groove and mucogingival junction

What does the free gingival groove seperate?

free and attached gingiva

What type of gingiva surrounds the tooth like a turtle neck?

free gingiva

Which type of gingiva is pulled away with the perio probe?

free gingiva

Which tissue is located between the free gingiva and the alveolar mucosa?

attached gingiva

Where is the attached gingiva widest?

incisor and molar regions

Where is the attached gingiva narrowest?

premolar regions

Why is lingual attached gingiva of upper anteriors not measured?

because it is continuous with the palatal mucosa

What causes stippling of attached gingiva?

connective tissue fibers that attach gingival tissue to the cementum and bone (rete pegs)

What is the function of the attached gingiva?

prevents free gingiva fro being pulled away from tooth when tension is applied to alveolar mucosa, allows gingival tissue to withstand mechanical forces

Define col

valley-like depression in the interdntal gingiva that lies directly apical the the contact area

In health, how deep is a gingival sulcus?

1-3 mm

what forms the base of the sulcus?

junctional epithelium

What makes cementum different from bone?

cementum is more resistant to resportion

What characteristics of bone and cementum allow ortho to be possible?

high cementum resistance to resorption and low alveolar bone resistance to resportion

Does cementum have its own blood or nutrient supply?

no, cementum gets nutrients from the PDL

What are the functions of root cementum?

Acnhors the PDL to the tooth

Protects dentin

seals dentinal tubules

Forms on the apical area to compensate for occlusal wear

Define PDL

soft CT that covers the root of the tooth and attaches it to the bone of the tooth socket

How does PDL grow?

from each anchor point (Sharpeys fibers) and connects in the center. One end from cementum on from alveolar process

Describe the support function of the PDL

suspends and maintains the tooth in the socket

Describe the sensory function of the PDL

provides pressure and pain sensory info to tooth

Describe the nutritive function of the PDL

provides nutrients to cementum and bone

Describe the formative function of the PDL

builds and maintians the cementum and alveolar bone of the tooth socket

Describe the resorptive function of the PDL

remodels the alveolar bone in response to pressure

Existence of the alveolar process is depentent on the presence of teeth because....

if extracted, alveolar bone resorbs

if no teeth develop, no alveolar bone develops

What are the layers of alveolar bone?

Alveolar bone proper (cribiform plate)

cortical bone

cancellous bone


Which bone are the ends of the PDL fibers embedded?

alveolar bone proper (cribiform plate)

What surrounds the alveolar bone proper and gives support to the socket?

cortical bone

cancellous bone also provides support

Does cortical bone show up on radiographs?

no, but cancellous bone does

What is between the alveolar bone proper and the cortical bone?

cancellous bone

this also provides support for the a.b.p

Overview of V2

sensory to skin, face, head, teeth, oral and nasal cavities

Overview of V3

motor function for chewing

Which nerves innervate the maxillary gingiva?

ASA, MSA, PSA, infraorbital, greater palatine, nasopalatine

Which nerves innervate the mandibular gingiva?

mental, buccal, sublingual branch of the lingual nerve

Which nerves innervate the teeth and PDL of maxillary?


which nerves innervate the teeth and PDL of mandible?


What vessels provide blood supply to the maxillary gingiva, PDL, and alveolar bone?

ASA, PSA, IA, greater palatine arteries

What vessels provide blood supply to the mandibular gingiva, PDL, and alveolar bone?

Branches of IA artety, buccal, facial, mental, sublingual arteries

What major artery provides blood supply to the teeth and periodontal tissues of the maxilla?

superior alveolar arteries

What major artery provides blood supply to the teeth and periodontal tissues of the mandible?

IA arteries

Which nodes drain most perio tissue?

submandibular nodes

which nodes drain palatal gingiva of the max?

deep cervical nodes

which nodes drain the gingiva and region around mand incisors?

submental nodes

which nodes drain the 3rd molar region?

jululodigastric nodes

which artery enters the tooth socket?

intraseptal artery