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42 Cards in this Set

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Spina Bifida?

Congenital defect of the spinal/neural tube in which there is an incomplete closure of the spinal column due to one or more missing vertebrae arches.

Spina Bifida occurs during?

First trimester (4th week of embryonic life)

Risk Factors for Spina Bifida

1. Deficiency in folic acid/folate of the mother during pregnancy

2. Genetics/Hereditary

3. Age: High Risk (18-35)

4. Maternal infections (Rubella, Measles...)

5. Medications (Valproic Acid, Dilantin, etc.)

Folate/Folic Acid is what vitamin?




Types of Spina Bifida?

1. SB Occulta

2. SB Cystica

Assessments for SB Occulta?

1. Hidden missing bone

2. (-) sac, (-) problem, (-) surgery

3. Skin dimpling, redness

4. Tufts of hair

5. No paralysis, no contractures/deformities

6. Normal bowel and bladder function

Assessments for SB Cystica?

1. (+) Sac

2. Flaccid paralysis (lower extremities)

3. Altered bowel and bladder function/ aka Neurogenic incontinent

4. (+) Contraction and deformities

Types of SB Cystica

1. Meningocele

2. Myelomeningocele/ Meningomyelocele

Myelomeningocele aka?


Difference between Meningocele and Myelomeningocele?

Contents/ Laman

Meningocele contains?

1. CSF

2. Meninges

Myelomeningocele contains?

1. CSF

2. Meninges

3. Spinal Cord

4. Nerve Roots

Diagnosis for SB Cystica?

1. Amniocentesis

2. UTZ

3. Transillumination/ Penlight Test

Amniocentesis (SB Bifida)?

To determine AFP

AFP is done when?

16-18 AOG

Increase AFP means?

Neural Tube Defect

Decrease in AFP means?

Down Syndrome

Ultrasound (SB Cystica)?

To visualize abnormalities

Transillumination is aka?

Penlight Test

Transillumination; Meningocele?


Transillumination; Myelomeningocele


More severe. Meningocele or Myelomeningocele?


Neural Tube will become?


Goal of management for SB Cystica?

Promote the integrity of the SAC

Complications when sac rupture

Short-term: Meningitis

Long-term: Hydrocephalus (most common)

Equipment at bedside for SB Cystica

1. Paper tape measure

2. Bottle of NSS/ sterile gauze

Only management for SB Cystica? And why.

Surgery as SB Cystica is CONGENITAL!

Surgery si done in SB Cystica to?

Prevent complication (repair of the sac, surgical closure of the protruding sac)

Nursing Interventions for SB Cystica

1. Promote sac care.

2. Provide meticulous care.

3. Position: prone or side-lying

4. Check for early signs if infection

Keep the sac moist. How? (SB Cystica)

Apply sterile, non- adherent, moist gauze

Change dressings 2-4 hours

Provide meticulous care. How? (SB Cystica)

Prevent urine and stool contamination

No diaper until repaired and healed

Position for SB Cystica?

Prone - but monitor SIDS

Side-lying unless contraindicated such as hip dysplasia

Report halo sign for SB Cystica. Why?

STAT surgery


Enlarged ventricles

Excess of CSF in the ventricles of the subarachnoid space

Type of hydrocephalus

1. Communicating

2. Non-communicating

Communicating is?

Impaired absorption

Non-communicating is?


More common type of Hydrocephalus?


Risk factors for hydrocephalus

1. Congenital Condition (ex. Spina Bifida)

2. Meningitis/Encephalitis

3. Tumor

4. Meningocele

5. Arnold-Chiari Disorder

6. Dandy-Walker Syndrome

Causes of excess CSF

1. Overproduction of fluid by chroroids plexus in 1st and 2nd ventricle

2. Obstruction of the fluid in narrow aqueduct of sylvius

3. Interference with the absorption of CSF from the subarachnoid space

Most common cause of excess CSF in Hydrocephalus
