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87 Cards in this Set

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Complicated process by which food is broken down nutrients released, prepared food for body use


What two actions does digestion occur

Chemical and muscular

What protects the stomach lining from acid


Semiliquid after mixing bolus


Food is brown into smaller particles by biting and chewing


Regurgitation occurs and damaged the tissue of the esophagus


What stimulates the release of gastric secretions

Nerve and hormonal

What gastric secretion is produced in response to the visual and chemical senses, the presence of food in the gi tract and emotion distress


What hormone is released for gastric secretions

Gastrin stimulates hcl

What does bile do

Emulsifies fat

What foods do lactose intolerant avoid

Swiss cheese

Cheddar cheese American cheese, cottage cheese, regular milk, white sauce, yogurt, ice cream, powdered milk

What are live mircoogranisms that results in a health benefit to the host when administrated in adequate amount


How do probiotics work

Acidify and preserve foods such as cultured milk and yogurt, cheese, distilled mash, pickled cabbages and temps.

What is the major function of glucose

Immediate energy source for all body cells

Promotes lipid synthesis and storage, whereas glucagon has the opposite effect of breaking down lipid stores to release fatty acids


Stimulates release of free fatty acids and Lower blood cholesterol levels


Which sugar is the sweetest


What type of food is glucose in

Fruit juices, can sugar, corn syrup

Where is fructose found

Fruits and honey, soft drinks, baked products, dessert mixes

What is converted to glucose in the liver and intestine to serve as body fuel


What is sucrose

Table sugar

Where is sucrose found

Sugar cane, beets, molasses, fruits, veggies, peaches, carrots

What sugar occurs naturally in few foods and formed in the body as an intermediate product in starch digestion


Where is maltose found

Malt products and germinating cereal grains

What hormone lowers blood sugar


Where is glucagon stored

Liver and muscle

Where is the sublingual glands found

Under the tongue

What does glucagon do

Increase bs

Sum all the various biochemical and physiologic process by which the body grows and maintains itself, breaks down and reshapes tissue, and transform energy to do its work


What organ metabolize glucose


Amdr for carbs

45 to 65

Amdr for fat

20 to 35

Amdr for protein

10 to 35

What hormone breaks down of liver glycogen and quick release of glucose


What bacteria leads to peptic ulcers

H. Pylori

What does lipase do

Breaking fats down into fatty acids and glycerol

What enzymes are produce by the parotid gland

Lingual lipase, amylase

What do low carb diets put a burden on which organ


Why do we eat fiber?

Promotes regular bowel function, increase fecal mass, promotes growth of beneficial micro flora, binds bile acids, slow rise in blood glucose and insulin, weight management

What does fiber Lower

Ldls, blood glucose, energy density

What does cellulose of food come from

Veggies, stems, seeds, grains, bread, popcorn, banana, pears, baked bean s

What is total fiber made of

Dietary and function fiber

What is microflora considered

Dietary fiber

What carbs help main bs

Glucagon and insulin

What are highly saturated fats

Margaine, butter, beef fat

What lipoprotein slows atherosclerosis


Where does the major chemical digestion occur in lipids

Small intestine

What Is the major function of protein

Repair and build tissue

Examples of complete protein

Eggs, milk, cheese, meat, poultry, fish

Long term effects of high protein diet

Calcium balance, renal function

What is the function of vitamin A?

Vision and also Integrity of body coverings and linings, cell division, differentiation, growth, immunity, reproductive function

What deficiency is caused by vitamin A

Night blindness, xerophthalmia

What food had vitamin a

Liver, milk, cheese, butter, egg yolk, fish, ready to eat cereals, cereal bars, green veggies, fruits, dark yellow, red, orange

Function vitamin d

Ca and p absorption and bone formation

Deficiency of vitamin d

Rickets, osteomalacia, Osteoporosis,

Food with vitamin d

Eggs, fish, yeast, milk, oj

Function vitamin e

Most potent antioxdant and reduce selenium requirement

Deficiency in vitamin e

Hemolytic anemia

Vitamin e food sources

Vegetable oils, peanut butter, nuts, veggies, fruits, tomatoes, spinach, sunflower, safflower, cAnola, corn, olive

Function of vitamin k

Initiate liver synthesis for blood clotting

Vitamin k food

Dark green vegatables and liver

Deficiency of vitamin k

Slow blood clotting

Function vitamin c

Antioxidants, cell metabolism, build and maintain body tissues

Vitamin c deficiency

Easy bruising


Poor wound healing

Bleeding gums


Vitamin c food

Citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli, salad green, watermelon, cabbage, sweet potato

Deficiency vitamin b


Function vitamin b

Control energy metabolism and build tissue

Function vitamin b 12

Amino acid metabolism and formation of the heme portion of hemoglobin, form Myelin sheath

Deficiency vitamin b 12

Pernicious anemia, cognitive function, low gastric acid secretions

Food for b12

Lean meat, fish, poultry, milk, eggs, cheese

Reference values for use in planning and evaluating diets for healthy ppl


Highest amount of a nutrient that can be consumed safely with no risk

Tolerable upper intake level

Raised levels of Ketone bodies in the body tissue conditions of diabetes and low carb diet


Example of plasma protein


Function of ca

Bone formation, tooth formation, intake absorption excretion balance, bone blood balance, calcium phosphorus blood serum balance, blood clotting, nerv transmisssion, muscle contraction. And relaxation

Function of phosphorus

Build bones and teeth, absorption of glucose and glyercol, transport of fatty acids, energy metabolism

Function zinc

Immune function, dna and rna metabolism and protein synthesis

What does Fluoride do

Accumulated in the calcified tissue and protects bones and teeth from mineral loss and protect against dental caries

Function of thiamin

Control agent in energy metabolism

Deficiency of thiamin

Neuropathy, wernicke korsakoff, depressed muscular function

Food in thiamin

Pork beef organ meats

Function riboflavin

General metabolism.

Deficiency riboflavin

Cheilosis, glossitis, seborrheic dermatitis

Food riboflavin

Milk Organ meats grains

Function niacin

General metabolism

Deficiency niacin

Pellagra weakness anorexia scaly dermatitis neuritis death

Food of niacin

Mead dairy peanuts