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106 Cards in this Set

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Not much is know about the Indus River civilization because?
It desappeared before 1500 BCE and the writing is still undecipherable
In the Americas, relatively dense Neolithic settlements emerged in all the following areas EXCEPT?
The Great Plains
Mesoamerican is located in modern?
United States between California and the Mississippi River
The mountain ranges that are across the northern border of the Inian subcontinent did what?
Allowed India to develop a distinct culture
The code of ethics preached by many Jewish prophets was what?
Personal morality and social justice
Who might have said, "The great Darius has made me governor"?
A satrap
The characteristic shared by the Babylonian and the Hebrew societies was what?
The belief in one god
The largest empire was built by which peoples?
The Persians
Middle Eastern civilization was spread throughout the Mediterranean by which peoples?
The Phoenicians
Evidence that suggest the Indus Valley cities had a well-organized government is what?
Well-planned cities
Shange religious practices and beliefs DID NOT include what?
The belief in reincarnation
A significant difference between the early government of the Hittites and that of Mesopotamia was what?
According to the law, the punishment for crimes was made to fit the degree of the crime
Historians are like archeologists in that they both study how people lived by examining what?
Historians use the five themes of location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region to study how human history has been affect by what?
Paleolithic people did NOT what?
Produce their own crops and stay in one place
Evidence that Paleolithic people believed in life after death includes what?
Burying their dead with food and tools
What WAS NOT a result of the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution?
People began to migrate to find better farming land
Why is geography important to history?
It shows us that connections between people, places, and event
The order of human development, from earliest to latest, is?
Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age
One advance made by CroMagnons is the they what?
Painted pictures on cave walls
Humans developed the first calendars to help them do what?
Farm their lands
What marked the beginning of civilizations?
The development of cities
The balance of power shifted from women to men because?
Men took over the job of farming
Where did the first cities emerge?
Along river valleys
Historically, contact with other people through trade, warfare, and migrations was most important in what?
Aiding cultural diffusion
Donald Johanson and Mary Leakey are famous for their studies of the what?
Australopithecus hominids
The earliest form of writing was was?
Cunieform developed by Sumerians
The pyramids of Egypt and the ziggurats of Sumer differed in respect to how they were used since the Egyptians used them as what?
As tombs, while the Sumerians used them as temples
Sumer was made up of what?
Independent city-states
What factor was most important in holding ancient empires together?
Strong rulers
Egypt's Old Kingdom collapsed because of what?
Weak rulers and civil wars
The Fertile Cresent was frequently invaded why?
It had water and good land
The Epic of Gilgamesh is what?
A poem recounting the adventures of a Sumerian hero
Why does Egyptian art often feature people from Nubia?
Nubians were part of Egyptian culture through trade and warfare
Egyptians were mostly?
The movement of people across the Fertile Crecent resulted in what?
The exchange of ideas
India enjoyed a golden age during the Gupta dynasty why?
Because the government promoted peace and prosperity
Asoka's changes in governing policy affect the Mauryan empire how?
By bringing peace and helping to unit the empire
The Indian dynasty rulers were usually what?
Tolerant of new religions
Gupta mathematicians and scientists DID NOT what?
Make very few advances
How did Han emperors select officials to run the government?
They set up a system of civil service exams that were open to anyone
The trade route that linked China with the west became known as the what?
The Silk Road
The sequence of India's history, from early to late, is what?
The Vedic, Maurya, Gupta
Achievements of the Han dynasty do not include what?
Engineers built the Great Wall of China
All the early chinese dynasties created strong central governments except what dynasty?
The Zhou Dynasty
The dynasty that established the Mandate of Heaven was the what?
Much of what Europeans learned about China in the 1200s came from the writings of who?
Marco Polo
What society most influenced the development of other civilizations in Asia?
What was NOT true of China during the Song Dynasty?
Poverty was nearly eliminated
One element of Japanese culture that did NOT grow out of Chinese infuences was what?
What society in Asia was most influenced by Indian culture?
Buddhism was introduced to Japan by who?
Korean monks
Kublai Khan adopted many Chinese practices but?
Mongols were forbidden to marry Chinese
What was the Pax Mongolia?
The period when the Mongol Empire established peace and stability across Asia
During the Heian period...
Court life was far removed from the lives of Japan's common people
How did geography shat the development of Japan?
Surrounded by water, the Japanese turned to the sea for food and transportation.
Under Song rule, civil cervice exams...
Became more open to ordinary people
What was not an achievement of the Ming dynasty?
Created simplified form of writing so more people could learn to read and write
During the Tang and Song dynasties, China changed in ways except?
From frequent threats of invasion to long prosperous and peaceful period
The "golden age" of Chinese civilization developed during which two dynasties?
Tang and Song
The text suggests that Korea and Vietnam had a stronger Chinese imprint than Japan why?
Korea and Vietnam were closer to China for longer periods of time
What was not a major turning point in Japanese history?
The arrival of Islam in the ninth centure C.E.
Traditionally, Japanese emperors were viewed as what?
Lineal descendants of the sun goddess
Nara and Heian Japan refers to an age in which Japan what?
Made contact with China and adopted Chinese culture
Samurai warriors were recruited from who?
The local nobility
The late twelfth century marked a turning point in Japanese history in ways except?
Buddhism was replaced by Shinotism as the official religion of the samurai
The correct chronological order for the different periods in Japan history is:
Nara/Heian, Taira, Kamakura, Ashikaga
The criterion of feaudalism that did not appear in Japan until the late fifteenth century was?
Fiefs in return for military service
What is the correct chronological order of the Chinese dynasties?
Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan
Before the sixth century C.E., the Chinese maintained imperial unity while the Europeans did not, for reason EXCEPT...
Military ability and courage was more highly regarded in China
The Chinese consider Song culture to be what?
The epitome of Chinese traditional culture
What is not true about modifications of Chinese influences in Japan and Korea?
Both Korea and Japan accepted the civil service system in modified forms
India enjoyed a golden age during the Gupta dynasty why?
The government promoted peace and prosperity
According to Hinduism, what is the ultimate goal of existence?
To achieve union with Brahman
Hindus believe in practicing nonviolence because?
All people and things are aspects of Brahman and should be respected
The desire for riches is overcome according to Buddha how?
By following the Eightfold Path
Asoka's changes in governing policy affected the Mauyan empire how?
Bringing peace and helping to unite the empire
The Indian Dynasty rulers were usually what?
Tolerant of new religions
Gupta mathematicians what?
Developed the Arabic number system and the concept of zero
The caste system gave people what?
A sense of identity
Confucian ideas dealt mainly with what?
How to ensure social order
According to Legalism, the way to achieve order was to what?
Pass strict laws and enforce them with harsh punishments
Daoists believed that the best government was one that what?
Governed the least
Mahayana Buddhism spread throughout China because?
It offered the chance for anyone to achieve salvation
How did Han emperors select officials to run the government?
They set up a system of civil service exams that were open to anyone
The trade route that linked China to the west became known as the what?
The Silk Road
Ancient Indian civilization produced inoculation, plastic surgery, and Arabic numbers but now what?
The sequence of India's history from early to late is:
Vedic, Maurya, Gupta
Caste could be changed how?
By being reborn
Achievements of the Han dynasty include the use of acupuncture, Cai Lun invented a method for making durable paper, and inventors developed the seismograph. They did not what?
LUI BANG invented acupuncture
Women in early Indian society can best be described as what?
Important sacred texts of the Hindus include the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and Vedas, but NOT what?
The Analects
All the early Chinese dynasty created strong central governments except who?
The Zhou Dynasty
The biggest problems the Huang River cause in China resulted from the river's?
Devastating floods
Shang religious practices and beliefs DID NOT include what?
A belief in reincarnation
The rise of ancient Harappan civilization was encouraged by what?
Land that was enriched and watered by the Indus River
Humbleness, thoughtfulness, and withdrawal from the world to comtemplate natura are all teaching of what?
What occurs under feudalism?
Local lords exercised great power
The Mandate of Heaven is behind what?
The dynastic cycle
Both Hindus and Buddhists believe in what?
In general, Deccan rulers reacted to new religions from the North by?
By being tolerant
Aryans divided people into classes by what?
The Mandate of Heaven is the idea behind what?
The dynastic cycle
Evidence that suggest the Indus Valley cities had a well-organized government includes?
Well-planned cities
According to the Bhagavad-Gita, an important Aryan religious belief is what?
A devotion to one's duty
The Chinese were the first to achieve what?