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93 Cards in this Set

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The nurse aide can help meet the residents' social needs during meals by ?
Helping start conversation between the residents.
Residents have weaker bladder muscles, which causes ?
This causes them to urinate more often.
A resident has a UTI. The CNA answers the call light and the resident cries "I never wet the bed before." How should the CNA respond?
"That's okay I'll offer you help to the bath room more often."
A resident complains of chest pain. How should the CNA respond?
"I will call a nurse now."
The nurse aid suspects that a staff member is abusing a resident. How should the CNA respond?
Report it to the charge nurse.
When transferring an Asian resident out of bed the nurse aid notices the resident grimaces. When asked, the resident denies pain. How should the CNA evaluate this situation.
The resident's cultural background may influence responses to pain.
A resident's son complains to the nurse aid that the clothing his mother is wearing is dirty. How should the CNA respond?
Offer to change his mother into a clean outfit.
Your resident is confused and always eats food from the other residents trays. How should the CNA respond?
Sit next to the resident at mealtime.
When you're giving a bed bath you notice a red area on the residents shoulder. How should the CNA respond?
Position the resident to avoid pressure on the shoulder. Never massage the area.

Antiemetic; Substance P/Neurokinin 1 Receptor antagonist

Prevention of acute and delayed nausea and vomiting associated with moderately- and highly-emetogenic chemotherapy (in combination with other antiemetics); prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV)
A resident falls and hits his head on the floor, the resident is alert and can talk. How should a CNA respond?
If his head is cut, you should call for help immediately.
You discover a used razor in the shower room. What do you do with the razor?
Place it in the sharps container.
Your resident says he is feeling nauseous and has pain down both arms and into his jaw and is sweating. What's happening?
The resident exhibits signs of a heart attack.
You notice coffee spilled on the floor. What should you do?
Clean up the spill.
Your resident had a stroke. He is able to talk but has difficulty pronouncing some words; you can best communicate by?
Giving the resident time to complete his sentences.
You are taking care of a patient in a coma. What should you do?
Talk to the patient while providing care.
Your resident has her fist raised to strike out.
Back away from the resident.
Your resident dresses himself and sits at the nurses station his hair is not combed.
Suggest he return to his room and comb his hair.
Gloves should be worn when coming in contact with what?
While providing postmortem care to a resident, you should....?
Treat the body with the same dignity as a living resident.
Before you weigh your resident, you need to ??
Change the residents wet incontinent brief.
You enter a resident's room and find the resident in bed with her husband. What should you do?
Apologize for interrupting and leave the room, closing the door for privacy.
During lunch you notice most of the residents are not eating a certain food. What should you do?
Report this to the charge nurse or the dietary supervisor.
You notice while giving your resident a tub bath his under shirt was left in his room; he always wants to wear his under shirt. What should you do?
Finish the bath. Dress the resident. Help with the under shirt when back in the residents room.
Your resident insists on going out side. What should you do?
Take the resident for a short walk.
Your resident's 95-year old brother died. What should you do?
Give the resident opportunities to talk about her brother.
You answer the phone at the nurses' station. The caller wants to know about her neighbor. What should you do?
Just state "I cannot give out the resident's information."
You are about to shower a resident with dementia. When the water is turned on the resident screams. What should you do?
Turn off the water and speak to the resident trying to create a calmer response.
Your resident is on a toileting schedule for bladder retaining; the resident is requesting to use the bathroom more frequently. What should you do?
Discuss the residents more frequent request with the charge nurse.
Your resident with dementia asks is it lunch yet. What do you say?
Ask "are you feeling hungry?."
Which item is stored in the top draw?
You're giving a resident a shower. You checked to make sure the temperature was safe what do you do next. What do you say?
Ask the resident to check the water temperature for comfort.
When caring for the resident with an indwelling urinary catheter, you should do what?
Clean the area around the urinary meatus 2 times a day.
Your resident has a catheter and collection bag. How do you measure it?
Drain the urine into a measuring device.
Measures to decrease incontinence include what?
Answering the residents call light promptly.
You enter your residents room you notice the resident on the floor having a seizure. What should you do?
Try to protect the resident from possible injury move anything by her while calling for help.
A resident with diabetes is asking for cake as an afternoon snack. What's your response?
I will ask the charge nurse.
Restraints should be used when?
When ordered by a doctor.
What increases the risk of skin break-down?
Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes what 3 things?
Mask, gown, gloves
Your resident offers you money for your care. How should you respond?
Give a firm but courteous refusal of the money.
When claiming your resident's dentures you should do what?
Hold the dentures over the sink filled with water while brushing and rinsing to remove food particles.
Your resident is vomiting. What's the danger and risk involved?
It is dangerous to have them lay on their back and the bed flat. They're at risk of aspiration.
Drinking fluids throughout the day helps the resident in what way?
Helps the resident have regular soft bowel movements.
You are told to encourage more fluids. What should you do?
Ask the resident what they prefer to drink, offering them throughout the day.
What is useful after feeding a resident?
A hand sanitizer.
When the charge nurse tells you your resident is dehydrated, what does that indicate?
Your resident needs more fluids.
Your resident is choking. What should you do?
Perform the Heimlich.
Which condition requires that the resident eat at regular meal times?
Diabetes Mellitus
A resident who has active tuberculosis (TB) will require what?
When dealing with stress, what can you do to relieve it?
Take deep breaths.
In some cultures people do not want to be touched in which areas?
Private areas.
In what culture is a sign of respect to look down or bow their head?
What do you do if you find a dementia patient wandering?
Redirect their behavior and calmly return them to their room.
What are the 5 stages of death?
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.
What is the last sense you lose at death?
What is the leading cause of death in nursing homes?
What are standard precautions/
Washing hands and wearing gloves.
What is the average pulse rate?
60 - 100 beats per minute.
What is the average respiration rate?
10 - 25 breaths per minute.
What should you clean on your stethoscope?
Ear pieces and lens.
If you find a resident masturbating what should you do?
Make sure they're in a private room and leave them alone.
If a resident who wears glasses complains of blurred vision. What should you do first?
Make sure the lenses are clean.
If a resident is bed-ridden, how often should you change their position?
Every two hours.
If you are in a residents room and see a fire what is the first step?
R - remove
A - Alarm
C - Contain
E - Extinguish
How many people do you need for a Hoyer lift?
Two people.
What are the signs of a diabetic?
Thirsty and hungry.
What should you do if a resident keeps removing their heel pads?
Place a pillow under the residents thighs to elevate their feet and report if to your supervising nurse.
What is a clean catch?
When collecting a urine sample, have the resident begin to urinate, then stop and wipe the area clean. Have them begin urinating once again catch and secure the sample.
What are signs of approaching death?
Breathing becomes more difficult
Circulation slows down
Urinary and bowel incontinence
Disorientation more apparent
Rise in body temperature
Excessive perspiration
When you're in a resident's home/room, how do you show respect for their belongings?
Do not move anything without permission.
4 Things you should never do.
1. Never give medication of any kind.
2. Never perform procedure that require sterile techniques.
3. Never prescribe/recommend treatments or home remedies
4. Never ignore an order/request. If you think its not within your job description, ask your supervising nurse.
Activities of Daily Living
To walk in an upright position
Brief absence of breathing
Drawing foreign material into the respiratory tract, choking
Taking temperature under the arm
Biohazard Waste
Bio = life
Hazard = dangerous
Items containing blood, body fluids or substances that may be harmful.
Certified Nursing Assistant
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Do not resuscitate
Esteem needs
Needs that must be in order to have feelings of self-worth and privacy
Ability to experience the feelings and thought of another person
False imprisonment
To restrict a person's movement
Low blood pressure measured consistently below 100/60
High blood pressure measured consistently above 140/90
Nursing Care Plan
An individualized care plan created by the nursing team to meet a residents nursing care needs.
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 1987-1990
A public official designated to investigate resident complaints
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Act of breathing oxygen into the lungs and releasing carbon dioxide from the lungs.
Rigor Mortis
The stiffening of the body after death.