In section 1 of chapter 4 and throughout a packet titled, “Ancient Religions”, I have read about multiple religions and their cultures, beliefs, and origins. Religions are separated into two categories; Monotheism and Polytheism. Monotheism is the belief …show more content…
Our system of exchanging goods relies on our economic system. Currently, there are four basic types of economic systems. Traditional economy, Command economy, Market economy, and Mixed economy. In a Traditional economy, goods and services are traded without exchanging money while in a command economy, production of goods and services is determined by a central government, which usually owns the means of production. A Market economy is an economy in which the production of goods and services is determined by the demand from the consumers while Mixed economy is a combination of command and market economies in which the goods and services are provided so that all people benefit. All of these economies rely on one thing, resources. Now, obviously, depending on where you live determines what type economy you are