Animism- Animism is the belief that objects from nature contain souls and exist apart from their bodies and that the most important principal in natural development is the nonessential spirt. The soul is the principle of life and health and having a soul allows non-living objects be conscious of life. For example, some animist religions say that inanimate objects from nature such as trees, flowers, and rocks have spirits.
Bureaucracy- A bureaucracy is a system of government where the decisions are made by state officials and not by elected representatives. Some bureaucracies become too large to function properly and as a result, become dysfunctional. Small companies are usually more efficient because they do not need large bureaucracies and therefore can adapt more quickly. City-State- A city-state is a central city containing its own government and the surrounding towns all follow the same laws. They all share languages, religious beliefs, and ways of life and have one type of government. Today, only a handful of city-states still exist. Example of some city-states include Singapore, Monaco, and Vatican City. Civilization- A civilization is a well developed and advanced state of human society where a high level of government has been reached. Civilization are formed in a densely populated areas and are focused on power by creating human control over nature and other human beings. People in the same civilization work together in government, in warfare, and also share traditions in arts, architecture, and language. An example of a large civilization was the Roman Empire. Commerce- Commerce is the exchanging of goods or services on a large scale. The goods can either be traded between different countries, called foreign commerce, or between different areas of the same country, called domestic commerce. Cultural Diffusion- Cultural diffusion is the spread of beliefs, traditions, and languages across different countries and ethnicities. There are three types of diffusion,, direct, indirect, and forced. Direct diffusion happens when two cultures are very close to each other. Indirect diffusion is when cultures ideas are spread through another culture. Forced diffusion is when one culture defeats another and the …show more content…
All qualified citizen are meant to involve themselves equally. The government sets up laws that the citizens have to follow. This term comes from the greeks which meant rule of people.
Demography- Demography is the study of the number of births, marriages, deaths, illnesses, and migration over a certain amount of time in human population. It is used all over the world in marketing and public opinion polling. Demographers focus on the reasons for immigration and emigration, why people have the amount of kids they have , and the factors leading to deaths. Understanding demography is very important for our current and future health needs.
Domestication- Domestication is the taming of living organisms at a genetic level to benefit humans. When an organism is domesticated, it loses its ability to live in the wild. Animals may be domesticated to be a pet or to be used for work. For example, horses are domesticated to work on farms and cats are domesticated to be