The Five Themes Of Geography

Improved Essays
Kaylee Kiewit
What is Geography? Why do we study it?
Mrs. Bezy/ English 9 Honors/ Period 5

Geography is “the study of the physical features of the Earth and its atmosphere” as well as the activity of humans since we greatly impact the Earth around us. Themes of geography include location, place, region, movement, and human/environment interaction. We study geography so that we can better learn about the world we live in.
The first theme of geography that I’m going to talk about is location. Everyone knows that location just describes where a place is, but if we dig a little deeper we find out that there are actually two different types of location in geography. The more specific location is absolute location, which is determined
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Location, place, region, movement, and human/ environment interaction all make up geography. Geography is technically “the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries”. This is the dictionary definition of geography, but the themes are geography are what actually make up what geography really is. The five themes cover all the subjects you would need to know about any part of geography. Geographers use geography as a way of life and it interests them to study it. They find it interesting to learn about different cultures, the different ways people live, and study the earth and how it was formed. The culture of different people can depend on their beliefs, customs, or arts. An example of this would be the food someone people eat, that could be one of many factors to determine their culture. Another example is families having Hanukkah instead of Christmas, it is part of their beliefs. Geographers study the earth not only because they find it interesting but because they want to find out more information about people and the way their lives are impacted by the environment. The environment can play a big role on how people live. People that live by the ocean may have to always be prepared for hurricanes and know what to do if one comes. And other people may have to worry about other things like earthquakes or tornadoes. Geographers study geography to also learn how different factors alter our everyday

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