Why Geography Matters More Than Ever Analysis

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In Harm de Blig’s book “Why Geography Matters More Than Ever,” he talks about how geography is more than discovery. It has a technical side when it comes to dealing with the maps and making them. It also studies humans, how they live, and their customs, not just the land they live on. In relation to the land humans live on, people live in places that can be dangerous with many different things such as, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, even animals, yet we learn to adapt to the places we live. He also goes on to say that the American population is the geographically most illiterate society of consequence on the planet. But, one of de Blig’s main questions is, “why do some cities grow while others fail?” He goes on to say that virtually all rich countries are outside the tropics, while all poor countries are inside. However, people learn to live where they are. For example, people in tropical areas still have to hunt and gather their food, some even eat tree bark from a sago tree. In places where people do not have access to technology to make digital maps, they carve grooves into clay and let the sun bake it until the clay turns into a hard tablet. Three main points from de Blig’s book are population, climate changes, and terrorism. Over the next half century, the human population will make a jump from 7 billion to 9 billion people. With this many people on Earth it will be harder for farmers to feed everyone. Also, there will be a shortage in farmland due to the growing amount of houses and buildings being built. It will be harder to produce well-paying jobs for everyone as well. An abrupt change in climate may throw the global system into chaos. Everyday we use fossil fuels to power our increasingly mechanized lives, which means a higher demand for oil, gas, coal, and other fuels we get from within the Earth's surface. When all these fuels are burned it creates enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that traps in warm air inside like a greenhouse. Temperatures will continue to rise because human-induced warming is superimposed on a naturally varying climate, the temperature rise will not be smooth across the country or even over time. The author goes …show more content…
Americans are doing their best to break down and defeat the many terrorist groups, like al-Qaeda, who has been damaged by targeted strikes that killed the key leaders in Pakistan, including Osama bin Laden. Terrorists try to attack America where there are great landmarks. For example, during the 9/11 attacks al-Qaeda didn't have the capacity to destroy the United States military so they went for symbolic targets instead. As centerpieces of the World Trade Center, the Twin Towers, symbolized globalization and America's economic power and prosperity. It is also thought that the hijacked plane, Flight 93, was headed toward the Capitol building, the center of American legislative government, before it was brought down in a field. Al-Qaeda hoped that the attacks on the major symbols would promote widespread fear into the American citizens and severely weaken the United States’ standing in the global community. By doing this, they could promote their political and religious goals in the Middle East and Muslim

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