September 9 2001 Dbq Essay

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September 9, 2001 was the day when the United States faced the greatest terrorist attack in it’s history. Four commercial airplanes were hijacked by members of a terrorist group called Al-Qaeda, two airplanes were crashed into the World Trade Center Twin Towers in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The third airplane crashed into The Pentagon located in Arlington County, Virginia. And the fourth airplane crash landed in a field in rural Pennsylvania because the passengers on board stopped the hijackers just in time before the plane hit the White House, which was its original destination. Al-Qaeda, the group responsible for the attack, caused more than 3,000 deaths of American citizens including the hijackers. Many lives were taken away in the hands of evil people, in result President Bush issued a “War of Terror”. The main goal was to destroy the terrorist group Al-Qaeda for their actions against the United States without negotiating anything. The United States did not respond appropriately instead of fighting and killing others, just like the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, the United States should have reacted by negotiating the incident which could have saved many other lives. The United States after the terrorist attack had to act quickly so the country wouldn’t suffer another attack. …show more content…
President Bush started to give demands to Al-Qaeda, “Close terrorist training camps. Hand over leaders of the Al-Qaeda network, and return all foreign nationals, including American citizens unjustly detained in our country.”(Document 4) The Taliban leaders did not listen to the United States, as of a result President Bush issued a “war of terror”. This is when President Bush made his first mistake he tried to negotiate with the Taliban leaders who didn't listen, and he immediately wanted to start war with the Taliban regime instead of compromising. The war of terror later on had negative effects; the United States successfully succeed in eliminating the leader of Al-Qaeda but the cost in doing so was so enormous it has profoundly damaged the United States economy. In addition as in document 19 it states that a new department call Homeland Security cost around $40 billion just to be up and running. It was a waste of time and money because “it creates an overlap, taking employees from 22 existing agencies such as the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Coast Guard and the Border Control.”(Document 19) In a newspaper article it mentions “that roughly 1 of every 4 dollars spent on wartime contracting was wasted or misspent.”(Document 16) To sum up, the war of terror was a bad idea because it wasted billions of dollars and ruined the American economy. The decisions that the United States affected many American citizens. Families that had lost a loved one in the 9/11 attack didn't want to oppress others by taking revenge. The Rodriguez family, who was mentioned in Document 3, had lost their son in the 9/11 attack were against of the idea of having a war of terror. Instead they wanted a rational response that brought peace and justice, not violent actions that Al-Qaeda showed because they didn't like the American way of living. People who had family members serving in the military were also affected; many men and women lost their lives serving in the armed forces because of the war of terror, thus added more lives on the death toll. Lastly, every American was affected whether they were born before or after

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