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32 Cards in this Set

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Louis Philippe

Formerly Duke of Orleans was declared the new monarch and dubbed the "citizen king"

July Revolution

1830 in Paris, where the French people disposed of their monarch King Charles X

Grand opera

Very long, lavish use of chorus and ballet and spectacular scenic effects

Giacomo Meyerbeer

Berlin-born composer of grand opera and piano virtuoso

Eugène Scribe

One of the most popular French playwrights of his time. Wrote librettos for Meyerbeer

Double escapement action

a hammer, after striking a string, falls back first to an intermediary position, from which it can then quickly re-strike the string.


A public concert where a pianist played alone

Prix de Rome

Rome Prize, 4 year living stipend and 2 years at the Villa Medici in Rome

Concert overture

1 mvmt, orchestral piece, program music for concert purposes

Programmatic symphony

a multi-movement symphonic work that paints a picture or tells a story.

Idée fixe

Recurring melody in Symphonie Fantastique that symbolizes the beloved


The recurrence of a theme in several movements of a multi-movement composition


Keyed brass instruments, replaced by tubas

Song collection

Songs grouped together that do not share musical or poetic ideas


A popular type of song in France. Simple, strophic piece


French song of complex form and great artistry of the late 19th century

George Sand

Aurore Dudevant, novelist with whom Chopin had an affair


Polish country dance in triple meter with accent on 2nd or 3rd beat


Piano character piece with dreamy mood, lyrical melody in right hand, widely spaced, arpeggiated chords in left hand


A study; a work intended to build a player's technique and has great artistry


Not using strict tempo, speeding up or slowing down tempo

Hugo Riemann

Leading theorist of musical science in the 19th century on the faculty of the University in Leipzig

Functional harmony

Any chord is either tonic (I), subdominant (ii and IV) or dominant (V or vii*)

Complete works

A compilation of all the works of a great composer of the past

Gewandhaus Orchestra

Named after the hall in which it performed. The small auditorium used to display cloth or Gewand.


The name Mendelssohn and his siblings appended to their family name after they converted from Judaism to Christianity

Bach Revival

Bach's music in its entirety was at last performed, published and studied.


A body of musical works composed in the 18th and 19th centuries that had come to dominate musical culture

Neue Zeitschrift für Musik

The New Journal for Music. Music criticism by Robert Schumann. Focus on newly published music (Ex: Chopin and Berlioz)


20 small piano pieces, each a character piece representing a person or imaginary event at a ball during carnival season

Florestan and Eusebius

Pieces that Robert Schumann wrote about himself to describe the impetuous and dreamy sides of his personality, respectively.


French songs of complex form and great artistry of the late 19th century