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28 Cards in this Set

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Looking at the lives of people from lower classes and showing their struggles with society


Contain symbols of characters' irrational impulses which led to grotesque or violent conclusions

Georg Buchner

Scientist and amateur writer who wrote the play Woyzeck

Johann Christian Woyzeck

Real life person who was a solider put on trial for murdering his wife


Music for use, of high quality for mass audiences or educational pieces intended for young players and singers

Bertolt Brecht

Berlin poet and playwright

The Beggar's Opera

John Gay's famous English ballad opera

Epic theater

Form of theater with songs that interrupt narrative rather than advance it

Zoltan Kodaly

Friend of Bela Bartok. Created Kodaly method to improve music education

Popular art music

Bartok's term for Hungarian music that was not ancient / better known types such as gypsy music


Rhythm of the melody is flexible and free from regular beat


a Hungarian dulcimer

Golden Section

A ratio that mathmaticians and artists used. Believed to be used by Bartok, though he never said it


Scale of 5 notes, Do Re Mi Sol La

Adolf Hitler

Chancellor of Germany, Head of State, Leader of the Nazis


Germany's strongest and most radical political party

Third Reich

Nazi empire

Joseph Goebbels

minister of the Department of Education and Propaganda

cultural bolshevism

Pieces that used dissonance and atonality, seen as degenerate

The Craft of Musical Composition

A treatise by Hindemith on how the 12 notes of the chromatic scale and the intervals they form have a hierarchy of differing strengths.

Matthias Grunewald

Renaissance German painter

Wilheim Furtwanger

conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and the leading German conductor of his day, wrote The Hindemith Case to argue that Mathis Symphony should be allowed to be performed

Anatoli Lunacharsky

Vladmir Lenin's minister for the arts and respected writer and critic

Andrei Zhdanov

An artist in the Union of Soviet Composers who had ultimate control over music

socialist realism

Music of optimism and idealistic thinking without elaborate melody or harmonic enrichment


Music that deviated from the norm in harmony, rhythm, tonality and form

Sviatoslav Richter

Virtuoso piano who interpreted Prokofiev's 7th piano sonata

Peter and the Wolf

A symphonic tale for narrator and orchestra by Prokofiev