A job well coveted by others. However, Beethoven’s dad wasmore interesting in drinking than using his skill to support his family, and as a resultall responsibilities fell on Ludwig himself at an early age. He had little choices than tomake the Piano, Organ and Viola his playmate by doing excessive classes that tookaway all his play time. Ludwig seized the opportunity to embrace his passion for
Austin 2music, because it was also a getaway in expressing his feelings, touching the lives ofothers and helping his family through trying periods (Eckley, 1).Beethoven was determined to change the face of the music from that of “the greats”Haydn and Mozart who were instrumental in his musical success and career. With thehelp of his teacher Christian Gottiob Neefe and the family of Emanuel Joseph,Beethoven’s dream came through at age seventeen, when he traveled to Vienna themusical city of Europe. There he associated himself with the legendary …show more content…
The Classicalmusic reflects the negativity for Rococo and the moral depravity that comes with it.An original style associated with the Roman and the Greek, the Classical style artfeatures the symmetry, proportion, balance, formal unity and clarity. The clarity was ademand from the middle class musical audience, where composers will have toproduce a more accessible and recognizable musical language than that of the ornateand complex structures of the Baroque. Beethoven’s personal mannerisms and hisaudacious compositions revolutionized the spirit of the city. He became involved inthe political changes that was occurring in the United States and Europe and in nodoubt was responding to the world of music lovers (Sayre, 406).The Symphonic Orchestra on the other hand was much larger than the ensemble usedby Baroque composers. The Classical orchestra was divided into sections such asstrings, which includes the violins, cellos violas and double bases. The woodwinds onthe other hand comprises of the flutes, oboes, clarinets, and bassoons. The brasssection of trumpets, French horns, a percussion section and other instruments werealso added by the end of the 17th century. Beethoven through his strong personalitydeveloped a relationship that enabled him to be the creator and craftsman he hadbecome. People of all class supported him and were eager to gain his friendship. Thecomposer normally led the orchestra and