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40 Cards in this Set

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I. Multiple Choice

Instructions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.

1. Mr. Kim is a teacher in a catholic school. In his class, he promoted atheism. What curriculum change should he consider?

A. Substitution

B. Restructuring

C. Alteration

D. Value Orientation

D. Value Orientation

2. Teacher Andrenil implemented starts changing her delivery of instruction. Instead of using a flipchart, she now use a PowerPoint Presentation. What curriculum change is present in the scenario?

A. Perturbations

B. Substituting

C. Restructuring

D. Value Orientation

B. Substituting

3. There is an urgent meeting in the office, so Teacher Andrei was not able to finish his discussion. What curriculum change is present in the scenario?

A. Value Orientation

B. Alteration

C. Restructuring

D. Perturbation

D. Perturbation

4. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers all over the Philippines need to deliver lessons via online instead of traditional face to face. What curriculum change is present in the scenario?

A. Perturbation

B. Value Orientation

C. Restructuring

D. Alteration

C. Restructuring

5. Ms. Lea implemented a minor curriculum change. One of her students asked permission to be absent the next day for an important matter. Instead of requiring her student to make a physical excuse letter, she requires her student to type the excuse letter in word and send it via email. What curriculum change is present in the scenario?

A. Perturbation

B. Value Orientation

C. Restructuring

D. Alteration

D. Alteration

6. Teacher Marie is a P.E. teacher. She asked her students to handle a ball based on what they see on the video so that they will feel its texture, not just see it. What quality of instructional material is present in the scenario?

A. Rigorous

B. Real

C. Requires Independence

D. Rich in Thinking

B. Real

7. Teacher Addie is a Math teacher. After

discussing the concepts, he requires his students to create a PowerPoint presentation based on the problems they have analyzed and present it in the class. What quality of instructional material is present in the scenario?

A. Rigorous

B. Real

C. Requires Independence

D. Rich in Thinking

A. Rigorous

8. Teacher Marites observed that some of her students learn fast when they listen attentively in class while others learn fast when there are visual aids. So, in their modules, she included links to the YouTube video so learners can decide on their own whether to learn and answer the module by reading the texts or watching the videos on the provided links. What quality of instructional material is present in the scenario?

A. Revealing

B. Real

C. Requires Independence

D. Rich in Thinking

C. Requires Independence

9. After the discussion, the students of Teacher Mary are confident to share what they have learned from the class. What quality of instructional material is present in the scenario?

A. Revealing

B. Reflective

C. Rewarding

D. Rich in Thinking

C. Rewarding

10. Teacher Andrew is a Science Teacher. She asked her students to conduct an experiment and demonstrate their understanding of their experiments. What quality of instructional material is present in the scenario?

A. Revealing

B. Reflective

C. Rewarding

D. Rich in Thinking

A. Revealing

II. True or False

Instructions: Write True if the statement is correct and write False if it is wrong.

11. Restructuring refers to the major change in the school system, degree program or educational system.


12. Alteration happens when the current

curriculum is replaced by a new one.


13. Perturbations refers to the disruptive changes where teachers have to adjust in a short period of time.


14. Value Orientation responds to shifts in the emphasis that the teacher provides which are not within the mission or vision of the school or vice versa.


15. Substitution refers to the minor change to the current existing curriculum.


16. It is developmental if it develops multiple perspectives, increases integration and makes learning autonomous, create a climate of

openness and trust and appreciate and affirm the strengths of the teacher.


17. Substitution refers to the material support like supplies, equipment and conductive learning environment like classrooms and labs.


18. Participatory is an element of the curriculum implementation where other stakeholders are seen as necessary.


19. Curriculum Designing is where the teacher action takes place.


20. In the Force Field Theory, there are three forces.


III. Identification

Instructions: Identify what is being asked on the following questions.

21. The Father of Social Psychology

Kurt Lewin

22. It is an important commodity for a successful change process.


23. He coined the Three-Tiered Model.

Jerome Bruner

24. Father of Modern Media in Education.

Edgar Dale

25. It is a quality of an instructional material that provides students opportunities to develop higher order thinking skills, decision-making and deep understanding.


26. It is a quality of instructional material that gives students opportunities to make appropriate choices, like who to interview or what class to observe and when to do it.

Requires independence

27. It is a quality of instructional material that asks students for more than just memorization or repetition.

Rich in Thinking

28. It is a quality of an instructional material that allows students to think about one’s learning not only about feelings.


29. It is a quality of an instructional material that seeks to show not only what the students do and do not understand, but also how they understand it.


30. It is a quality of an instructional material where students can articulate what they are learning. They can share clearly the results of their individual and group tasks.


IV. Fill in the Blanks

Instructions: For each question, please fill in the correct answer on the blank provided.

31. After two weeks, we tend to remember ____% of what we read.


32. After two weeks, we tend to remember ____% of what we see.


33. After two weeks, we tend to remember ____% of what we hear and see.


34. After two weeks, we tend to remember ____% of what we HEAR


35. Three-Tiered Model is based on the

assumption that we learn best when we go from concrete to _______ in a three-step process.


36. Change will be better if the ________ shall be decreased rather than increasing the driving force.

restraining forces

37. Trust among key players should be sought as this is a positive ________.

starting point

38. Characteristics of teacher styles,

commitment, willingness to change skills and _________ are critical to implementation.


39. Support from peers, principals, external stakeholders will add to the success of ___________.


40. Time is needed by the teachers to plan, adapt, train or practice, provide necessary requirements and get __________.
