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21 Cards in this Set

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-Focuses on the significant role of human kind in the world and considered nature as the means by which humans are able to meet their needs and survive.

-these view believes that humans are the most important species on the planet and they are free to transform nature and use its resources.


Is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the natural environment and humanity's place within it.

Environmental philosophy

-believes that humans are not the only significant species on the planet and that all organisms have inherent volume and should be protected

-This view drives the activities of human organization that advocates the ehical treatment of animals


-Places great value on ecosystems and biological communities

-This view believes that human kind is part of a greater biological system or community and that we have significant role as stewards or guardians of nature.


For this theory ecological crisis is an outcome of an anthropocentrism. The controlling attitude of human kind is extended to nature, when in fact, humanity is part of nature.

Deep ecology

For this theory ecological crisis results from the authoritarian social structures. Destroying nature is a reflection where in few people overpower others while exploiting the environment for profit or self-interest.

Social ecology

This theory are used that ecological crisis is a sequence of male dominance. In this view whatever is superior is entitled to whatever is inferior.


Aim still establish a central role for women in the pursuit of an environmentally sound and socially just society.


Is one philosophical view that believes maintaining order in the environment will bring at the natural beauty of the surroundings and contribute the well-being of the people and the organisms living in it.

Environmental aesthetics

-one important development that arose during the 20th century

-advocates to address the growing environmental problems

-has to become an important issue in international politics as governments and international organizations have devoted efforts to discuss environmental issues and formulate plans to address them


It's the perspective advocates to address the growing environmental awareness and action It also encourages government institutions organizations and corporations to commit responsible action for the environment.


This is a moral approach that analyzes the relationship between humans and the environment

Environmental ethics

Sustainability release on the three important principles what are those

Environmental integrity economic efficiency and equity

It refers to maintaining the state of the environment which means that human activities should not unduly disrupt the ecosystems and human communities located in the area.

Environmental integrity

It refers to Prudence in decision making regarding the use of resources to ensure that there is minimum to zero waste.

Economic efficiency

It's demands that we can use our natural resources in such a manner that these are conserved so that the next generation will be able to use them


Is the ability to regulate once action and behavior


Is being thrifty with the use of one's resources


It refers to make decisions regarding the use of natural resources to ensure there is still enough left for future use


Applies and ecological and ethical approach in analyzing society, and sees our relationship between social problems and environmental problems.

Social ecology

It refers to the fair distribution of environmental benefits as well as the burden of meeting environmental challenges.

Environmental Justice