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12 Cards in this Set

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How frequently will the nurse assist the patient to schedule these appointments?

Monthly visits are scheduled up to 28 weeks, and then visits increase to every 2 to 3 weeks through 36 weeks. From 36 weeks until delivery, visits are weekly.

What is Chadwicks sign?

Bluish or purplish discoloration of the vulva, vagina, and cervix

why Chadwicks sign occurs during pregnancy

Vascular congestion in the pelvic area

physiological changes that occur during pregnancy

breathing will get deeper and a little faster.

How to determine expected due date

To determine the expected date of delivery, count backward 3 months from the first day of the last menstrual period, then add 7 days and change the year if necessary.

Weight gain for normal weight

The recommended weight gain for a woman of normal weight before pregnancy is 25 to 35 pounds.

At what gestational age can the fetal heartbeat be auscultated with a specially adapted stethoscope or fetoscope?

The fetal heartbeat can be heard with a fetoscope between the 18th and 20th weeks of pregnancy.

How does the need for prenatal care and counseling for adolescents different from other age populations

The pregnant adolescent must cope with two of lifes most stress-laden transitions simultaneously: adolescence and parenthood.

softening of the cervix and vagina is a probable sign of pregnancy. What is the appropriate term for this sign?


hormonal changes in late pregnancy, the pelvic joints relax. What does this result in?

Waddling gait

Joint instability

The number of years between menarche and the date of conception is known as


The nurse reminds the prenatal patient that she should add ________ kcal to her daily intake to nourish the fetus.