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59 Cards in this Set

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What are the three phases of pregnancy

Antepartum (pre natal)

Intrapartum (during birth)

Postpartum (after birth)

What Is another name for prenatal


If a pregnant woman has high blood pressure, what legal and ethical considerations must be done

Follow up by documenting an intervention

Or you must have some documentation for referral for Follow up care

Smoking during pregnancy can affect may affect the developing eggs of a female fetus and can cause this disorder

Autism spectrum disorder

Name the four types of the pelvis





Which shape of pelvis is the best for the passage of the fetal head


The woman's estimated date of delivery is calculated based on?

The last normal menstrual period

Other than the LNMP, what is used to confirm the estimated date of delivery


A vaginally and rectal swab of the mother is used to detect this condition and why

B. Streptococcus, to protect the mother and infant from infection during labor and at birth

During the first 28 weeks how often is the prenatal visit

Every 4 weeks

How often are prenatal visits for 37 week pregnant women

Every week

How should the pregnant woman's blood pressure be taken

On the same arm in the same position (horizontal and at heart level)

If there is a sudden or often weight gain of the fetus it will cause this condition


Symptoms of pre eclampsia

Protein in the urine

High blood pressure

Fluid retention

Any pregnancy regardless of the duration is called

Any pregnancy regardless of the duration is called


What is the obstetric history term for a woman who has never been pregnant


A woman who is pregnant for the first time is known as


What does the obstetric history term Para mean

A woman who has given birth to one or more children who reached the age of viability (20 weeks) regardless of the amount of fetuses delivered or dead

A woman who has given birth to her first child past the weeks of viability


What is the term for a woman who has not given birth to a child that has reached the point of viability


What is abortion?

The termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks whether induced or not

What is the age of viability

22-25 weeks, where the fetus is able to make it outside of the uterus

What does the word gravida and Para indicates



The average duration of a term pregnancy

40 weeks (280 days)

What are the Najelle's rule

Identify the first day of the last known menstrual period

Count backwards 3 months

Add 7 days

Adjust the year as necessary

Another way you can estimate the Date of delivery is

The first day of the last NORMAL MENSTRUAL PERIOD +/- TWO WEEKS

Gestation wheel

Electronic calculator


Physical exam/Pelvic Exam

How many weeks is each trimester

13 weeks

Each 13 weeks of your pregnancy period is known as

A trimester

The three general groups that signs of pregnancy are divided into is known as




Name the presumptive signs of pregnancy

Amenorrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, urine frequency, breast changes, quickening, uterine enlargement

What is the first sign of pregnancy


What factors are shown for nor a positive pregnancy but presumptive sign of pregnancy


Psychological disturbances

Strenuous exercise

Changes in metabolism and endocrine function

Certain medication

Chronic diseases

Nausea and vomiting

Breast changes

Probable signs of pregnancy

Abdominal enlargement

Hegar's sign

Chadwick signs

Goodell's sign

Ballottement's signs

Braxton-Hick's contractions

Fetal outline

how can you recognize Chadwicks sign

Bluish-purplish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and vulva

Why is Chadwicks sign a probable sign of pregnancy

Because hormone imbalance can give that effect

Why is enlargement a probable sign and not a positive sign of pregnancy

Abdominal tumors can enlarge the cavity

Name the three positive signs of pregnancy

Fetal heart sounds

Visualization of the fetus by ultrasound

Fetal movement

When does measurement for the fundus start

18-30 weeks

what operates as the endocrine systems for the baby during the pregnancy


When does the uterus become a temporary abdominal organ

At the end of the first trimester

How far does the uterus stretch during pregnancy

Up to the zyphoid process

Why does the pregnant mother have problems breathing

Uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm

What color does the cervix turn during pregnancy

Blueish purplish also known as Chadwicks and goodell's sign

What is the function of the mucus plug

Prevent vaginally organism from going into the uterus

When is the mucus plug open / removed

During labor, when the cervix starts to thin

What organ in the body performs this function before it was given over to the placenta


Is the vagina more acidic or alkaline during pregnancy


Is the vaginal secretions higher or lower during pregnancy


Higher levels of ____ can promote the growth of ____ which is theorganism that controls ______

Glycogen; Candida Albicans; Yeast Infections

The body undergoes numerous changes during pregnancy, what are the three factors that attribute to these changes.



Growth of the fetus

These hormones prepare the breast for lactation

Progesterone and estrogen

Known as the premilk?


The premilk is high in these nutrients


Fat-soluble vitamins


Oxygen consumption increases by blank percent during pregnancy


The pregnant mother typically has dyspnea until this happens

Until the fetal descends in the pelvis

what causes edema during pregnancy

Increase in levels of estrogen

Where on the body experiences swelling or edema during increased levels of estrogen

Mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, pharynx, trachea

What is the purpose of increase blood volume during pregnancy?

Exchange of nutrients, oxygen and waste products

Expanding the maternal tissues

Reserve for blood loss at birth

What is supine hypotension syndrome

When the pregnant mother lies on her back causing the uterus to compress the inferior vena cava and reducing the amount of blood flow to the heart