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30 Cards in this Set

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other patrons in a consumer setting


the percentage of people who open an email message from a marketer


an individual's priorities determine his _____style


many consumers believe they are more pressed for time than ever before; marketers label this feeling time __________.

time poverty

_______ theory is the mathematical study of waiting lines

queuing theory

the general attitudes about shopping is called shopping _____________

shopping orientation

an e-commerce site that provides exclusive styles by prodding manufacturers to produce runway pieces they wouldn't otherwise make to sell in stores


a strategy where stores create imaginative environments that transport shoppers to fantasy worlds or provide other kinds of stimulation

;;________ theming

retail theming

A popular theming strategy; this environment resembles a commercial living room where we can go to relax, be entertained, hang out with friends, escape the everyday, or even learn.

;;_______ space

being space

one-person businesses;; spaces cater to the needs of ______________ as they offer work-centered being spaces


___-__ stores appear in many forms around the world. Typically, these are temporary installations that do business only few a few days or weeks and then disappear before they get old;;allow a company to test new brands without a huge financial commitment

Pop-up stores

a store's "personality", composed of such attributes as location, merchandise suitability, and the knowledge and congeniality of the sales staff

Store image

the "conscious designing of space and its various dimensions to evoke certain effects in buyers.";; These dimensions include colors, scents, and sounds


some retailers offer _______ stores that let consumers participate in the production of the products or services they buy there;; ex build-a-bear workshop chain

activity stores

consumer's pre-set expectations of how much they intend to spend on a shopping trip;; ________ budgets

Mental budgets

smartphone applications that retailers provider to guide shoppers in stores and malls;; mobile ________ ____

Mobile shopping apps

when a shopper buys an merchandise she did not intend to purchase, often because she recognizes a new need while in the store

unplanned buying

She engages in _______ buying when she experiences a sudden urge she simply can't resist.

impulse buying

the promotional materials that are deployed in stores or other outlets to influence consumers' decisions at the time products are purchased;; a POP can be an elaborate product display or demonstration, a coupon-dispensing machine, or an employee who gives out free samples of a new cookie in the grocery aisle

Point-of-purchase stimuli

__________ similarity, such as shared birthday and growing up in the same place, can be enough to boost the odds of a sale

incidental similarity

Our overall feelings about a product after we've bought it

consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction (CS/D)

according to the expectancy ______________ model, we form beliefs about product performance based on prior experience with the product or communications about the product that imply a certain level of quality.;;when something performs the way we thought it would, we may not think much about it. If it fails to live up to expectations, this may create negative feelings. However, if performance happens to exceed our expectations, we're happy campers.

expectancy disconfirmation model

management and engineering procedures aimed at reducing errors and inreaseing quality; based on Japanese practices;;(TQM)

Total quality management

"the one true source of information"' Japanese term;;airport cafeteria;;precise place where consumers use the product or service rather than to ask laboratory subjects to use it in a simulated environment


grocery items that shoppers buy but never use;;12%

abandoned products

one consumer exchanges something she owns with someone else for something the other person owns.

lateral cycling

secondary markets (such as flea markets) where transactions are not officially recorded;; ________________ economy

underground economy

e-commerce sites that allow users to share, exchange and rent goods in a local setting;;snapgods;;neighborgoods.com

sharing sites

lateral cycling is literally a lifestyle for some people with an anticonsumerist bent who call themselves _________ ;;live off discards as a political statement against corporations and consumerism


the steps people take to gradually distance themselves from things they treasure so that they can sell them or give them away

divestment rituals