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41 Cards in this Set

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______ is a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, advertisements, or issues.
we call anything toward which one has an attitude an _______ _______
attitude object
Psychologist Daniel Katz developed the _________ theory of attitudes to explain how attitudes facilitate social behavior
functional theory of attitudes
_____ describes how a consumer feels about an attitude object
refers to his intentions to take action about it
***__________ refers to the belief a consumer has about an attitude object
You can remember these three components of an attitude as the _____ model of attitudes
ABC model of attitudes
Attitude researchers developed the concept of a _________ of effects to explain the relative impact of the three components
hierarchy of effects
________ assumes that a person approaches a product decision as a problem-solving process
standard learning hierarchy
________________________assumes that the consumer initially doesn't have a strong preference for one brand over another
low-involvement hierarchy of effects
according to the ______________ hierarchy of effects, we act on the basis of our emotional reactions.
***Coca-cola is an example of
high level of involvement


standard learning hierarchy

According to the principle of cognitive __________, we value harmony among our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and a need to maintain uniformity among these elements motivates us

:eg. girlfriend dump boyfriend or forgives him

principle of cognitive consistency
The theory of cognitive ___________ states that when a person is confronted with inconsistencies among attitudes or behaviors, he will take some action to resolve this "dissonance"

:eg. smoking cigarettes when they know its bad

theory of cognitive dissonance
____perception theory provides an alternative explanation of dissonance effects. It assumes that we observe our own behavior to determine just what our attitudes are, much as we assume that we know what another person's attitude is when we watch what he does.
self-perception theory
Strategy sales people call the _________ technique; they know that a consumer is more likely to comply with a big request if he agrees to a small one
foot in the door technique
______ _________ theory also assumes that people assimilate new information about attitude objects in light of what they already know or feel

:eg. a box is heavy cause of the weight of other boxes we left, we develop a subjective standard when we judge attitude objects

social judgement theory
One important aspect of the social judgement theory is that people differ in terms of the information they will find acceptable or unacceptable. They form ________ of acceptance and rejection around an attitude standard. They will consider and evaluate ideas falling within the latitude favorably, but they are more likely to reject out of hand those that fall outside of this zone
Latitudes of acceptance and rejection
_________ theory considers how a person perceives relations among different attitude objects, and how he alters his attitudes so that these remain consistent (or "balanced")
Balance theory
This type of model assumes that a consumer's attitude toward an attitude object depends on the beliefs she has about several of its attributes.

;eg. college example rep academic research opportunities

___________ attitude models

Multiattribute attitude models

most popular model is called the Fishbein model

Researchers tinkered with the Fishbein model to improve its predictive ability. They call the new version the theory of ________ action
theory of reason action
an additional component to the multiattribute attitude model that accounts for the effects of what we believe other people think we should do

;eg what Saundra's friends think about her going to an all female school

Subjective norm (SN)
MPAA model emphasizes multiple pathways to attitude formation, including outside-in(object-centered) and inside-out(person-centered pathways
Multiple pathway anchoring and adjustment
The theory of ______ states that we should replace the criterion of behavior in the reasoned action model of trying to reach a goal
theory of trying
_________ involves an active attempt to change attitudes
______________ model is a framework specifying that a number of elements are necessary for communication to be achieved, including a source, message, medium, receivers, and a feedback


communications model
__________ marketing acknowledges that a marketer will be much more successful when he communicates with the consumers who have already agreed to listen to him
Permission marketing
_-commerce, where marketers promote their goods and services via wireless devices, including cell phones, PDAs, and iPods.
source _________ refers to a communicator's expertise, objectivity, or trustworthiness.
source credbility
the process whereby differences in attitude change between positive and negative sources seem to diminish over time
sleeper effect
source ___________ refers to the social value recipients attribute to a communicator

;eg. physical appearanace, personality, social status, or similarity to the receiver

source attractiveness
____-factor theory explains the fine line between familiarity and boredom; it proposes that two separate psychological processes operate when we repeatedly show an ad to a viewer
two-factor theory
refutational __________ that first raise a negative issue and then dismiss it can be quite effective.
refutational arguments
__________ advertising refers to a strategy in which a message compares two or more recognizable brands and weighs them in terms of one or more specific attributes.

;eg. Arby's compaign with MikkyDs

Comparative advertising
***Do sex-related ads work?
Although erotic content does appear to draw attention to an ad, its use may actually be counterproductive. In one 2010 survey, an overwhelming 61 percent of respondents said that sexual imagery in a product's ad makes them less likely to buy it. They do however, appear to work when the product is itself related to sex
***Do fear appeals ads work ?
Most research on this topic indicates that these negative messages are most effective when the advertisers uses only a moderate threat and when the ad presents a solution to the problem
Many ads take the form of an ________: a story about an abstract trait or concept that advertises tell in the context of a person, animal, vegetable, or object
A ________ places two dissimilar objects into a close relationship such that "A is B";the use of an explicit comparison between a product and some other person, place, or thing

;;literary device

comparing two objects that share a similar property

;;literary device

Another type of literary device advertisers frequently use. It is a form of presentation that combines a play on words with relevant picture.

;eg:puns, berried treasure, women "running" the country

ELM assumes that under conditions of high involvement, we take the central route to persuasion"steak". Under conditions of low involvement, we take a peripheral"sizzle" route instead
Elaboration likelihood model