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78 Cards in this Set

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If a high dose of time-released testosterone is given to a male songbird, which of the following is not a likely effect?
He would have a longer life span than most other males.
Which of the following hormones has been linked to hypnotic, sedative-like effects contributing to sleep efficiency?
The endocrine system is largely dependent on the _____________ in order to operate effectively.
the circulatory system
The pancreas secretes two hormones that have the opposite effect. What are the names of these two hormones and what are their effects?
Insulin stimulates glucose uptake by cells and lowers blood glucose levels; glucagon raises blood glucose levels.
In its most basic definition, the endocrine system involves:
gland organs and the hormones they secrete.
What hormone has been shown to reach high levels in both competitors and fans, during and after winning a competition?
Which of the following are NOT endocrine glands?
salivary glands
More boys than girls have been winners of competitions testing the knowledge of geography. Researchers have sought to explain this by proposing that:
the greater spatial ability measured in boys, compared to girls, may translate into a greater ability to read maps.
The anterior pituitary gland secretes all of the following hormones except:
Which of the following has been called the "cuddle chemical"?
Which is true about the pituitary gland?
It is controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain.
Why has the hormone oxytocin been called "trust in a bottle"?
Oxytocin nasal spray has been shown to increase trusting behavior towards others.
The function of the parathyroid glands is to:
raise blood calcium levels.
Which hormone, when released from the pancreas, is responsible for lowering the glucose level in the blood?
___________ hormone promotes the development of all tissues in a vertebrate's body by increasing protein synthesis and division rates.
Several athletes are known to have taken illegal performance-enhancing drugs to increase their performance. Which of the following substances has been most frequently used?
The hypothalamus controls the anterior pituitary by means of:
releasing hormones.
Which of the following controls the vast amount of the endocrine system's action in vertebrates?
the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
Why are steroid hormone complexes with their receptors able to directly bind to DNA to influence gene expression, whereas peptide hormones must influence gene expression indirectly?
Steroid hormones are lipid-based, allowing them pass through the lipid-composed cell membrane to enter the cell and directly bind to DNA. Peptide hormones are not lipid-based and therefore cannot pass through the cell membrane.
Which organ in animals acts as the internal thermostat?
the hypothalamus
Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disorder where the antibodies attack cells in a certain gland, gradually destroying it. All the different symptoms of this disorder are due to the individual's permanent slower metabolism. From this description, which gland would you propose is affected by Hashimoto's disease?
the thyroid gland
Which of the following behaviors has been demonstratively linked to testosterone levels?
The performance a person may have on a test of spatial ability.
ADH stands for Antidiuretic Hormone. What is this hormone's main function?
to make the kidneys more permeable to water
Peptide hormones bind to _____________ receptors while steroid hormones bind to _____________ receptors.
cell surface; internal cell
Compared to the endocrine system, the nervous system:
is responsible for focused, single cell delivery of messages.
Testosterone supplementation does NOT:
decrease a man's self esteem.
Why does the release of synthetic and natural chemicals into the environment cause a reduction in wild populations?
They block or interfere with the normal functioning of animal hormones.
The pancreas secretes two hormones that have the opposite effect. What are the names of these two hormones and what are their effects?
Insulin stimulates glucose uptake by cells and lowers blood glucose levels; glucagon raises blood glucose levels.
Which of the following has been called the "master control gland of the endocrine system"?
None of the above could be called a "master control gland"
The banning of which of the following compounds is cited as the instrumental reason why bald eagles have returned from near extinction?
If a five-year-old girl develops carcinogenic tumors in her ovaries and they are removed, which of the following is a likely consequence?
She may not develop breasts and other secondary sexual characteristics when she becomes a teenager.
The _______________ is situated between the two hemispheres of the brain. It releases ________________, which regulates _________________.
pineal gland; melatonin; photoperiodicity
The _____________ gland releases melatonin, which is a hormone important for reproduction in certain mammals.
Castrated men are more likely to:
have longer lifespans.
The hypothalamus secretes which two of the following hormones into the posterior pituitary gland, from which they enter the blood stream and act on their target cells?
oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone
In the study where test subjects were given an oxytocin nasal spray, these people:
Were more trusting of others, especially in thinking they would get a return on their investment.
For a hormone to fulfill its function, it must be able to recognize and respond to a very select number of cells in the body. What is the appropriate name for the type of cell that binds a particular hormone?
target cell
How does a nerve cell communicate with a target cell?
The nerve cell releases neurotransmitters into the synapse, where they stimulate the target cell.
For what reason might a physician prescribe birth control pills to a woman who is not sexually active?
Supplementary estrogen taken by pre-menopausal women can reduce the risk of endometrial cancer.
Which of the following controls the vast amount of the endocrine system's action in vertebrates?
the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
What are the two primary means by which communication between parts of a multi-cellular animal is accomplished?
neural and hormonal
Which hormone is most closely associated with anxiety in animals?
Which of the following statements, if true, best supports the suggestion that endocrine systems in living things might have evolved earlier than nervous systems?
Plants have endocrine systems but they don't have nervous systems.
The anterior pituitary gland secretes all of the following hormones except:
Which hormone appears to enhance a person's ability to quickly and accurately repeat a phrase like "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood"?
When hormones enter the anterior pituitary gland through the anterior pituitary pathway, which of the following glands did they immediately come from?
the hypothalamus
Which of the following glands controls the activity of all of the others?
Which of the following are NOT endocrine glands?
sweat glands
In a study on cognitive performance, at what point in the menstrual cycle are women supposedly at their sharpest, at least in speaking a tongue-twister?
during the midpoint in the ovulatory cycle
Which of the following is NOT true about hormones?
They can increase the rate of nerve impulses to muscles.
Which of the following has been used as an expression for environmental endocrine disruptors, because of their effects on wildlife?
"gender-bending chemicals"
The target cells of the hormone ______ are located in a woman's breasts and uterus. This hormone causes its target cells to contract, which releases milk from the breast cells to feed an infant and causes the painful contractions of the uterus that push out the newborn during labor.
Which of the following is a possible adverse effect (in men) of taking supplemental testosterone?
increased blood pressure
The banning of which of the following compounds is cited as the instrumental reason why bald eagles have returned from near extinction?
Many female bodybuilders take steroids (testosterone) to increase muscle mass and achieve their body shape. The consequences can include all of the following except:
increased concentration.
Human sex hormones are classified as which type of biological molecule?
Which of the following statements is NOT true about cortisol?
It is released from the pituitary gland.
Which of the following probably has little or no effect on cognitive performance?
overproduction of thyroxine
The hypothalamus secretes which two of the following hormones into the posterior pituitary gland, from which they enter the blood stream and act on their target cells?
oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone
Which of the following components of the endocrine system develops at the roof of the mouth and grows upward and eventually detaches?
anterior pituitary
In rodents, the hormone estrogen has been linked to:
obsessive-compulsive behavior.
The ___________ gland is a two-lobed structure at the front of the larynx and trachea in the neck. One of the major hormones released by this gland is _____________.
thyroid; thyroxine
The target organs of insulin are:
the muscles and the liver.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about cortisol?
It is released from the pituitary gland.
The hypothalamus secretes which two hormones into the posterior pituitary gland, from which they enter the bloodstream and act on their target cells?
oxytocin and ADH
A new hormone is discovered that enters a target cell and binds to a protein within. What else is probably true about this hormone?
It is probably fat-soluble.
A woman who is in the post-menstrual of her ovulatory cycle is tested for her performance on cognitive abilities. This woman has a congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Which of the following would you expect to learn about this woman's cognitive performance?
She has increased spatial ability.
As a result of losing a sports competition, researchers have found that:
testosterone drop sharply.
Which of the following is NOT true about research into hormones and cognitive performance?
c. As men get older and more experienced, their performance on spatial ability tests increases.
Suppose you are brought a pregnant red fox that has possibly died of DDT poisoning. Where in the fox's body would you expect to find the DDT if it were present?
Fatty tissue should contain the greatest concentration of DDT.
What important issue has arisen about the evidence that castrating sex offenders is effective in stopping their behavior?
The evidence on repeat offenders is self-reported by the castrated offenders themselves.
Which of the following appears to be an effect of normal reproductive hormone levels?
occasional depression
Which of the following is a known effect of endocrine disruptors on invertebrate animals?
Feminization of male genitals.
Which of the following is NOT associated with increased levels of estrogen, as produced by hormone replacement therapy?
increased risk of Addison's disease.
Which of the following is supported by research about hormones, health, and longevity?
High concentrations of estrogen in women are associated with a greater risk of endometrial cancer.
Testosterone injections in men have been shown to:
decrease production of fat-storage cells.
Which of the following was concluded from a follow-up study concerning the oxytocin investor-trustee study?
Oxytocin specifically increases trust in another human, not, for example, a computer.
The anterior pituitary gland releases all of the following hormones EXCEPT:
antidiuretic hormone (ADH).