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68 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following organisms probably has the poorest ability to sense airborne chemicals?
What is the function of glial cells?
assist and nourish neurons
The disease multiple sclerosis (MS) is caused by:
progressive damage to the myelin insulating neurons, reducing their ability to conduct electrical signals.
A person suffers a stroke that damages Broca's area in the left temporal lobe. Which of the following is a likely result or symptom of this damage?
the person cannot form words properly
Sensory cells in the organs of balance, motion, and hearing are all:
When a neurotransmitter reacts with an excitatory synapse it ______________ the probability the action potential will continue onto the second neuron. When a neurotransmitter reacts with an inhibitory synapse it _________________ the probability the action potential will continue onto the second neuron.
increases; decreases
What is the process or processes by which all our senses operate?
Outside stimuli are processed by sensory structures and sent as electrical impulses to the brain.
Neurons conduct and receive information from other neurons in the form of electrical currents. The receiving end of the neuron is the _______________ while the conducting end of the neuron is the ______________. In between one neuron's conductor and other's neuron's receiver is a space called the ______________.
dendrite; axon; synapse.
How do arthropods expand their skeleton as they grow bigger?
They shed or molt their skeleton and grow a new, larger one.
Which of the following is NOT a type of neurotransmitter?
What event initiates an action potential?
Sodium channels opening.
The sense of hearing differs fundamentally from those of taste and smell because:
hearing is sensed by the bending of hairs while taste and smell involve the binding of molecules to receptors.
Multiple sclerosis attacks which part of the neuron?
myelin sheath
The synapse consists of:
a presynaptic cell, a postsynaptic cell, and the space between them, called the synaptic cleft.
When you put a piece of chocolate on your tongue, your brain registers a sensation of sweetness. What aspect of molecules is responsible for their having a particular taste?
the molecule's shape
Each neuron has two different extensions from its main central body, these are called the:
dendrites and axons.
Which part of a neuron contains the nucleus?
cell body
Every muscle fiber is packed with myofibrils--repeating units called sarcomeres.

The image above shows a sarcomere. Why does the sarcomere appear striated?
the overlapping filaments of actin and myosin create a banding pattern
Why have animals evolved with the bulk of their sensory equipment at the surface of their bodies?
The surface is the part of the body that senses changes in the environment.
Which of the following structures connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres to each other?
corpus callosum.
Brain tumors (like most tumors) are generally the result of unstoppable cell division. Yet in adult humans, most neurons in the brain do not divide at all. How can these two facts be reconciled?
Brain tumors are usually formed from glial cells, the supporting cells of the brain, which divide regularly.
Curare is a lethal poison that has been used at the tips of darts used for hunting. Curare causes paralysis by blocking receptor sites in synapses with muscles. Curare probably blocks the effects of which neurotransmitter?
In individuals with multiple sclerosis, myelin is gradually lost. What symptoms would you expect these individuals to exhibit?
Their neurons gradually lose their ability to conduct electrical impulses.
A neuron that is resting has a ______________ membrane. This means that inside the membrane the charge is ____________ then outside the neuron.
polarized, less than
The connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone is also known as:
a tendon.
The primary visual area of the human brain is located in:
the occipital lobe.
Which one of the following statements about the sensory receptors in the human eye is true?
The rods are more sensitive to light but do not distinguish colors; the cones are less sensitive to light, but are able to distinguish colors in daylight.
When action potentials spread through a muscle fiber and causes a minimum unit of contraction, this is called a:
A neuron only has one:
The time it takes for one full sequence of a contraction and a relaxation is called the _________ speed.
Which of the following is NOT one of the major categories of vertebrate muscle cells?
respiratory muscle
Neurons conduct and receive information from other neurons in the form of electrical currents. The receiving end of the neuron is the _______________ while the conducting end of the neuron is the ______________. In between one neuron's conductor and other's neuron's receiver is a space called the ______________.
dendrite; axon; synapse.
are confined to the spinal cord and brain.
Sensory receptors in your skin include:
mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and pain receptors.
Which of the following is NOT an example of a true skeletal system found in nature?
an axial skeleton
(see full question) Which neurotransmitter is associated with the connection between a neuron and the muscle cell it stimulates?
When two ends of voluntary muscle attach to different bones, those bones form a juncture commonly referred to as a ________. The contracting muscle can then create movement by pulling one bone towards the other.
The simplest type of skeleton found in the animal world is the:
hydrostatic skeleton.
Motor neurons:
convey signals to muscles or glands.
Of all the vertebrae that can rotate around each other, in what part of the spinal column would you expect these vertebrae to be?
in the neck
How does the Z line function in contraction of a skeletal muscle?
anchors the thin actin filaments
The blockage of adenosine receptors in the brain causes:
In our sense of smell, airborne chemicals:
drift through the nostrils and bind to smell chemoreceptors.
How do the visual systems of flatworms differ from that of humans?
Flatworms obtain direct light information from photoreceptors arranged in eye cups; humans have image-forming eye structures.
Why does your hand feel cold when you reach into the freezer to get a carton of ice cream?
Thermoreceptors send electrical signals to your posterior hypothalamus.
How are neurons able to distinguish different forms of stimuli, such as the difference between light and sound?
Different stimuli travel to different parts of the brain.
DDT causes the sodium channels in insect neurons to open. What effect will this have on an insect?
Its neurons will fire uncontrollably
Novocaine prevents neurons from firing. What is its most likely mechanism?
It prevents sodium channels from opening.
Which part of the limbic system is responsible for the transfer of short-term memory to long-term memory?
the hippocampus
Which of the following is the best description of a synapse?
a presynaptic neuron and its connection to a post-synaptic neuron, gland, or muscle.
Which of the following is NOT an example of a true skeletal system found in nature?
an axial skeleton
Based on studies on altruistic behavior, it appears that humans:
have increased activity in the brain's reward center when they are kind and cooperative.
Puffer fish can be toxic to eat because they contain tetrodotoxin, a poison that blocks voltage-gated sodium channels. If you consumed this toxin, what effect would this have on motor neurons?
It would prevent the movement of action potentials along the neuronal membrane
Odors and taste are all:
chemical signals.
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body's antibodies attack acetylcholine receptors at the post-synaptic neuromuscular junction. What is most likely to be a symptom of this disease?
The blood-brain barrier:
is a semi-permeable barricade that allows essential nutrients and gases to pass through.
The antidepressant medication called Prozac works by:
increasing the amount of serotonin in synapses.
Wernicke's Area of the brain is responsible for:
language comprehension.
Though both extend from every neuron, dendrites and axons differ in many ways and functions. Which of the following is NOT a correct difference between the two?
Axons tend to reach shorter distances in the body than dendrites.
Neurotransmitters in a synaptic cleft have all of the following possible fates EXCEPT:
inactivation by acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft.
You accidently grab the handle of a metal coffee mug that is extremely hot. Your hand is withdrawn quickly, without even thinking about it. Which shows the correct order of the different types of neurons that are involved in this situation?
sensory neuron; interneuron; motor neuron
Which neurotransmitter is associated with the connection between a neuron and the muscle cell it stimulates?
An action potential is initiated by:
movement of sodium ions into the neuron.
How are neurons able to distinguish different forms of stimuli, such as the difference between light and sound?
Different stimuli travel to different parts of the brain.
Which labeled region in the image above is the area containing all of the myosin filaments?
A band
A person receives a blow to their head and suddenly that person loses their ability to remember and recall sounds. Which lobe of their cerebrum is the most likely site of the brain damage?
temporal lobe
Which of the following is NOT true about taste receptors?
Taste receptors are stimulated only by any molecule that is soluble in saliva.
How are impulses transferred from one neuron cell to another?
An electrical impulse travels down the axon of a neuron and stimulates an adjacent neuron by the release of neurotransmitters.