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65 Cards in this Set

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Which is the most important concept in achieving a healthy diet?
The six groups of nutrients needed in the human diet are:
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water.
A food with "complete" protein contains
all eight of the essential amino acids required by humans.
Why can't insulin be eaten in the diet to treat diabetes?
Since insulin is a protein it will be digested and broken down in the digestive tract.
Why do birds eat gravel?
gravel helps to grind up the food they eat.
Why do so many weight-loss diets fail to work?
They focus on weight reduction, not body fat reduction.
Which of the following foods can be used to produce ATP in cellular respiration?
carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Which of the following statements about omnivores is TRUE?
Omnivores can digest both plants and animals.
The four stages of food processing, in sequential order, are:
ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination.
Which of the following is true about digestion?
Elimination is the process where undigested food exits the digestive tract.
Human females require around 1,400 kcal per day and human males around 1,700 kcal per day to survive.

Which of the following accounts for the difference in energy requirements between males and females?
Males are typically larger than females and so have more energy requirements
If achieving a healthy diet were boiled down to just two concepts, what might they be?
getting appropriate quality and quantity of nutrients
Digestion and absorption:
describe the breakdown of food into small nutrient molecules (digestion) and the passage of those molecules into the bloodstream (absorption).
Which of the following best explains why water must be included in the diet?
Water is lost in defecation, respiration, and urination.
prey on animals for their nutrition.
Diabetes is caused by:
a person's inability to produce insulin or the failure of their cells to respond to insulin
The esophagus:
moves food into the stomach via peristalsis.
If a person doesn't ingest enough calories:
muscles will be broken down to provide protein.
Basal metabolic rate is best defined as:
the energy needed to maintain life without any activity.
In which digestive phase do energy-rich molecules actually enter the bloodstream and tissues of the body?
absorption phase
All organisms need energy. What are the two fundamentally different ways that they can get it?
They can make it themselves or they can eat other organisms for energy.
Water makes up about ___ percent of the body weight in mammals.
Which of the following statements is true about a healthy diet?
The quality of what we eat is as important as the quantity.
Which of the following statements about diet and obesity is true? about obesity
Obesity can be defined as having a BMI greater than 30.
Most mammals (including humans) prefer the taste of fats to carbohydrates and proteins. Why?
The caloric content of a gram of fat is more than double that of a gram of protein or carbohydrate.
A kilocalorie:
is 1000 times the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by one degree Celsius.
Autotrophs differ from heterotrophs in that autotrophs:
can synthesize all of the organic molecules they need.
The appendix in humans is homologous to the _______ in rats.
To leave the digestive tract, a substance must cross a cell membrane. During which stage of digestion does this take place?
Human fat reserves enable a person of average body weight to survive without food for approximately how long?
5–10 weeks
Which of these statements is TRUE of water during digestion?
It is absorbed from the large intestine.
Based on the types of diet they consume, spiders and owls are considered:
The water-soluble vitamins include all of the following EXCEPT:
vitamin K.
Which of the following is NOT a major component of the digestive system?
In the mammalian digestive system, vitamin-synthesizing symbiotic bacteria live primarily in the:
Snake venom is a mixture of toxic proteins. If you “milked” a snake’s venom into a glass and drank it, would it definitely harm you? Why or why not?
It wouldn't necessarily harm you because the proteins in snake venom are broken down by the stomach acids and enzymes of the digestive system.
Individuals who are lactose-intolerant are unable to drink milk because:
they lack sufficient quantities of lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose
If a hummingbird weighing 5 grams has a basal metabolic rate of 14 cal per hour per gram, how many calories must it consume DAILY just to fuel its resting metabolism?
1,680 calories
The nutrients needed in the human diet are lipids, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, and:
minerals and water.
Which of the following is NOT true about human body weight?
One of every ten Americans is obese
What causes indigestion?
Indigestion occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter doesn’t completely prevent the acidic contents of the stomach from moving back up the esophagus.
A shrew requires about 4.2 kcal per day to simply exist. If you add in activity, the shrew needs about twice that amount.

Which of the following would provide the shrew the highest number of kcal for the least amount of food in grams?
Enzymes all have an optimum range of pH values under which they act. Which of the following enzymes has its maximum activity at the lowest pH?
Where in the human digestive system are the substances that help digest fat produced?
A mouse is about 100,000 times less massive than an elephant. However, does this necessarily mean that its basal metabolic rate per gram is lower? Which of the following statements about size and basal metabolic rate would you predict?
The basal metabolic rate per gram of tissue increases as animals get smaller.
What dietary substances serve as "helpers" for enzymes used all over the body?
Which of the following statements about cellulose is FALSE?
Most animals can extract additional energy from cellulose by consuming their feces, passing it through their digestive system a second time.
Dietary fiber is composed of:
Which digestive enzymes are secreted in the mouth?
Proteins are an essential component of a healthy diet for humans (and other animals). Their most common purpose is to serve as:
raw material for growth.
If you were to sprint 100 meters a few hours after eating, which molecules would be your body's chief source of energy?
muscle glycogen
Vitamins are:
organic molecules that must be obtained from food or supplements that an organism eats.
Dietary proteins:
a) are considered "incomplete" if they do not contain all eight essential amino acids.

c) are the primary source of nitrogen used in the production of proteins in the body
Minerals are:
inorganic molecules that must be obtained from food or supplements that an organism eats.
Which of the following statements about cellulose is FALSE?
a) Although it is not digestible, cellulose is still important to humans' diets.
b) Cellulose and glycogen are made from similar molecules.
c) Cellulose has a slightly different three-dimensional structure from starch.
d) The cellulose we eat passes right through our digestive system unused.

All of the above statements about cellulose are TRUE.
The thirteen vitamins essential to humans fall into two groups based on:
whether they can be synthesized from other dietary components or must be consumed directly.
According to the graph above, which of the following spice combinations have the LEAST antimicrobial effects?
ginger root and black pepper
Which of the following statements about water usage in animals is true?
Some desert mammals have evolved tremendous water efficiency and do not need to drink any water. Rather, they get all the water they need from their food and from metabolic processes.
Where in the human digestive system are the substances that help digest fat produced?
There are three main categories of weight-loss interventions. These are:
surgery, behavior modification, and drugs.
The fat-soluble vitamins include all of the following EXCEPT:
vitamin B.
The esophagus:
connects the pharynx to the stomach.
For humans, basal metabolic rate (BMR) is approximately:
1 calorie per hour per gram of body weight.
From a kilocalorie standpoint, a diet composed of 40 grams of fat is equivalent to about:
40 grams of carbohydrates plus 40 grams of protein.
Human carbohydrate reserves are depleted after how long without food?
1 day