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34 Cards in this Set

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name the 3 reasons Philip II sent the Spanish Armada

Spain resented English aid and interference in the Netherlands, Armada was a religious crusade, and Spain wanted to stop English interference with its New World trade

Why was the English defeat of the Spanish Armada important?

Because England not only remained independent and Protestant, it established England as a sea power

William Cecil

prime minister

stabilized English government

Elizabeth I

Philip II

king of Spain

English commander against Spanish Armada

Admiral Howard

Sir Francis Drake

English pirate

Henry VIII

Tudor king

One reform wanted by the Puritans and allowed by James I was

the King James translation of the Bible

Queen Elizabeth's replacement was

James I

The Act of Union was passed in


The Archbishop of Canterbury, ___________ suppressed the Puritans

Richard Bancroft

The Gunpowder Plot was led by

Guy Fawkes

By accepting the Petition of Right, to what 3 things did Charles I agree?

No one could be taxed without Parliament's consent, no one could get imprisoned without s trial, and no one could be compelled to house soldiers in peace time

When did England become involved in a war with France?

Shortly after Charles I became king

Why did Parliament vote Charles I tunnage and poundage for only a year?

Because they were suspicious of him

King James held only one __________ from 1610 to 1621


In order to raise money Charles I sold ___________ titles for high fees, sold ______, and told judges to increase __________ in criminal cases

knighthood, monopolies, and fines

Charles was forced to call Parliament again because of new revolts in __________ and discontent in ______

Scotland and England

This new Parliament was known as the ___________ because it lasted 20 years

Long Parliament

Define ship money:

Town contributed ships to the Royal Navy in emergencies

What did the Long Parliament do?

Abolished ship money and taxes without their consent, abolished prerogative courts, and passes the Triennial Act

What were the 3 issues of the English civil wars?

Political: supremacy of king or parliament, economic: new economic groups wanted role in government, and religious: national church or freedom for several protestant groups

Who supported Charles?

Northern and Western England, Catholics, moderate Anglicans, aristocracy, and conservative agricultural interest

Who supported Parliament?

southern and eastern England, puritans, presbyterians, middle class,and merchants

What was the Instrument of Government?

England's first and only written Constitution

Why did Cromwell's government fail?

Because of the absence of support by the majority in England

England became a ______ after the death of Charles


Some wanted full political rights for all ______ citizens


England was established as a ________


________ was made Lord Protector for life


What were important developments of Charles II's reign?

Passage of the Habeas Corpus act and Whig party and Tory party

What were the Test act and Disabling act?

Test act was government officials swore allegiance to crown; had to be Anglican and Disabling Act barred Catholics from Parliamentary membership

Which law did James II violate?

Test Act