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168 Cards in this Set

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3 influential Germanic kingdoms were

ostrogothics, Franks, and Anglo-saxons

The Scourge of God was the name given to

Attila the Hun

The 3 methods of determining guilt or innocence in the Germanic system were

compensation, trial by ordeal combat, and swearing a solemn oath

Many Germanic tribes were __________ Christians



established Frankish kingdom


invited Angles and Saxons to England


Roman emperor killed by Visigoths


king of the Visigoths


king of Ostrogoths


Vandal leader


deposed Roman emperor in 476


made peace with the Visigoths


eastern European tribe


Asiatic tribe

How do the 3 Germanic kingdoms described differ from each other?

Ostrogothics were more Roman, Frankish were almost purely Germanic, Anglo-saxon combination of several cultures; Roman celtic, native Briton, and Anglo-saxons

the emperor who codified Roman law in the Corpus Juris Civilis was

Justinian the Great

Another name for the Eastern Empire was the

Byzantine Empire

Justinian's successful general was


the 4 "doctors" of the Church are

Augustine, Jerome, Gregory the Great, and Ambrose

Boethius wrote

Consolation of Philosophy

Benedict established his monastery at

Monte Cassino

Islam means

submission to God


holy book of Islam


conversion of England


Bede's monastery


Arian missionary

The scourge of God



Counselor a to Germanic king


Germanic tribe


Established Frankish kingdom


Doctor of the Church


Islamic ruler

5 Germanic tribes are

Ostrogoths, Visigoths, vandals, Anglo-Saxons, and franks

The Ostrogoth ruler who deposed odoacer was


Theodoric the Ostrogoth established his capital city in


The archaeological find that gave scholars an insight into early anglo-Saxon culture was

A burial ship in sutton hoo

The British king who asked for aid from the angles and Saxons in the 5th century was


The eastern empire became known as the

Byzantine empire

The establishment of Catholicism In the Western Europe is credited to


What did most Germanic kingdoms have in common

They had warriors appointed as kings and most were allied with Christians

What did Clovis accomplish

He established the Frankish kingdom and established Catholicism in

What epic poem describes many of the treasures found at sutton hoo


The Frankish kings of the 7th century were called


Charlemagne was crowned emperor on ______ in the year ____ by pope ___

Christmas Day, 800, and Leo 3

Charlemagne's missi dominici were assigned to

Check the local courts and report the state of the empire

Counts ruled over


Marches are

Frontier areas

Charlemagne's capital city was


The greatest scholar brought to Charlemagne's court came from


The treaty of verdun was made in


In 911 Charles the simples allowed Vikings to settle in what was later called


The Magyars were a ____ tribe


The anglo-Saxon pod, ____ was probably written in the 7th or 8th century


One of the greatest scholars of his time was the monk known as _______, who died in 735

Venerable bede

Basil was not a ________ but he was the ______, a _________ and _________

Roman emperor, Bulgarian Slayer, Macedonian king, and emperor from 976-1025

During the reign of Basil 2, the Byzantine Empire gained the most territory held since the reign of


During the reign of Basil 2, _____ became the cultural center of the Mediterranean, and Byzantine __________ reached its highest point

Constantinople and culture

When was iconoclasm condemned by an ecumenical council


When was the coronation of Charlemagne


When was the break between Roman and Eastern churches


when did Leo the third destroy religious statues


The major Islamic Caliphate after 750 was


Baghdad, capital of the Islamic Empire, was captured by the ______ in 1055


"the Hammer"

Charles Martel

crowned Charlemagne

Pope Leo the third


fall of Baghdad Turks


head of monastery


viking leader


Consolation of Philosophy


Charlemagne's capital


Latin Vulgate

Emperor Leo the third

leader of iconoclast movement

Alciun of York

English scholar

A religious image or picture is sometimes called

an icon

The Frankish kings of the 7th century were called the


The Donation of Pepin refers to

Papal states

Another term for the Germanic practice of compensation was


The Treaty of Verdun

divided Charlemagne's kingdom

The Vikings were also called


A famous illuminated manuscript is

Book of Kells

The spread of Western monasticism was due largely to

St. Benedict

Charlemagne's father was

Pepin the Short

East Frankland was given to

Louis the German

The crowning of Charlemagne was both _____ and ______ significant

politically and religiously

_________ was a cultural center in the tenth century

Muslim Spain

Alfred was king od


The Praetorian Guard was

the emperor's personal guard

After the 5th century, the Bishop of Rome was referred to as


The Huns, Magyars, Mongols, and Bulgars were _____ tribes


3 causes for the barbarian invasions of the 4th century were

pushed westward by Huns, wanting to move to the Mediterranean, the weakened state of Roman military power

Monte Cassino was

the place where Benedict established his monastery

The 1st Germanic king to become a Roman Catholic was ____, king of the

Clovis, king of the Franks

What was the comitatus?

Relationship between a leader and his warriors. The warriors swore complete alliance to the king or leader. The leader, in turn, took care of the needs of his warriors, including payment of debts

Why did the Arab invasions begin?

Because they needed land and grazing areas, nomadic tribes moving north, Muhammad was a strong religious and political leader, and Islam provided a reason for conquest

What was the Carolingian Renaissance?

A period of time during Charlemagne's reign when schools were established, scholars were sought out to teach, classics were preserved, illuminated manuscripts were produced, and Alcuin was brought from England


Land granted by a king or lord


Selected by peasants to represent them


A young man wanting to learn a trade


First step to knighthood


Business organization


Canterbury Tales


Early university

El cid

Spanish epic




Divine Comedy

What is feudalism

A social, economic and political system of the High Middle Ages where vassals gave military service to lords in return of protection and land

What is manorialism

Social and economic system of the Middle Ages

What is the Chivalric code

Code of a knight

The Carolingian line of kings was followed by the ____ line of kings


The Capetian king who led the seventh and eight crusades was

St. Louis

Joan of arc led the French army against the siege at


The Danish king who ruled England from 1016 to 1035 was


The document that king john was forced to sign by his nobles was

Magna Carta

House of lancaster

Red rose

Otto the great

First emperor of Holy Roman Empire

Battle of hastings


HOuse of York

White rose

"El cid"

Hero of Spanish reconquista

What causes the hundred years war

A double claim to the throne in FranceFrance

What caused the war of the roses

Henry VI's weak and disastrous reign

What was monastic reform?

When the monasteries wanted to make things better and right

What were the mendicant orders of the 12th and 13th centuries?

They were new orders founded to fight the spread of heresies

Pope Innocent the third gained political victories over both __________ of France and ____________ of England

Philip Augustus and King John

The Franciscans were founded by

Francis of Assisi

2 mendicant orders were begun by _______(1182-1216) and ___________(1170-1221)

Francis of Assisi and Dominic

Thomas Aquinas wrote the

Summa Theologica

Constantinople was captured for the first time by ______ in _____

4th crusaders and 1204

5 reasons for the final decline of the Byzantine empire are

internal power struggles, capture by Constantinople, invasions, loss of trade, black plague

The Byzantine Empire ended with the fall in _____ to the __________ in ______

1453, Ottoman Turks, and Constantinople

the last Byzantine emperor was

Constantine XI

Janissary corps

elite corps of Ottoman Turks

Genghis Khan

great Mongol leader


Mongol and Turkish tribes


modern Beijing

Kublai Khan

established Mongol capital in Khambalik


Viking Russians

Golden Horde

Mongol territory in Russia


established Moscow

Alexander Nevski

Russian national hero

Ivan the Great

first "tsar"

The Ummayad Kingdom of Cordoba was ________(religion)


Cluny was a reformed _________


Scholasticism was a system of

religious philosophy

Chaucer was a great ________

English poet


great Italian poet

first great Russian monarch

Ivan the Great

Augustine of Canterbury

missionary to Englandq

The Song of Roland

French epic

King John

Magna Carta

Notre Dame de Paris

Gothic Architecture


ran the financial business of the manor


Latin grammar, rhetoric, and logic

The granting of land by a noble to a lesser noble was called


The ceremony in which one became a vassal was called


The first 2 steps to knighthood were

page and squire

The steps to becoming a master craftsman were

apprenticeship and becoming a journey man

2 early formal universities were

Bologna and Paris

The medieval quadrivium included _______, _____, ______, and _________

arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy

Chaucer's collection of medieval tales is called

the Canterbury Tales

2 styles of architecture in the Middle Ages were

Romanesque and Gothic

Philip Augustus founded the University of


Harold Godwinson was defeated at the Battle of ______________ by ______ in the year ________

Hastings, William, and 1066

Why did Germany fail to develop a strong succession of monarchies?

Because they sought power and conquest instead of successful monasteries

Who fought in the Hundred Years War and who won?

England and France fought, France won

What was the Reconquista and how long did it last?

A period of battles between Muslims and Christians that lasted 800 years

What are the 7 sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church that were central to medieval Christian belief?

baptism, confirmation, penance, the Holy Eucharist, matrimony, holy orders, and extreme unction

What were the crusades?

They were military expeditions that failed. They were launched to help stop the spread of heresies.

Describe briefly the development of monastic tradition from the beginnings to the reform and mendicant orders of the 13th century

Monasticism started off as just a way of life. Monks would take vows of obedience and poverty. But then the reforms started because the monasteries were too wealthy. Eventually, the mendicant orders were passed to help monasticism become what it was and for the monks to help others again