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26 Cards in this Set

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the basic structural units of plants and animals are


This basic structural unit was first identified and named about _______ years ago


One definition of life given in this LIFEPAC is ____________

uninterrupted succession of cells

A remarkable fact about cells is _________

they're very different, yet very similar

Give 3 ways plant and animal cells are similar in structure

they all have plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus

Give 3 ways plant and animal cells are different in structure

cell wall in plants, vacuoles that contain cell sap in plants, and chloroplasts in cells

Give 3 ways plant and animal cells are similar in function

take energy and convert it to other forms, build and maintain themselves, exchange substances between their internal and outside environments

Give 3 ways plant and animal cells are different in function

plants make chlorophyll, vacuoles in plants store cell sap, and plastids in plants

Describe the structure and function of each of the following cell parts: nucleus

round substance that functions as cell's headquarters

Describe the structure and function of each of the following cell parts: nucleolus

small dark body found in nucleus that contains concentration of RNA

Describe the structure and function of each of the following cell parts: chromosome

thread like bodies in nucleus that carries genes or inheritance of cells

Describe the structure and function of each of the following cell parts: cytoplasm

protoplasm or living substance that contains everything outside the nucleus

Describe the structure and function of each of the following cell parts: mitochondria

tiny rod shaped cell bodies that act as cell power houses

Describe the structure and function of each of the following cell parts: chloroplast

tiny body that contains chlorophyll

Describe the structure and function of each of the following cell parts: endoplasmic reticulum

system of membranes that provides channels for transport and divides cytoplasm into compartments

Describe the structure and function of each of the following cell parts: Golgi bodies

groups of flattened tubes and membrane sacs that collect and package cell building materials

Describe the structure and function of each of the following cell parts: cell wall

surrounds cell and provides support

a mass of like cells makes up a

simple tissue

a mass of cells with more than one cell type make up a

complex tissue

a research method known as ________ has shown that 1 individual cell has the potential to develop into a whole plant

tissue culture

Probably the most common cell making up the bulk of the plant body is


The water-conducting tissue is called the


the food-conducting tissue is called


the outermost layer of cells of a plant body is


the oblong support cells in young green stems or leaf stalks are


the thick-walled cells important for support in older plant tissues are
