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95 Cards in this Set

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What is yoga
Yoga is a realization of oneness. Yoga is union. It is the ability to communicate on deeper level. It unites one to your true self
What is the hatha yoga pradipika?
Hatha yoga pradipika - Light on Sun and Moon Union. 14th century source scripture. A manual for Hatha Yoga written by Swami Swatmarama.
What is the Jivamukti Yoga Method?
It's hatha yoga
What are the 5 tenets of Jivamukti Yoga?
1. Ahimsa - Non Violence 2. Bhakti Yoga - Yoga of devotion
What are the 14 points to be covered in a Jivamtukti "Open level" Class?
1. Vinyasa (Surya Namaskar A & B) 2. Side Bending (Trikoasana) 3. Twisting (Ardha Matsyendrasana
Translate Shat Karma Kriyas
Shat - 6 Karma - Actions Kriya - Cleansing
What is sadhaka?
Spiritual practicioner.
Purpose of Altar?
Why chant OM at the beginning and end of each class?
To bring awareness and energy into the beginning of the class. Good vibrations through the entire body this marks the Jivamukti class. It is the root sound of all levels of sound
Purpose of Altar?
Honor your teachers/gurus.
What is Satsang?
Sat - Truth anga = attachment or limb Association withthose who remind you of your True potential
What is sadhana?
Spiritual Practice
What is Aarti?
Translate Lokah Samasta Sukinoh Bhavantu
Lokah - Location
Describe the usefulness of props in general and give a few sample uses or applications of blocks and belts.
Props are used to assist with the asana and to go deeper in expression of the asana. Blocks & Blankets - Bhekiasana (Baby Frog) Blankets
What are the 3 steps to meditation?
1. Choose your seat. 2. Be still 3. Focus
What are the 3 doshas?
Vata - Wind & Ether Pitta - Bile & Fire Kapha - Phelm & Water/Earth
Name the Shat Karma kriyas according to the Hathayogapradipika.
Basti - Enemas
What direction does the diaphragm move on the INHALE?
Diaphragm moves DOWN on the INHALE.
What direction does the diaphragm move on the EXHALE?
The diaphragm moves UP on the EXHALE.
Name the 5 boney parts of the spine.
1. Cervical (7) 2. Thoracic (12) 3. Lumbar (5) 4. Sacrum (1) 5. Coccyx (1)
What is Yoga
according to Patanjali? Cite the second sutra from the first chapter. Give word for word translation plus commentary.
According to Swami Sivananda
what are the results of Karma yoga?
Compare Kapalabhati
Translate Kapalabhati
Agni Sara
Define R.I.C.E.
Rest Ice Compress Elevate
Where does the world we see come from
and how do our thoughts affect the world we live in?
How do we go beyond our thoughts?
We go beyond our thoughts by watching them and not identifying with them. We go beyond the thought/mind.
What is meant by sakshi?
Sakshi is the "silent witness."
Why should we meditate?
Self realization.
What is Patanjali's one step method for attainment of yoga?
Iswhara pranidhanadva (Go to God)
What is the aim of all Yoga practice?
To achieve oneness of being
Is Yoga a religion?
No it is a spiritual practice.
What are the four main types of Yoga?
1. Jnana Yoga - Yoga of the intellect 2. Bhakti Yoga - Yoga of devotion
What is meant by the term Integral Yoga?
Sri Avrobindo Swami Sivananda Swami Satchiananda Swami Vishnudevananda
Translate Vinyasa
Krama and Ksana
List the 8 principles of adjustment.
Concentration Intention Breathing Connection to the Earth Honoring Pain Consistency and Ethusiasm Take Responsibility Cultivating Patience
Why is Surya Namaskar important? When should it be practiced?
Surya Namaskar is important to warm the body before asanas are practiced. It is regularly practiced at the beginning to warm the muscles and entire body for asana practice.
Put the following groups of asanas in a correct sequence ; from easy to more complex. (Set 1)
Dhanurasana - Moderate Shalabhasana - Easy Urdhva Dhanurasana - Hard
Put the following groups of asanas in a correct sequence ; from easy to more complex. (Set 2)
Virabhadrasana II - Moderate Tadasana - Easy Adho Mukha Vrksasana - Hard
Put the following groups of asanas in a correct sequence ; from easy to more complex. (Set 3)
Salambha Sarvagasana - Easy Sirshasana - Moderate Pincha Mayurasana - Hard
Put the following groups of asanas in a correct sequence ; from easy to more complex. (Set 4)
Janusirsasasana - Hard Paschimottanasana - Easy Uttanasana - Moderate
Where does the urge to dominate
Why do humans feel the need to wear fur or the skins of animals?
They have low self esteem. Might is right; largely unconscious.
Patanjali gives the practice of Ahimsa as a means to attain yoga
is this practice for everybody?
Why are standing poses important
and what is the most basic
What does the term guru mean?
Gu - darkness ru - remover The remover of goo.
Name the 6 main classical philosophical schools of India or Shad Darshan.
1. Yoga 2. Sankraya 3. Vaisheshiva 4. Nyaya 5. Vedanta 6. Purnakimasa
Translate the following: Tat twam asi Aham Brahmasmi Soham
Tat twam asi - That Thou Art Aham Brahmasmi - I am Brahman Soham - I am That
Define the Vedas.
Vedas come from the Sanskrit root vid
Define Upanishads.
Upanishads - sitting near; ancient scripture written circa 800 B.C.. The wisdom contained in these books was revealed to the rishis. There are said to be over a hundred
Define Vedanta.
Vedanta - end of the vedas. The Upanishads are the distillation of the essential spiritual message of the Vedas. Vedanta is the name of the classical philosophical school derived from the Upanishads. The essence of Vedanta is that the Ultimate Reality. Brahman
Name the 5 main exponents (five archaryas) of Vedanta.
Shankarcharya Ramanujarcharya Madhvarcharya Nimsarkarcharya Valiabarcharya
What role does the Sanskrit language play in Yoga practice and teaching?
There is no other language as successful in conveying meditation
Define Brahman.
Brahman is from the Sanskrit root bri
Define Maya.
Maya is the illusory power of the Divine. Maya is that which veils
Define Jiva.
Jiva is the individual soul
Define Atman.
Atman is Brahman
What are the 3 Gunas?
Tamas Rajas Satva
Name and describe
in word or two
Name and describe
in a word or two
Name and describe the three bodies
Physical Astral Casual
describe the five Upadhis Also
Describe 2 paths of Yoga : Maryada marg & Pushti marg
Maryada marg - interested in liberation Pushti marg - grace filled soul
Define Ishwara.
Ishwara the lord in God form.
Write the second sutra from Patanjali's first chapter
yogas citta vritti nirodahah
Define the word Karma.
Karma is action
Name and define the 3 types of Karma.
1. Sancitta - past karma that has accumlated in our lives 2. Parabdha - present karma 3. Agami - future karma
Define samskara.
Samskaras are grooves or impressions that are etched onto the covering of the soul by every karma or action taken.
Is there such a thing as Instant karma?
Does not occur because of nature of seeds but it does exist.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
We reap what we sow from past karmas.
Give the common known English names for the following and classify by the following categories : Forward Bend
Back Bend
what are the laws of karma?
Karma is certain. Karma expands. If you do it; it will come back. If you don't do it; it will NOT come back. Intention
How does asana practice help you resolve old karmas?
Yes. You carry with every unresolved karma you have done
What determines the result of any action?
What is karma yoga?
Yoga of selfless service.
How does developing the virtue of patience help with resolving bad karma?
With patience you will not feel guilt or anger.
Can you take on karma of another?
Define the word Pranayama.
Prana - Life force Yama - restrictiion Ayama - to set free To restrict life force and/or set free
What are the 4 parts of the breath?
Inhale - Puraka Inhale retention - Antar Exhale - Rechaka Exhale retention - Shivya kumbka
Compare breathing to mouth breathing.
Nose : Mouth :
How does the yogic practice of pranayama prepare one for social activism?
You can manage your breath to calm down. Be level headed gives you self confidence and self esteem.
What are nadis?
Nadis are subtle energy channels for the flow of prana.
Name and describe Five Winds or Prana Vayus
1. Pranavayu 2. Apanavayu 3. Saranavayu 4. Uddiyanavayu 5. Vyanavayu
How do asanas affect the nadis and the flow of Prana or Apana?
Asana purifies the nadis
Name and briefly describe the two general categories of pranayama.
Sri vritti - Equal breath Usana Vritti - Unequal breath
What does Shantih mean?
Internal peace.
Are the animals suffering in the factory farms
What role does vegertarianism / veganism have in the practice of yoga?
What would be the potential karmic consequences of viewing other beings and things as existing to serve our human needs or desires and dominating
How is listening a yoga practice?
Nada yoga.
What is a nadi? What are the 3 primary ones?
Ida - Left - Feminine Pingala - Right - Masculine Shushumna
What is kundalini?
Consciouness of the unenlightened. Kundalini is the sleeping serpent.
Define Hatha Yoga.
Ha - Sun Tha - Moon
What is magic?
Magic is shifting consciousness or perception.