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Good afternoon classmates my name is Doinell Vicks
"Sex Trafficking"
We all may have a certain number of opinions formed when it comes to sex trafficking; however, we do not know all of the facts.
According to the Washington State Office of the Attorney General, trafficking occurs for commercial sexual exploitation in street prostitution, massage parlors, brothels, and for labor in domestic service, agriculture, manufacturing, janitorial services, hotel services, hospitality industries, construction, health and elder care, and the strip club.
After reviewing the move “Taken”, I decided to research and advance my knowledge and go more in-depth on the subject of human trafficking.
Human trafficking, sexual exploitation, commercial sex, and some of the techniques of individuals to get taken are notorious in women it is also prevalent in children.
So I would like to briefly describe what human trafficking, commercial sex, and sexual exploitation is and some of the statistics involved in it.
Sex trafficking comprises a significant portion of overall trafficking and the majority of transnational modern-day slavery.
Sexual exploitation is the use of another person in non-consensual sex for profit.
Commercial sex is any sexual activity in which anything of value is given to or received by any person.
It seems like this would not happen in the present day; however, it is far more complex than it is made out to be.
According to FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, human sex trafficking is the most common form of modern-day slavery.
Estimates place the number of its domestic and international victims in the millions, mostly females and children in the commercial sex industry for little or no money.
Sexual trafficking does not only happen in large cities it also happens in smaller towns and cities throughout the world and surprisingly it can even exist in a citizen’s backyard.
Research shows that the Washington State Office of the Attorney General, estimates 293,000 children in the U.S. are in danger of being sexually trafficked.
Human rights investigations by Shared Hope International, discovered minors were sold on an average of 10-15 times a day out of a week, totaling between 9,360 and 14,040 sex acts a year; the girls receive none of the money.
The State Department’s annual Trafficking in Person Report 10 examples of human trafficking in 184 countries, including the U.S which is revealed that the U.S. is a source, transit, and the destination country for men, women and children subjected to sexually trafficking.
Now that we understand the definition of sexual trafficking, sexual exploitation, and commercial sex and some of the statistics let’s discuss some information of children being victims in the situation.
Regardless of the circumstances commercial sex exploitation is still considered trafficking.
According to the book of Slavery Today, each year, more than two million children are exploited in the global commercial sex trade; many of these children are trapped into prostitution.
The use of children in the commercial sex trade is prohibited under both U.S. law and the U.N. TIP Protocol.
Sexual exploitation is not the only thing that happens sex tourism also occurs.
According to the book of Slavery Today, it also says that child-sex tourism involves people who travel from their own country—often a country where child sexual exploitation is illegal or culturally abhorrent—to another country where they engage in commercial sex acts with children.
Child-sex tourism is a shameful assault on the dignity of children and a form of violent child abuse.
The commercial sexual exploitation of children has devastating consequences for minors, who may include long-lasting physical and psychological trauma, and several of the tourists wanting to be with children are pediatrician, a retired Army sergeant, and a dentist, etc.
The crime is typically fueled by weak law enforcement, corruption, the Internet, ease of travel, and poverty.
Now I want to explain to you some of the things that occur when children or women are tricked into sex trafficking
Children including boys and girls and even women are kidnapped in the U.S and sold to people in foreign countries
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, states that human trafficking is much more organized and violent.
The women and young girls are sold into traffickers, locked up in a room for weeks to months, drugged, terrorized, and raped repeatedly.
The captives are so afraid and intimidated that they rarely speak out against their traffickers, even when faced with an opportunity to escape.
Traffickers who have more than one victim often have a bottom, who sits atop the hierarchy of prostitutes and the bottom collects the money from the girls, disciplines them, seduces unwilling youths into trafficking, and handles the day-to-day business for the trafficker.
Traffickers us force, drugs, emotional tactics, and financial methods to control their victims.
Traffickers often take their victims’ form of identity , such as birth certificates, passports, and driver’s licenses, which this re-insures that the victims will not be able to support themselves so they will have no other choice but to return to the trafficker.
These abusive methods of control impact the victims both physically and mentally.
In conclusion, we have learned what sexual trafficking is, also with some other terms such as commercial sex and sexual exploitation and lastly, some of the things that occur when children or women are tricked into sex trafficking.
So now that we know all of this information when it comes to sex trafficking we can be better prepared not only for ourselves but for generations to come.