“In 2006, the US State Department reported that one million children are exploited in the global sex trade. Sex tourists, seeking anonymity and impunity in foreign lands, exploit many of these children in child sex tourism”(trafficking of children). Children are kidnapped, sold into a sexual slavery and sent to a different country. Children are often chosen because they are unable to get in contact with their family, become vulnerable and at the mercy of the traffickers.
“Human trafficking attempts to strip individuals of their God given dignity and should no longer be tolerated as an industry in the global economy.” “ The sale of human beings is believed to be a $7 to $12 billion industry and ranks third, after the sale of drugs and arms, as the most lucrative international and illegal enterprise. “(Criminal Justice). The profit of human trafficking is found to be immense with minimal risk. The cheap labor brings high profit especially in low economy. “Supply and demand have increased through the years partially due to the internet and the ease with which traffickers and customers can discreetly complete a transaction”(End slavery Now). It is becoming really easy and inexpensive and that is what promotes