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13 Cards in this Set

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What are glucocorticoid analouges

Molecules we have synthesised that are similarwhat to glucocorticoids our body makes

What makes glucocorticoids


What are glucocorticoids

Potently anti inflammatory

Whats an example of a glucocorticoids humans make


Whats a powerful glucocorticoids


Explain the usual pathway for inflammation

Stimulus- cytokines- then through cox to PGS and PGES

Name some of the cytokines thats produced

TNF, IL-1,IL-2, IFN-y

What do PGs and PGEs give you

Pain, swelling

What do steroids supress and how do they do it

Cytokines-switch off directly, switch gene of

COX- not direct switch off to COX, it upregulates the production of lipocortin which inhibits the generation of arachadonic acid

Through the steroid inhibition of inflammation what can an effect be

Start to remodel and person and shape of their body and face called moon face

What is the relative anti inflammatory potency idf cortisol, betamethasone and dexamethasone

Cortisol-1, 25, 25

25 is most potent we have ever seen

What is a steroids mechanism

Steroid moves into cell and binds to receptor thats masked by HSP 90.

Once steroid bunds to receptor it disengages the protein and is free to move into nucleus

In nucleus it can bind to particularly regulatory genes

When the steroid moves into nucleus what can happen

Transrepression-binds to dna in the same site where another transcription factor would bind preventing the transcription of genes that are transcribed by that factor

Transactivation- result in the regulation of gene expression i.e anti inflammatory proteins