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13 Cards in this Set

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How to t cell goes on to divide

T cells divide after antigen is presehted

1 T cell thats specific to the antigen thats presented will go through clonal expansion

Even if you dont have CD28(costimulatory) you can still get activation just not 100%

What do mitogens do in T cell activation pathway

ConA or PHA are lectins (proteins that have high affinity for binding to sugars

Release of IL-2 causes what

T cell proliferation

What does Ca ionophore do

A hole that only calcium fits through, they punch a hole in the membrane to allow calcium to flood in stimulates a calcium signal

What does csa block

Even after calcium comes in means it blocks a step after calcium

Whats the observations of CsA and fk506

Affect Ca 2+ pathways Inhibit ca2+ ionophores

Do not affect generation of ca2+( doesnt stop it from being made just stops it from acting downstream)

Fk506 and Csa affect pathway after Ca2+

Where does CsA or FK506 bind

Cyclosporin is highly lipid soluble

Synthesised cyclosporin doesn’t bind to cells surface it hinds to a protein within the cytosol

What is cyclosporin As binding protein


What is FK506 binding protein


What is rapamycins binding protein


What are cyclophillin and FKBP Said to be

Peptidyl-prolyl isomerasesn(PPI)

What are ppis and rotamases

They are there to speed up the folding of proteins that are newly synthesised

Rotamases-rotate the proteins

What inhibits rotamases and what does this suggest

Csa fk506 and rapamycin all inhibit rotamase

Antagonists also inhibit rotamase activity and antagonists are not immunosuppressive so this implies that rotamase activity isn’t involved in suppression