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15 Cards in this Set

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Name another example of specific immunosuppression

Macrolides- fungal derivatives

Less damaging side effects

What are some anti rejection drugs

Main is cylosporin A then discovered FK-506, then rapamycin

Why are these antirejection drugs called agonists

They actively shut down immune responses

What is a bit of history of cyclosporin

Pharmaceutics discoverer the immunosuppressant agent that ultimately moved transplantation from the realm of curiosity into routine therapy

1 year kidney survival pre CsA

50% cadaver (someone dies and donates their organs)

75% living donor (related)

1 year kidney survival after csa and dose given

85% cadaver

95% living donor (related)

20mg/kg- some toxicity/nephrotoxicity major(99% of toxicity is nephrotoxicity)

Cyclosporin A is potent suppression of what

Alloantigen specific T cell numbers

T-cell proliferation

Cytotoxic T cell numbers

Il-2 and ifn-γ

What is Il-2

Primary T cell growth factor

Use this as a marker at T cell proliferation

What does cytosporin do to cells

Does not kill the cells

FK-506 liver and liver/intestine transplant success rate


Dose you would use for FK-506

150 μg/kg

100 x more potent that csa

Side effects nephrotoxicity but far less that csa so very selective

Dose used for cyclosporin


Why do you get less toxicity with FK506

Give people less compound as its potent

More compound you give someone the more unselective effects happen

If you only give someone a little but it will only go to selective places- cyclosporin is more commonly used but FK-506 is more expensive

Characteristics in rapamycin

Effective even after T cell activation especially in highly histoincompatible organs (heart)

Greater potency and graft survival time than FK506

No major renal toxicity but:

In experimental animals

Gi ulceration


Testicular atrophy