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16 Cards in this Set

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What two steps must be performed to include a Google map into an app?

1. Create and include a unique API key (from Google dev console)

2. Create a layout file to contain the map

Where is a Google map always centered by default?

At the intersection of the equator and prime meridian (0.0, 0.0)

What values are GPS coordinates?


How can you set a default map start location in XML?



How can you set a default map start location in Java?

goToLocation(lat, long, zoom)

How does geocoding work?

Wraps up all request and response functionality; returns everything back as Java object

What permission must be included in the manifest to access the user's current location?

What are the non-code and Java code approaches to getting the user's current location?

1. mMap.setMyLocationEnabled(true)

2. showCurrentLocation() { calls to Google API }

What are the components that make up an Android Application?

1. Activities: screens of the app, made up of views

2. Services: perform background jobs; usually non-visual

3. Content providers: manage access to data, allow apps to exchange data

4. Broadcast receivers: reacts to system messages and messages from other apps

What are the four most important files/folders in an Android project?

1. res folder: contents app resources

2. Manifest: information and permissions of the app

3. Java code files: app itself

4. Layout files: visual appearance tied to activities


An application component that provides a screen (made up of views)

What are the layers of the Android framework?

1. Applications

2. Application framework (managers, content providers)

3. Libraries (SQLite, OpenGL) AND Android Runtime (virtual machine, C#)

4. Linux Kernel (drivers)

Why is the activity lifecycle important?

1. Allows app to not crash when another app starts

2. Allows user to not lose progress/saved data when app is destroyed

3. Allows app to not do heavy processing or network operations while user is away from it

When the user launches another activity that appears in front of the previous one, what lifecycle methods get called?

onPause(), then onStop()

What happens when the user returns to an activity that has stopped?

onRestart() is called, followed by start/resume

Where is the UI updated?

On the Main Thread