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18 Cards in this Set

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Syntax for inserting something in the database

T/F you need a constants class

false, you don't need one, you can put in a string name on your own (its just better to have a constants class tho)

what is in the database class?

- SQLiteDatabase instance and helper

what 2 important methods are in the SQLiteOpenHelper

onCreate() and onUpgrade()

what is in the constants class? (if you make one)

holds all the string constants (e.g table names, column names, etc.)

T/F - we want to keep the UI code separate from the database code

true (i have no idea why this is so important rn)

what is this syntax doing?

private static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE" + Constants.TABLE_NAME + "(" +Constants.UID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + Constants.COLUMN_NAME1 + "TEXT, " +Constants.COMUM_NAME2 + "TEXT);" ;

creating/setting up a table

what is wrong with this:

private static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE" + Constants.TABLE_NAME + "(" +

Constants.COLUMN_NAME1 + "TEXT, "+

Constants.COMUM_NAME2 + "TEXT);" ;


whats wrong with this?

private static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE" + Constants.TABLE_NAME + "(" +Constants.UID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + Constants.COLUMN_NAME1 + "TEXT, " +Constants.COMUM_NAME2 + "TEXT)" ;

missing a semicolon before the last semicolon >):

private static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE" + Constants.TABLE_NAME + "(" +Constants.UID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + Constants.COLUMN_NAME1 + "TEXT, " +Constants.COMUM_NAME2 + "TEXT) ; " ;

what are the two things passed into the query method when reading data from the database?

selection criteria and the desired columns

what are the results in the query returned in?

a cursor object

what is a cursor?

gives us access to the results returned from a database query and allows navigation through the result set

what is the syntax of the query method?

public Cursor query (boolean distinct,

String[] columns,

String selection,

String[] selectionArgs,

String groupBy,

String having,

String orderBy,

String limit){...}

what is the parameter boolean distinct for in the query method?

make true if you want each row to be unique

what is the parameter String having for in the query method?

a filter to declare what groups to include in the cursor

what is a SimpleCursorAdapter?

an adapter to map columns from a cursor to TextViews or ImageViews defined in an XML file

what is a way to link the database to UI?

use a ListView - basically anything that will show the contents of the database

what are the advantages of using a SimpleCursorAdapter

- don't need to process the data from the cursor

- is a simplified getData() method