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56 Cards in this Set

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Total Blood volume in an Adult

5-6 L or

5-8% Of the Body Wieght

% Formed Elements in the blood


1. RBCs

2. WBCs

3. Platelets

% Fluid Portion in the Blood


90% Water

10% Proteins (Albumin, globulin, fibrinogen) CHO, Vit, Hormones, Enzymes, Lipids, and Salts

Serum - liquid portion of clotted blood

Plasma - liquid portion of anticoagulated blood

Prevents coagulation by chelating calcium

Most common

For CBC, Plt count

Modified Westergren ESR



8 Inversions


Can't be used for coag studies, interferes w/ Factor V &

Thrombin-Fibrinogen Reaction


Platelet encircling peripheral borders of neutrophils

Due to serum factor that reacts in the presence of EDTA

Platelet Satellitosis


Use of Na Citrate

Excess EDTA Effects:

1. Shrink RBCs

2. Degenerative changes in WBC

3. Swell & Break Plt

4. Hgb no effect

1. Dec spun Hct


Falsely LOW ESR

3. Falsely Inc Plt Count

Changes in Blood @ Room Temp after 3 hrs:

1. Degenerative Cellular Changes

2. WBCs - cytoplasm vacuolation, more homogenous nuclei, poorly defined cytoplasmic borders, devpt of irregulary shaped nuclie

3. Plt Inc in Size and Disentegrate

Changes in Blood @ room temp after 6 Hrs:

1. RBCs Swell, Inc MCV

2. Inc OFT

3. Dec ESR

Slow down changes in Blood for upto 24 Hrs

Refrigeration @ 4C

Prevents coag by binding calcium in the blood in a soluble complex

Helps Plt retain functional capabilities

Sugar Water Test/Sucrose Hemolysis for PNH

Sodium Citrate

Light Blue Top

3-4 Inversions

Ratio of Anticoag to Blood in Citrate (Light Blue)


1 Part 0.109 M (3.2%) Sodium Citrate: 9 Parts WB

Also contain Citrate

Used in original/standard

Westergren ESR

1:4 Ag:Blood

Black Top

Prevents coag by interacting w/ anti-thrombin III and subsequent inhibition of Thrombin

Natural Anticoag

Used In vivo/vitro

Cardiopulmonary Bypass


8 Inversions (8-10X)

* May be used in conc of

15-20 or 30 U/mL

Effect on Wright's stained blood smear prepared from heparinized blood

Blue Background

Anticoagulant used in Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT) &

Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase (LAP)


1. Not used in Coag studies, inhibits thrombin

2. May cause error in automated cell counting

Acts by forming insoluble complexes w/ calcium


8-10 Inversions

Double/Balanced Oxalate

1. Potassium Oxalate (Paul-Heller) 2 Parts

2. Ammonium Oxalate (Wintrobe) 3 Parts

1. Shrinks Cells

2. Swells

Inhibits glycolysis, preserves glucose

Not an Anticoag

Combined w/ K oxalate if anticoag needed

Na Fluoride

8 Inversions

Blood Culture Collection




Yellow Stopper

For DNA Testing

HLA Phenotyping

Acid Citrate Dextrose (ACD)

Yellow Stopper


Order of Draw

1. Blood Culture Tubes (Yellow)

2. Coagulation (Blue)

3. Serum (Non-additive) Tubes (w/ or w/out clot activator or gel separator)

4. Heparin (Green)

5. EDTA (Lav Top)

6. Sodium Fluoride - Glycolytic Inhibitor (Gray)


*7. Black

Skin Puncture:

Order of Draw

1. Bood Gases

2. Slides

3. EDTA microcollection tubes

4. Other microcollection tubes

5. Serum micricollection tubes


Tube Color for

Plasma/Lead Testing


Tan (Glass) - Na Heparin

Tan (Plastic) - K2EDTA

Specimen for Glucose Testing should be separated from WB w/in

30 mins (Henry's)

Bishop: 1 Hr

Temperature is _________________ to Draw Volume

Inversely Proportional

Blood to Anticoagulant Ratio in Blood Bag

DOH: 1:7

Harmening: 1:8

Tests that uses

Defibrinated Blood

1. OFT

2. Hams Acidified Serum Test

3. Auto Hemolysis


Expiration of Evacuated Tubes

12 Mos

Sensitization of Evac Tubes: gamma radiation

Blood collection for

1. Young children

2. Veins w/ IV Infusion

3. Severely Burned Pxs

Skin Puncture

Mixture of venous, capillary, & arterial blood with interstitial and intracellular fluid

In Skin Puncture

RBC Cnt, Hct, Hgb, & Plt is __________

WBCs is ____________



Sites for Skin Puncture:

Adult: Third (Middle) Finger

Fourth (Ring) Finger

Infants: Lateral (outside) or medial (inside) surface of the plantar side (bottom) of the Heel

Puncture Depth

Not be more than

2 mm deep

Risk of Bone Injury & Infection (Osteomyelitis)

Sharp's Container Color


Yellow - Infectious

Yellow w/ Black Band - Chemical

Green - Non-Infectious Wet

Black - Non-Infectious Dry

Orange - Dry Radioactive Wastes



Most commonly used needles for Veni

20, 21, 22 gauge

Standard: 21

Length: 1-1.5 Inches

Needle Position & Angle

Bevel Up

15 Deg Angle

Tourniquet should not be left on the arm for longer than

1 min

>1 min Hemoconcentration

*3-4 Inches (Rodak: 2-4) Above Vein Site

Pxs w/ IV Infusions at both arms

Use Vein below IV site

IV stopped for a minimum of

2 mins before collection

Sites for Veni

Veins of the Antecubital Region:

1. Median Cubital (Preferred)

2. Cephalic (2nd)

3. Basilic (3rd)


1. Dorsal side of wrist & hand

2. Feet (w/ Physicians Content)


Hub Color

18 G - Pink

21 G - Green

22 G - Black

23 G - Blue

Collection for

New Born Screening

Blood Spot Collection

Most common complication in Phlebotomy


1. Bleeding @ site of Puncture

2. Hematoma formation

Phleb Complications:

1. Vascular

2. Infection

3. Anemia

4. Nuerologic (Seizure/Pain)

5. Cardiovascular

6. Dermatologic

Leakage of large amount of blood around puncture site


Leakage of small amount of blood around puncture site

Ecchymosis (Bruise)

Most Common complication in Veni

Stress/Anxiety can cause temporary increase in



Non Per Orem

Water is also prohibited

FASTING - can drink water

Early Morning Collection


No Physical Activity

Basal State Collection

Effect of Lying Position during Blood Collection



Standing: Hemoconc


Decontaminant for Blood Spill

Sodium Hypochlorite/Household Bleach

1:10 Dilution

1:9 Ratio

1 parts NaCl: 9 Parts Water


HBV - 10 mins

HIV - 2 mins

Isolation Techniques:

1. Strict Isolation

2. Enteric Isolation

3. Respiratory Isolation

4. Wound & Skin Isolation

5. Protective/Reverse Isolation

Used when coming in contact with patients who have dysentery and other disorders that spread thru direct contact

Enteric Isolation

Gown, Gloves is used

Used when the px has infections that are transmitted via droplets or by an airborne route

Respiratory Isolation

Gloves, Mask is used

Used in cases of skin infection that maybe transmitted directly or indirectly

Wound & Skin Isolation

Gown, Gloves is used

Require the technologist to protect the px from infection

Protective/Reverse Isolation

Gown, Gloves, Mask, Shoe coverings is used

Pxs w/ Leukemia, Severe burns, kidney transplant, body radiation, plastic surgery

Used in cases of contagious dses that can be transmitted by direct contact via the air

Strict Isolation

Gown, Mask, Gloves is Used