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116 Cards in this Set

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Health psychologists are most likely to see health

from a biopsychosocial viewpoint.

The biomedical model of disease

views pathogens as the causes of disease.

In 1900, most deaths in the United States were caused by _____, whereas today most are due to _____.

infectious diseases, chronic diseases

In the United States, young people have a low mortality rate; those who die are most likely to die from

unintentional injuries.

People’s beliefs about health and illness may be incorrect. Which of these common beliefs is true?

None of these is true.

Rhona is a 32-year-old African American college professor. Gena is a 32-year-old Hispanic American engineer. Leah is a 32-year-old European American who has been unemployed for most of the past 10 years and living below the poverty level. Helen is a 32-year-old Asian American dentist. The woman most at risk for poor health is


All of the following are factors in life expectancy except:

mother's personality

The training of health psychologists includes earning doctoral degrees.


Janelle, a health psychologist, could do any of the following tasks except

design drug trials to enable doctors to find a drug to treat breast cancer.

Young adults show the greatest reluctance to seek health care.


Although the term "disease" and "illness" are often used interchangeably, they have somewhat different meanings. Technically, disease refers to

the process of physical damage.the experience of being sick.an existing, offical diagnosis.

Who is most likely to seek health care?

55-year-old women with a rapid heart beat

In conceptualizing most diseases, people tend to

none of these

Poor people, in comparison to wealthy people, utilize health care ________, and when they do their illnesses are __________.

less often; severe

Maud has not been feeling well due to a sore throat. She has taken aspirin and spent most of the day in bed. Her actions would be defined as

illness behavior.

A comparison of male and female physicians showed that

female physicians spend more time with each patient than male physicians.

Which of these attitudes does NOT represent a health risk from failure to take prescription medicine according to directions?

"If my medication makes me feel bad, I take it anyway."

Dawson's dentist calls to remind him of his scheduled appointment in three days. When Dawson arrives at the dentist's office he is permitted to select a lottery ticket as a reward for keeping his appointment. From this information, it appears that Dawson's dentist is using an approach based on the _____ model of adherence.


Educational approaches and behavioral approaches are about equally successful in improving compliance.


Which of these patient-practitioner interaction variables is the best predictor of a patient's compliance?

physician who explains in detail the procedures that should be undertaken by the patient

According to the transtheoretical model, relapse

is possible from any stage as relapse is common and should be expected

Compared with male physicians, female physicians

ask more questions of patients.

The reason that patients fail to be compliant is that

any or all of these

Which of these is LEAST consistent with current theories of compliance?

punishment for noncompliant behavior

For the past three years, Loran has been following his doctor's advice to cut down on his consumption of red meat and to eat more fruits and vegetables. With regard to protecting himself against heart disease, Loran is currently in which stage of the transtheoretical model?


The personal belief that a treatment is ineffective or harmful

decreases patient compliance.

People's belief that they can control their environmental events is called self-efficacy.


According to research, which of these methods improves the rate of patient compliance by 50%?

none of these

Contrary to common sense, people with strong social support are less likely to adhere to medical advice.


A physician who is friendly and open in discussing medical advice with her patients will have patients who

like her more and comply with her advice at a higher rate.

Ordinarily, the LEAST severe cardiovascular disorder is

angina pectoris

Since 1960, death rates from cardiovascular disease have

decreased dramatically

The strongest inherent risk factor for cardiovascular disease is

advancing age.

Monica, a 50-year old married bus driver, is worried because her total cholesterol is 200. Monica's HDL is 60. Monica would worry less if she knew that

her cholesterol profile is very good.

An analysis of fruit and vegetable consumption in countries around the world indicated that

people in developing countries eat more fruits and vegetables than is optimal for good health. wealthy people in industrialized countries eat an adequate amount of these foods, but poor people in industrialized countries do not.

High social rank and status

offer protection against cardiovascular disease.

You are MOST at risk for heart disease if you

are an unmarried man.

Grace owns a large manufacturing firm. She is competitive, nearly always angry, and constantly in a hurry to get things done. Grace's greatest risk for heart disease is

her anger.

Brady is a 22-year old college student who smokes, eats high-fat foods, and doesn't exercise. Brady knows that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, yet he views his chances of dying of heart disease as near zero. Weinstein would call Brady's attitude

optimistic bias.

People who follow a cardiac rehabilitation program substantially lower their risk for a second heart attack.


Which of these hypothesis best explains the recent drop in cancer death rates in the U.S.?

better treatment procedures

changes in lifestyle

The factor LEAST likely to explain why people of different ethnic background have different rates of cancer deaths is


Which of these is the strongest inherent risk factor for cancer?

advancing age

Lee Ann believes that diet is an important factor in cancer. She wants to eat a diet that will protect her. Based on current research, what statement will have the biggest impact on her cancer risk?

Lee Ann should eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.

Kristy is a 21-year-old college student who is concerned about breast cancer because both her mother and grandmother developed the disease before the age of 55. Current evidence shows that Kristy can reduce her chances of breast cancer by

doing all of these.

Research indicates that a diagnosis of cancer often

results in feelings of fear and anger.

Psychologists' involvement in cancer has centered mostly on

prevention and helping patients to cope with their illness.

Metastasis refers to

the spread of malignancy from one part of the body to another.

Taylor is a 38-year-old stockbroker with a 6-year-old son. She smokes about 30 cigarettes per week and consumes about 5 to 10 alcoholic drinks during a week. Because her mother died of cancer of the esophagus at age 64, Taylor is trying to reduce her risk of cancer. Her best course of action would be to

quit smoking.

Which of the following is NOT a risk for Alzheimer’s disease?

high educational level

Although there is yet no cure for Alzheimer's disease and no sure way to prevent it, some behaviors may be effective in decreasing the risk for the disease. These include

taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Feelings of loss that Alzheimer’s caregivers experience often begin

with the diagnosis.

Which ethnic group has the lowest risk for Type 2 diabetes?

European Americans

Health psychology's involvement with diabetes has included

understanding how diabetics conceptualize their illness. understanding the effects of stress on blood glucose metabolism. helping diabetics understand the requirements for managing diabetes.

Which of the following statements is best supported by the research evidence?

Stress management makes a small but significant impact on blood glucose levels.

The proportion of new HIV cases in the United States has decreased most for

gay men.

When HIV positive women give birth to a child,

use of antiretroviral drugs drastically reduces the chance of transmission to the baby.

Both early-onset and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease have a genetic component.


People with intellectually challenging jobs are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.


Type 2 diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes.


The incidence of Type 2 diabetes is decreasing for children and adolescents.


Type 1 diabetes requires a special diet; Type 2 diabetes does not.


Obese individuals are two to three times more likely to have asthma than other people.


AIDS is one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States.


Advancing age is the leading risk factor for heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's.


In the United States, people of this ethnic background have the highest rate of drinking.

European Americans

The highest rate of binge drinking in the United States is among

young adults, 18 to 25 years of age.

What effect does alcohol have on the cardiovascular system?

It increases blood pressure in some individuals.

Research continues to show that

moderate drinkers have a lower death rate than heavy drinkers. moderate drinkers have a lower death rate than nondrinkers.

The observation that people in different cultures have different beliefs about alcohol’s effects tends to support

the social learning model.

Relapse rates are

about the same for smoking, alcohol abuse, and opiate use.

The most commonly used illegal drug in the United States is


Women and men are not equally affected by drinking alcohol, and one factor in this difference is body weight.


About 70% of all motor vehicle fatalities are a result of alcohol-impaired driving.


_______ is the most widely consumed drug in the United States.


_______ is the most widely used drug among high school students.


When a drug becomes incorporated into the functioning of the body's cells and thus becomes necessary for "normal" functioning, ________ has occurred.


Samuel has just taken an illegal drug that leaves him feeling relaxed, but it has the side effect of impairing his judgment and coordination. Samuel has most likely taken


The most effective prevention programs for children and teens are programs that

teach social skills.

BethAnne has just taken a drug that leaves her feeling happy and pleasant, but the side effect is that it may affect the regulation of her body’s temperature. BethAnne has most likely taken


The cognitive behavioral treatment for bulimia aims to

change eating patterns.

prompt weight gain.

Lisa frequently goes on an eating binge, but she never purges afterward. Lisa is about 40 pounds overweight. Lisa most likely has

binge eating disorder.

Bulimia is more likely to be fatal than anorexia.


The setpoint concept assumes that

people have a kind of internal thermostat that regulates weight.

Studies of adopted children and identical twins have found that

genetic factors are important in weight and fat distribution.

Nelson enjoys tasty food, and he will eat food even when he isn't hungry, if he is fond of that type of food. This eating pattern is most consistent with the _____ model.

positive incentive

In general, the relationship between weight and poor health is


Both low-carbohydrate diets and low-fat diets share one drawback:

both produce high dropout rates.


see themselves as being too fat.

The immediate aim of treatment programs for anorexics is usually

weight restoration

Unlike anorexics, bulimics

frequently feel quilty over their eating patterns and are motivated to change.

In a population of college women, bulimia would be more prevalent than anorexia.


Muscle dysmorphia is often referred to as reverse anorexia nervosa.


Common characteristics of individuals who suffer from muscle dysmorphia include

belief they are underweight or below average in musculature.become distressed if they miss a workout session.constant mood swings and depression.

A combination of emotional concern, instrumental aid, information, and appraisal best describes

social support.

A large international study of risk factors for heart attack showed that

several types of stress were related to increased risk for heart attack.

According to Lazarus,

less vulnerable to stress than someone who saw the event as a threat.

According to Richard Lazarus, people's perception of their ability to cope with a stressful event can diminish their feelings of stress.


Austin suffers from recurrent intrusive memories of his experiences as a fire fighter at the time of the World Trade Center attacks. He also has unpleasant dreams that replay some of these experiences. Austin is most likely suffering from

posttraumatic stress disorder.

Compared with people who have little reaction to stressful events, those who react with strong emotion are more likely to have cardiovascular disease.


In order for stress to cause illness, stress must affect physiological processes that produce illness. The most likely candidate for a mechanism is the _____ system.


Life events and everyday hassles are two terms for similar sources of stress.


One criticism of Selye’s theory of stress is that it emphasizes the _____ factors but largely ignores the influence of _____ factors.

physical, psychological

People with a negative outlook and a tendency to ruminate over problems

are at higher risk for depression than those with a more positive attitude

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

occurs in one fourth to one third of individuals who have experienced cataclysmic events.

Sheldon Cohen and his colleagues found that development of colds

was more strongly related to the duration of stress than its severity.

Stress has been considered as

a stimulus. a response. the interaction between stimulus and response.

The diathesis-stress model hypothesizes that

some people are more inherently vulnerable to the effects of stress.

The more workplace decisions a person must make each day, the more stress that person will experience.


The most reliable finding in the field of health psychology is that stress causes illnesses.


The second stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome is


The type of stress that is most closely associated with headaches is

daily hassles.

Which of the following is NOT a common source of stress for women?

having a husband who supports her career goals

Which of the following is the best summary of the relationship between stress and psychological disorders?

The relationship between stressful life experiences and the onset of psychological disorders is not strong.

In the video "Stress, Portrait of a Killer" they state that stress is not a state of mind, it is something measurable and dangerous.


In the video "Stress, Portrait of a Killer" they state that the first related disease that was recognized by stress roughly 70 years ago was heart disease?
