Exercise can reduce the chance of becoming diabetic and is also important in managing diabetes. In fact, an exercise-free lifestyle can be credited with two hundred and fifty thousand deaths in the US. Less than one-third of adults do enough physical activity. When you exercise, your muscles need more oxygen to undergo cellular respiration for energy. Therefore, during exercise, the heart must contract more often for the muscles to receive sufficient oxygen. Life with a healthy heart is something that is beyond wonderful. Unfortunately, many people in the world cannot embrace this feeling. Individuals all over the world deal with heart disease. Also, for fifteen million people and counting, heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the U.S. "Risk factors are conditions or habits that make a person more likely to develop a disease, and can also increase the chances that an existing disease will get worse" ("Lower Heart Disease Risk"). The main risk factors for heart disease include the following: high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity, and having a history of heart disease in the family. Unfortunately, the family history of heart disease cannot be altered in any way. Furthermore, many people face cancer, death, and much more. Overall, processed food should be excluded because it accelerate health conditions such as …show more content…
In fact, some people have no clue that fast foods have extremely elevated levels of sugar and fats that tend to settle in certain areas of the body. The human brain craves the sugars and fats that are found in fast food. Similarly, these high levels of fat, sugar, and sodium can cause heart disease. Moreover, the fatty acids found in many fast foods and junk foods can cause liver dysfunction and illness. Some foods can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, and that can be dangerous. Most kids and teens don 't know the fact that this type of illness can damage and kill heart cells, which is why most of these fast foods can pose a huge risk to your body. Throughout the decades, we have become addicted to this type of food without realizing the many harmful effects it has. I honestly think that what everyone eats plays a huge role in the risk of obesity. Children, teenagers, and even young adults are encouraged to eat unhealthy foods by the advertisement and promotion of such food on television, posters, the Internet, and even on social networks. Children do not understand the importance of eating healthy. Clearly, this is why having healthy foods in schools should be taken to the next level. This should be done everywhere in the world. In general, we should all take a stand in eating to be a better, fitter person. Overall, junk food