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262 Cards in this Set

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Theseus was made due to:

mythological propaganda

Who created the mythological propaganda of Theseus and why?

-Pisistratus, a tyrant that ruled Athens

-So Athens had a hero like Sparta and Heracles

What were the 2 older myths that Theseus was involved in?

1.) Labyrinth/Minotaur

2.) Centauromachy

What did the Athenians credit Theseus with founding:

1.) Democracy (not true, was the rowers of Athens that wanted a same)

2.) Panatheniac games (like the Olympic games)

3.) Coinage (Not true, invented in Libya)

What battle is it said that the ghost of Theseus led them to victory?

The Battle of Marathon

-Persian war

-Persians mad that the Greeks instigated a persian revolt, Athenians took up leadership in the battle, said Theseus' ghost led them to victory

Who found where were the "tomb of theseus" found?

Cimon, the son of General Miltiades went to the Island of Scyros

What are the 3 versions of Athenians origins?

1.) descendants of Cecrops

2.) Autochthonous- "sprung from the earth"

3.) Descended directly from Athena

Why did the upper class where grasshopper pins?

The Autochthonous

-born directly from the ground, had a connection to the land

-Believed that grasshoppers also came directly from the earth

What 2 versions does the story of Erichtonius combine?

Autochthony and Athena version

Who was Erichtonius given to?

3 daughters of Cecrops

What were the 3 daughters told not to do?

Peak in the basket where baby Erichtonius lay

What happened when 2 daughters looked at Erichtonius?

Went mad and jumped to there deaths from the Acropolis

What festival did this event inspire?

"Festival of the Dew Carriers"

Who are the 2 daughters of Pandion

-Procne and Philomena

Who aids Pandion during Athens war with Thebes?

Tereus, Thracian King, son of Mars

What does Pandion give to Tereus as a reward?

Procne for a wife

What happens to Philomena when Procne asks Tereus to go retrieve Philomena?

Tereus rapes her, cuts of her tongue to silence her, and puts her in a dungeon

What folktale motif does Philomena getting locked away play to?

Notion of seclusion, locked away

How does Philomena tell Procne she's alive?

weaves her tale on a tapestry, tells a nurse to take it to her sister

What does Procne do to get back at her Husband?

Feeds there son, Itys to him

What do the gods do to the 3 characters?

Turn them into birds

What kind of birds do Tereus, Procne and Philomena turn into?

Tereus: Houpoe (crown like feather)

Procne: Nightingale (mournful song they sing)

Philomena: Swallow (don't sing)

Who are the quarrelling siblings over the Athenian throne?

Pallas and Aegeus

What was Aegeus problem and what did he do to solve it?

Couldn't produce a heir, went to the Oracle at Delphi for fertility advice

What does the Oracle say?

"Do not open the wineskin until you come to the pinnacle of the Athenians"

Who understands the oracle?

Pittheus, Troezens King

What does Pittheus do to fulfill the oracle?

Gets Aegeus drunk and sends in his Daughter Aethra to become pregnant

What does Aethras dream tell her to do?

Go down to the sea

What happens when Aethra goes down to the sea?

Is impregnated by Poseidon

What does the cause?

Theseus with a mortal father and divine father

What does Aegeus do so Theseus can prove he is his son when he is older?

Aegeus puts sandals and a sword under a rock, when Theseus is older he will be strong enough to get these back

What are the 6 Labours of Theseus?

1.) Periphetes

2.) Sinis

3.) Crommyonian Sow

4.) Siron

5.) Cercyon

6.) Procrustes


-Son of Hephaestus, "Iron-Club"

-bushes people heads in, Theseus does this to him



-sinister fellow, would take his guest & tie them to pine trees & slingshot them

-Theseus does this to him

Crommyonian Sow

"Huge pig"

-Redux that Heracles has against the Boar of Erymanthian


"Feet washer"

-would make guests wash his feet then kick them off a cliff

-Theseus does this to him



-Theseus wrestles him and crushes him



-small people he would stretch to fit the bed

-Large people had there feet chopped off

What is the common theme with the Labours of Theseus

Disobey of xenia, you get punished

Why doesn't Aegeus recognized Theseus when he arrives at Athens?

Aegeus is under the power of Medea, a famous sorcerer that is carrying Aegeus' child

What does Aegeus (Medea) make Theseus do and what motif is this?

Go against the bull of Marathon

-Under power of the enemy, made to preform impossible task, succeeds

What does Medea try to do to Theseus and what saves him?

Tries to poison him, before she does Aegeus recognizes him, and Medea flees to Asia

Who does Medea give birth to?

-Medus and the Medeans ancestors (Persians)

-Shows how Medea gave birth to the enemies of the Greeks

Who ambushes Theseus?

Pallas 50 sons, whom Theseus all kills

Where does Theseus go after this episode?

To Crete to defeat the Minotaur

What does Aegeus tell him upon returning?

Raise a white flag if Theseus survives,

raise a black flag if he dies

What happens to Aegeus upon Theseus return?

Accidentally hoists black flag even tho Theseus survives, Aegeus thinks differently and jumps to his death into the sea

-Explains name: Aegean sea

What heroic motif does this episode produce:

Heroes danger to those around them

What does Theseus do next seeking adventure?

Travels to the Amazons to abduct there Queen Antiope

Why were the Amazon warriors terrifying to the greeks?

-Tribe of warrior women, gender overturning

-Everything the Greek women were against


"no breast"

What did Theseus abducting Antiope cause?

The Amazonomachy

Who did Antiope and Theseus produce?


Who does Theseus marry after rejected Antiope?


Who did Hippolytus become a devotee of?


What does this mean for Hippolytus?

sexual abstinence

What problem occurs with Hippolytus refusing sex?

Phaedra falls in love with Hippolytus, who rejects her

Ashamed, what does Phaedra do?

Hangs herself with a note saying Hippolytus raped her

What does Theseus do to his son?

Curses him, causes Poseidon bull to rise from the sea and scare Hippolytus chariot horses which drag him to death

Who decides to test Theseus legendary powers by stealing his flocks?

Pirithous, King of Lipiths

What does Pirithous do after he is caught by Theseus?

Apologizes and offers to be Theseus slave

--> Friendship ensues!

Who does Pirithous marry and who does he invite to the wedding?


-Invited the Centaurs, his cousins

What do the Centaurs do at the wedding?

Try to rape the bride and the attendants

What is the battle between the Lapiths and the Centaurs?

The Centauromachy

Who do Theseus and Pirithous choose to marry?

Thesues- Helen of Troy


Where do they travel to get Persephone?

The Underworld

What mistake do they make whilst in the underworld?

They accept a meal from hades

-Binds them to the underworld forever!

Who rescues who from the underworld and who remains there?

Heracles rescues Theseus while he's there rescuing Cerberus

Pirithous gets left there

Who is in charge of Athens when Theseus returns?

A tyrant, the demagogue Menestheus

Where does Theseus escape to?

The Island of Scyros

Who kills Theseus and why?

The King of Scyros due to jealously, pushes him off a cliff "to see the view"

What heroic motif does Theseus death follow?

Not a noble death

Myths of Crete


1. Europa and the Bull

2. Minos and Pasiphae

3. Theseus and the Minotaur

4. Daedalus and Icarus

What was the civilization of people at Crete long before the Indo-european culture?

The Minoans

What was the beginning of the end for the Minoans?

Island south of Crete collapsed to to volcanic explosion, would have caused tsunamis that would have destroyed parts of crete and there harbours=ability to master the sea

Who did the minoans worship?

the "Great Goddess"

-all imcompassing goddess

-holding snakes:

represents life, death and rebirth

What was a prominent art feature in Crete?

The bull

-symbol of fertility

Who replaced the Minoans?

The Myceneaens

Europa is a descendent of who?

Zeus and Io

What does Zeus do to seduce Europa?

Turns himself into a bull

Where does Zeus (the bull) take Europa and what motif does this follow?

To Crete

-Young girl taken away from former life motif

Who does Agenor (her father) send to look for her?

Her brothers




Unsuccessful in finding Europa, where do each of these brothers settle and why is this important?

Phoenix: in Phoenicia

Clix: in Cilicia

Cadmus: in Thebes

Who do Zeus and Europa produce?




Who does Minos become?

The legendary king of the Minoans, given authority to rule over them by Zeus

After Zeus is done with Europa, who does she marry?

Asterius a local cretan

What motif does that bring in for the children of Europa and Zeus?

They now have a divine and mortal father

Who does Minos marry?

Pasiphae, daughter of Helius (sun god)

What does Minos say reasoning that he has a claim to the throne after Asterius dies?

He said Poseidon promised him the throne, and a bull will rise from the sea and he will sacrifice it to prove that the throne is his

What does Minos do that angers Poseidon?

When the bull rises, he doesn't have it in him to sacrifice it

What does Poseidon do to punish Minos?

Makes Pasiphae fall in love with the bull

Filled with lust for the bull, what does Pasiphae do?

Goes to Daedalus, famous craftsmen, asks him to construct a hollow cow

Why was Daedalus exiled from Athens?

He killed his nephew, jealous that he invented the saw

What does Pasiphae do with the wooden cow?

Climbs inside it, is impregnated by the bull

What do Pasiphae and the Bull produce?

The Minotaur, body of man, head of bull

What does Minos order Daedalus to make for the Minotaur?

A prison to house the Minotaur, makes a Labyrinth

What is a Labyrinth?

An underground maze

What would happen to people that entered the Labyrinth?

What was this an aspect of?

Would be devoured by the Minotaur

-aspect of human sacrifice

Who travels to Athens to compete in the Athletic games?

Androgenus, Minos son

How does Androgenus anger King Aegeus (Athens) and how does the King punish him?

-Is extremely successful in the games, beats all the athenians

-Is ordered to fight the bull, dies

What is this a violation of?


What does Minos do after his son is killed by the bull?

-Launches a punitive expedition against Athens

-Asks Zeus for help, who brings upon famine and plague to Athens

What does Athens do upon an Oracles advice to stop the attack?

Advises a capitulation

-7 boys and 7 girls are sent from Athens to be sacrificed to the Minotaur every year (or every 9 years)

Who volunteers to go to Crete from Athens?


Who falls in love with Theseus upon his arrival?

Ariadne, Minos daughter

What does Ariadne do and what motif does this follow?

-Helps Theseus if he promises to marry her

-Upon Daedalus' instructions, gives him a ball of thread and a sword

-Helper maiden motif

What does Theseus do with the aid provided?

Ties the ball of thread to the entrance, kills the Minotaur, then follows the string back out!

Where do Ariadne and Theseus escape to, and what does Theseus do there?

The Island of Naxos, where Theseus, disgusted by Ariadnes betrayal of her father, abandons her

What is the story of Theseus and the Minotaur mythologically represent?

Hostilities between Athens and Crete before there was a written record

What does Minos do to Daedalus as a punishment for helping his foes?

Imprisons Daedalus and his son, Icarus, in the Labyrinth

How do they escape the Labyrinth?

Daedalus constructs wings made of wax and feathers for him and his son, they fly out

What happens to Icarus?

What does this event symbolize?

-Ignoring his fathers warning, he flies to close to the sun and his wax wings melt, falls to his death

-the Greek notion of "Everything in moderation", golden rule

Where did Minos chase Daedalus to?

Sicily, where Daedalus was taking refuge with King Cocalus

What did Minos do to try and figure out if Daedalus was there or not and to give him up?

He promised a prize to whoever could complete a challenge: Wind a thread through a spiral conch

How did Daedalus figure out the challenge?

Glued the thread to an ant with honey that pulled it through the shell

How does Minos meet his end?

Before capturing Daedalus, he takes a bath, where King Cocalus' daughters pour boiling water on him

What is Minos role in the underworld?

Becomes a judge, who's been good or bad in the underworld

What suggests Thebes was an important place in Mycenean period?

Its prominent place in Greek myth

Who lived in Thebes?

The Boeotians

What did other greeks think of the Boeotians?

Thought they were boarish and ignorant

-term: "Boeotion pig" popular

Thebes was an enemy of ________ and was occupied by them from ___________ BCE.



Who was the legendary founder of Thebes and what was named after him?


-The Citadel of Thebes: The Cadmeia

What did the Boeotians form to repel Athens in 424 BCE?

A defensive league

-became an independent city state

Who did the Thebans destroy and what did they become?

The Spartan land forces, never been done before

Became a premier power in Greece

What is the Sacred Band?

A fighting group composed of Homosexual lovers

-Thebans believed that a pair of lovers fought harder

Who burnt Thebes to the ground in what year?

Alexander the Greet, great conquerer in Northern Greece

In 335 BCE

How did Cadmus found Thebes?

-was looking for his sister, Europa

-gave up, went to an Oracle to tell him what to do

-told him to follow a cow and where it laid down was where he was destined to found a city

Who did Cadmus defeat at a spring?

A dragon who was the offspring of Ares

What did Cadmus hear a voice say after defeated the dragon?

"Why do you gaze upon the dead serpent? You to will be looked at as a serpent?"

Upon the advice of _______, what does Cadmus do with the dragons teeth?


-Takes them out and sows them into the ground

What rises from the ground where the teeth were?

Armed men, the Sparti="sown men"

What do the Sparti do?

Confused, the start killing each other until there are only 5 left

What do these 5 Sparti represent?

The mythical ancestor of the aristocratic families of Thebes

Who did Cadmus have to serve for how long to atone for killing the dragon?

Ares for 8 years

Who did Cadmus then marry?

Harmonia, daughter of Ares and Aphrodite

What was a wedding gift to Harmonia by Aphrodite?

A cursed necklace made by Hephaestus

Who else did the cursed necklace bring upon bad situations to?

Ino-killed her child

Semele-burnt to a crisp

Agave-ripped her own son to pieces

Autonoes-son Acteon was devoured by his hunting dogs

What happened when Cadmus and Harmonia left Thebes?

They were turned into Serpants and spent the rest of there lives in Elysian fields

Who did Antiope and Zeus produce?

Zethus and Amphion (twins)

Where did Antiope run away to ashamed of her affair?

Sicyon, where she married the king

Who brought Antiope back to Thebes and why?

Her uncle Lycus, under order of her father

Who did Antiope leave behind and what happened to them?

Her twins, Zethus and Amphion

-raised by a shepherd

who hated Antiope and what did this person do to her?

Lycus wife, Dirce

-Locked her in a dungeon and tortured her

Who did Antiope find after escaping to the mountains

Her childern

What did the twins, Zethus and Amphion do after finding there mother

Took there revenge on Dirce and Lycus

-killed there uncle

-tied Dirce to a bull which dragged her to her death

What sprang up from Dirces blood ?

A fountain named after her

Zethus was a:

Amphion was a:

-practical herdsmen, does what it takes to survive

-Artistic musician, had a taste for the finer things in life

What did Zethus and Amphion construct?

The gates around Thebes

-Amphion played the lyre and the stones spontaneously arranged themselves into walls

Who did Amphion marry?

Who did Zethus marry?


-Thebe (named city after her)

Great grandson of Cadmus:


-becomes king of Thebes

What did Laius do when he left Thebes?

Raped the son of his host Pelops


-Pelops laid a curse on him, motif: sins of fathers effecting offspring

Who did Laius then marry?

Jocasta, descendent of Sparti

What did an Oracle warn Laius of?

That he would be killed by his own son


What did Laius do to his son once born?

Ordered the child to be exposed, pinned the child's feet together and ordered a shepard to place the child on the mountain side to die

What did the Shepard actually do?

Took pity and gave the child to a friend who gave him to King Polybus of Corinth and he wife Merope who raised him

What did they name the child?

Oedipus "swollen foot"

Where did Oedipus go to try and find answers about his past and what was he told?

Delphi oracle, was told "you will kill your father and marry your mother"

What did Oedipus do upon hearing this?

Fled Corinth, didn't want to hurt his adoptive parents

-Tried to escape the oracle

What happened at a crossroads?

Oedipus got in a confrontation and in a rage killed a man all his companions but one

"all but one motif"

Who was the man that Oedipus killed unknowningly?

Laius, his true father

What was terrorizing Thebes when Oedipus arrives?

A sphinx, daughter of Typhoeus, who devoured all that couldn't solve her riddle

What was the Sphinx' riddle?

"What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 at midday, and 3 in the evening?"

Creon, the interim King heard Laius was killed by bandits, and decreed what?

That whoever could solve the riddle and save the city would be made king and marry the queen

Who solves the riddle, with what, and marries the queen?

Oedipus, "man"

marries his mother, has killed his father: oracle complete

Who do Oedipus and Jocasta produce?

Polynices and Eteode, Antigone and Ismene

Oedipus orders all to find the killer of Laius, and lays a curse upon the killer. This causes plague to fall upon the city he is now king of because:

He essentially laid a curse upon himself, unknowingly

Who tells Oedipus the truth of what happened?

A messenger that comes to tell him that his adoptive father has died

-reveals that he brought baby Oedipus to Corinth after his real parents exposed him

What does Jocasta do to herself after she finds the truth?

Kills herself

What does Oedipus do after this?

Takes the pins from Jocastas dress and pokes out his own eyes, goes into exile

Oedipus complex:

-Son wishes sexual contact with his mother, resents father for sexual demands on mother, wants to kill him to have mother for himself

-developed by Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freuds thoughts on myth:

Myth was a by-product of psychological forces

-everything was about sex

Oedipus is considered a hero, but he lacks what heroic element:

Divine parentage

Aristotle called "Oedipus the King" the:

Perfect tragedy

-A king that realized he is a murderer of his own kin, has a downfall, reversal of fortune

Whats the key difference between Oedipus overthrowing his father compared to other succession myths?

Oedipus overthrows his father creating chaos

-creates chaos out of order

What does Oedipus question?

Whether Apollo and the Oracle is the reason for his misfortune or did he do this to himself?

-questions destiny, pre-destination, & free will

What were the final lines of Oedipus Tyrannos?

"Call no man happy until he reaches the end of his life without suffering"

-classic way the greeks look at life, no man is truly happy

Title of Aeschylus play staged in 467 BCE:

"The Seven Against Thebes"

-before Oedipus Tyrannos

Who rules Thebes after Oedipus exile and how?

his sons, Eteocles and Polynices

-alternatively each for a year

Who causes problems?

Eteocles refuses to give up rule/ after his year is up, exiled his brother out from the city

What do Eteocles and Polynice mean

Eteocles: "true glory"

Polynices: "Filled with contention"

Where did Polynices flee to and what did he take?

-Argos, took with him the cursed necklace of Harmonia

What Oracle did the king of Argos, Adratus learn?

"must yoke his daughters to a boar and a lion."

-didnt know what it meant

When does the Oracles answer reveal itself?

When in front of Adratus palace, Polynices and Tydeus fight, one has a boar and one has a lion on there shield


Exile from Calydon

What does Adratus do to the 2 men?

Marries his daughters to them and promises them that he will restore them to there respective cities

Who argued greatly against the campaign against Thebes?

Amphiaraus, a seer who foresaw all the leaders but Adratus dying in the war

Who had Adratus have arranged to marry Amphiaraus and why did that benefit him?

Had his sister Eriphyle marry him and told her to take his side in mediating future arguments between the 2 men (whether to go to war or not)

What did Polynices offer Euriphyle if she would decide to favour going to war

-The necklace of Harmonia

What did the Army consist of?

7 Heroes

-4 from Argos

-Polynices from Thebes

-Tydeus from Calydon

-Another from Arcadia

(7 against thebes)

What does an oracle tell Oedipus daughter that she reports to Oedipus?

Whoever has Oedipus bones cannot be captured

What does this Oracle cause?

-Both Polynices and Creon (representing Eteocles) go try to kidnap Oedipus.

-Oedipus curses his sons and predicts they will both die in battle

what happens to Oedipus after he curses his sons?

He mysteriously disappears into the sacred grove

What does a blind seer Tiresias foretell?

That the Thebans will be victorious if Creons son was sacrificed to Ares

What does Creons son then do?

Sacrifices himself

What changes Athenas mind about saving Tydeus after he is mortally wounded

Amphiaraus cut of Melanippus head and gave it to Tydeus, who cracked it open and started eating his brains

What happened to Amphiaraus?

As he fled on his chariot, Zeus opened the earth and had him swallowed up by it just before he was speared in the back

What happens to Eteocles and Polynices?

Kill each other in combat, die side by side

10 years later, who avenges who by killing who?

Amphiaraus son Alcmaeon avenges his fathers death by killing Eriphyle

What happens to the Necklace of Harmonia?

Alcmaeon gives it to a queen of the nearby kingdom, and the necklace was dedicated at Delphi, its powers broken

Who was Antigone?

Polynices sister

What does Creon decree after the war is over?

That know one is to bury the bodies of the invaders, including Polynices

Who is determined to bury Polynices and what does this person do?

Antigone, throws a handful of sand onto the corpse, despite the kings orders

What does Creon do to Antigone when he finds out, despite she is to marry?

Sentences her to die, buried alive in a cave, even though she is to marry his son

Who convinces Creon to back down?

Tiresias, the seer, predicting terrible omens in the City

When Creon goes back to the cave to free her, what does he find?

She has already hung herself, his son Haemon clinging to her body

What does Haemon do?

Tries to kill his father, trips and kills himself

Who kills themself after hearing about Haemons death?

Creons wife

What did Creon create?

A vaste wasteland, his family all dead, due to his obstinate refusal to observe the law of the gods

Who occupied Thessaly before colonization began in the Archaic period?

The Hellenes

Thessaly is the famous birthplace of :


What is the city located at the foot of Mt. Pelion


When did the events of Jason and his Argonauts occur?

A generation before the Trojan war

Who writes about the adventures in of the Argonauts?

Apollonius in the Argonautica

Who writes the stories of Jason in what piece?

Euripedes in the Medea

Jason belonged to who?

The Aeolids, descendants of Aeolus

What 3 groups are descended from the Hellens sons?

The Aeolians, Dorians and Ionians

Aeolus son Athamus and Nephele produced:

Phrixus and Helle

Athamas then had children with Ino, who bore 2 children. Why was Ino upset?

Jealous that Phrixus would inherit the throne instead of her 2 children

What did Ino plan to do to kill her stepchildren?

Had local women parch seed grain so it wouldn't grow: cause a famine

Athamas sent messengers to Delphi to ask what the solution was. What happened to the messengers?

Were intercepted by Ino, who bribed them to say the solution was to sacrifice Phrixus, his own son

What happened as Athamas was preparing to sacrifice Phrixus

a golden ram appearing and Phrixus and his sister climbed on and were taken away to the east

How does the Hellespont sea get its name?

Helle fell off the ram and into the sea

Where did the ram land?

Colchis in the land of Aea

Who ruled at Colchis?

Aeetes, a son of Helius

What did Phrixus do with the ram?

sacrifices it to Zeus then hangs it fleece in a grove sacred to Areas where it was protected by a dragon

What did Aeetes give him as a reward?

One of his daughters to marry

Who are the half-brothers descended from Aeolus

Aeson and Pelias

What does Pelias do to Aeson and why?

Imprisons Aeson in his palace jealous of his half brothers chance at ruling

Pelius is a son of:


Aeson has a son:


Where do Jasons parents send him and why?

Send him to the mountains to be raised by a wise Centaur b/c they are afraid Pelias will kill Jason

-centaurs occasionally trains heroes

What heroic motif does Jasons childhood show:

Difficult birth

What does Pelias learn from an oracle?

That he would be undone by a man with one sandal

What does Jason do when he reaches manhood?

Heads home to claim the throne from Pelias

What happens to Jason at the river crossing?

Carries an old women across a river (Hera in disguise), loses a sandal in the process

Upon his arrival, What does Pelias make him do?

An impossible task, fetch the Golden Fleece suggested by Jason

Who did Jason enlist to build what?

Argus to build the biggest ship ever made (hold 50 men!)

What did Aethena put on the ship?

A beam cut from Zeus oracular oak which could speak and put it in the ships prow

Who did Jason get to help him?

Best fighters around



-Castor and Polydeuces (Zeus sons)

-Telamon (Ajax father)

-Zetes and Calais (sons of North Wind)

-Peleus (achilles father)

-Idmon the seer


What did Zete and Calais have the ability to do?


How did Idmon predict the future?

Read the entrails of sacrificed animals

What did Idmon see?

That they would all return safely except for himself

what island did the adventurers stop at?

Lemnos, an island of all women (wives had killed all the men), stayed for a year and repopulated the island

Where did the Argonauts go next?

Propontis where they encountered King Phineus

What had happened to Phineus?

Abused the gift of prophecy granted to him by Apollo and was blinded & unable to eat because the Harpies would snatch his food

What did the Argonauts do exchange for info from Phineus?

Killed the Harpies

What did Phineus warn them of?

When entering the Black Sea the Symplegades "clashing rocks"

What did the Argonauts do to test the waters?

Released a dove, if the Dove could make it so could they

Who is madly in love with Jason as he arrives at Colchis?


What did King Aeetes do on the advice of an oracle?

Treat the Argonauts badly

What did Jason have to do in order to get the fleece?

-defeat 2 fire breathing bulls

-plow a field with them

-sow the dragon teeth left over from the foundation of thebes

-kill the warriors that sprung up form the ground

How did Jason do this?

Had help of Medea, who gave him a magic ointment to protect him from the bulls, drugged the dragon guarding the fleece

-Jason promised to marry her if she helped

What happened to delay Aeetes from chasing the Argonauts as they fled?

His son, Apsyrtus was chopped into pieces, had to gather all the pieces to bury him

A rumour spread at Lolcus that all the argonauts had died and Pelias congratulated himself on what?

Being the first man to escape a prophecy

-killed Aeson (Jasons father) by giving him bulls blood

Jason presented the Golden Fleece to Pelias, yet:

Pelias refused to leave the throne

What did Medea do to Pelias?

Tricking Pelias daughters telling them that she was giving Pelias renewed youth, she got them to allow her to use her magic

-She then cut in into pieces, telling them that is they put all them into a cauldron he would be renewed in youth

-Pelias died

Why did Jason and Medea leave Lolcus

The locals mad there king had been killed

Where did Jason and Medea go?

Corinth and had 2 sons

Who does Jason marry after ditching Medea?

Local princess, Glauce

What does Medea do as revenge?

gives poisoness garnets and tiara to the princess, burning her to a crisp, and kills her and Jasons children

Where and how does Medea flee?

On her grandfather Helius chariot (part divine) and goes to athens

What happens to Jason after?

Finishes his life a depressed, sick old shadow of former self.

Killed by rotten prow of ship which strikes him in the head