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161 Cards in this Set

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Divine Myth

-stories which the main character are supernatural beings

-explain why the world is the way it is


abstract concepts given a few human characteristics

-ex.) Night (nyx) and Darkness (Erebus) produced their opposites Radiance (aether) and Day (Hemer)


Stories of the great deeds of humans, heroes or heroines

-narrate the events of human past


-Characters are ordinary people or animals

-entertain the audience

-justify customary patterns of behaviour


regular appearance of certain identifiable narrative patterns in a story

-ex.) dragon combat, doubles

Physical Allegory example

-ex.) battles between gods really represented conflict among natural forces


Getting to the root of a word, what a word means

Historical Allegory

Myths tells us historical truths

-ex.) gods were human kings who ruled long ago

The Minoans


-Worshipped female fertility goddesses

-Linear A script h


rich Minoan culture that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption

The Mycenans

-ruled by powerful kings

-warlike people

-Linear B script


2 pieces of work:

1.) "The Theogony"

2.) "Works and Days"

The Theogony

About the origin of the universe and the ascension of Zeus to "King of Gods"

"Works and Days"

an account of the fall of man from the golden age to the iron age

4 first Gods

1.) Choas

2.) Gaea

3.) Tartaros

4.) Eros


"A void"

-opening from which other primodial things arose

-creates darkness and night


"The Earth"


1.) Uranos "sky'

2.) Mountains "geography"

3.) Pontus "sea"

-Marries Uranos


"the underworld"


"Erotic love"

Gaea and Uranos produce:

1.) The Titans (12)

2.) The Cyclopes (3)

3.) The Hecatoncheires

Succession Myth:

Understanding from an older generation that a younger will succeed them

-Uranos and Cronus fall to this

-Zeus defeats it

What does Uranos do to his offspring?

Shoves them back into the earth (Gaea) in fear they will succeed him

Who defeats Uranos and how?

The last son, Cronus

-castrates him with a flint knife


Goddess of love and sexuality

How does Aphrodite arise?

From the foam created by Uranos castration

"foam born"

*love and sexuality arise from a violent act

Who does Cronos marry?

Rhea, his sister

Who do Rhea and Cronos produce?

The Olympians:

1.) Hestia

2.) Demeter

3.) Hera

4.) Hades

5.) Poseidon

6.) Zeus

What does Cronos do to his offspring?

Eats them

How does Rhea save Zeus?

Gives Cronus a rock disguised as a baby

Hides Zeus on the island of Crete

-raised by Nymphs and fed goat milk (Amalthea) and honey (Melissa)

-Cries drowned out by Corybantes (whirlers) and Curetes (young men)

What does Metis give Cronus?

An emetic to make him throw up his children and the stone

What is the battle between Zeus and Cronus called?

The Titanomachy

Who did Cronus lead?

The Titans

Who did Zeus lead?

The Olympians

What did Zeus do that lead him to victory?

Made alliances, some titans, the cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires

What did Zeus do to Cronus and the titans?

Banished them to Tartaros

-watched by the Hecatoncheires

What was Atlas punishment?

Had to hold up the sky at the edge of the world

Who became a threat to Olympian Order after the Titanomachy?

Gaea, became Zeus' biggest enemy

Who did Tartaros and Gaea produce?


-Dragon-like monster

Where did the Olympian gods go when Typhoeus was born?

Egypt and disguised themselves as animals

-explains why the egyptians worship animals

Where did Zeus defeat Typhoeus

Mt. Etna

What does Zeus killing Typhoeus represent?

Dragon fighting motif

-males combatting some earth based previous order

Who escapes the pattern of the Succession myth?


Who does Zeus marry first?

Metis ("cleverness"

How does Zeus beat the succession myth?

He swallows Metis when she was pregnant

"trickster" motif

What happens to Zeus after he swallows Metis?

He gets a bad headache, asks someone to hit him in the head with a battle axe

What happens when Zeus is hit in the head?

Athena springs out of his head with a battle cry

-Zeus births Athena, beats succession myth by thwarting biological order


"Battle of Giants"

Olympians vs. Giants (Gaea)

What happens to the world after the Gigantomachy?

Divided up between Zeus (heaven), Poseidon (Sea), and Hades (Underworld)

Who does Prometheus take under his wing?

The human race

How does Prometheus trick Zeus

1.) Tricks him into taking the bad part of a sacrificial cow, gives the good part to humans

2.) steals back fire in a fennel stalk

What does Prometheus' sacrificial trick represent to the greeks?

Greek sacrificial customs

What does Zeus do after he realizes he's been fooled by Prometheus

Punishes humans, withdraws fire, which Prometheus steals back in a fennel stalk

What does Zeus do to Prometheus after he steals back the fire?

Sends Pandora and men to chain Prometheus to a rock, send a eagle everyday to pick away at his liver, which grows back over night


First Women on earth

"All gifts"-because all the gods contribute to her creation and endowed her with many charms

What does Pandora represent

Etiological to explain the origin of women, marriage and the suffering of the world

Who marries Pandora even though he was warned not to

Epimetheus (Prometheus' brother)

-motif: violation of prohibition)

What does Pandora open that introduces difficulties for humanity

"Pandoras Jar"

-contains all things good and evil

-when she opens it, all good goes to heaven and bad fall to earth

-Trapped in it remains hope

4/5 Ages of Man

1.) Hesiods "Works and Day" 5 ages

2. Ovids "Metamorphoses" 4 ages



"Metamorphoses" and "Art of Love"

1st Age

"The Golden Age"


-during the reign of Cornos

-men live in peace, didn't work, carefree

-lived like the gods

-Falls due to Pandora


-during the reign of Saturn (cronos)

-no laws, punishment, soliders (no need)

-Land is fertile

2nd age

Silver Age


-created by the Olympians

-people take 100 yrs to mature, not independent

-Zeus destroys them b/c they don't worship the gods


-World ruled by Jupiter (Zeus)

-Seasons introduced (cold/winter=need for fire)

-Had to work to survive

3rd Age

Bronze Age


-Created by Zeus alone

-ate no food

-no refinement or enjoyment

-warlike times, killed themselves off


-agressive, warlike

-quick to arm

4th age

The Age of Heroes


-Heroes that fight at Troy

-Kill each other off, but Zeus sends some to the "isles of the blessed"

-afterlife was pleasurable


-N/A, does not exist in Ovids version

5th age

The Iron Age


-final age for humanity

-age of poet and audience

-have to work very hard

-family affections disappear over fights for power and assets

-To be destroyed by Zeus, one day….


-Age of trickery, slyness, plotting

-Men ask to much of the earth

-Fraternal discord

-Piety (state and family) is killed, Astraea (justice) flees


God of Weather patterns

-necessary for fertility of the earth

rain: semen



A magical object that represented Zeus' power

-a goat skin, or a shield with snake headed tassels

Zeus had many

Lovers and offspring

Zeus is associated with:





Who did Zeus marry after Metis?



Female fertility symbol

-goddess of marriage and childbirth

Who do Hera and Zeus produce?`

Ares, Hebe and Eileithyia

Who does Hera have without sex?


-because she is upset Zeus had Athena without sex

How does Hera trick Zeus?

Seduces him to turn the tides of the trojan war


God of the Sea

What does Poseidon offer to Athens?

A salt-water spring, which they do not accept, they choose Athenas olive tree instead

Poseidon produces:

ugly offspring

Medusa, Polyphemus


Brother of Zeus and Poseidon

-God of the underworld

"Plutos", "Invisible"

Who does Hades marry?


Why is Hades not an Olympian?

Because he lives in the underworld

Son of Leto and Zeus



God of refinement, fine arts, aristocraty

Apollo is associated with:

Crow or Raven


-physical perfection

-young man

Where is Apollo from?

Unknown, an import

-Possibly Asia Minor (Lycia)

-Possibly Nordic (Hyperborean), lives in the north for 3 months of the year

Where was Apollo born and why?

The island of Delos

-Hera, jealous, makes a decry that no place that sees the light of day is a place were leto can give birth

-Gives birth on a floating island, that bobs beneath the sea

Apollo is the god of

Illness and healing

-god of opposites

Why was Apollo called the Lord of Mice

Where there is mice and rats there was often illness

-also known with the illness dealing power of arrows to strike someone with sickness

Where did Apollo establish his oracle and how?

At Delphi, killed a python with one of his arrows

-Dragon combat motif

Daphne and Apollo

Pursued by Apollo

-She prayed to her Father to protect her from him

-Father turned her into a loreal tree

-explains loreal wreath

Cassandra and Apollo

Pursued by Apollo

-Apollo promised her the power of the prophecy if she slept with him

-She got the power, but didn't sleep with him

-Apollo let her keep the power, but no one would ever believe her

Sibyl at Cumae

Says she will sleep with him if he gives her everlasting life

-She grabs a handful of sand, however many grains=the number of years she will live

-She doesn't please him, so he says that she will live that many years but still age


Potential lover of Apollo

Cheats on him with another guy

A white Raven tells Apollo

In anger, Apollo shoots Cronis with an arrow,

Regrets it, saves the fetus from her dying body

Takes his anger out on the white raven, scorches it black

Cronis and Apollo produced:


-Learns art of medicine


A half civilized, half uncivilized creature

-has a horse tale

-decided to challenge Apollo

-Apollo defeated him, hung him up and deflayed him

Apollos Oracle at Delphi

-Rocky area, locals kept alive by the offerings people brought

-People ask questions of what to do in there everyday lives

-Sometimes hard to tell what the priestess was saying, what Apollo was telling you to do


"Soul guide"-guided souls to the underworld

-God of travel, commerce, boundaries, theft and trickery

Who produced Hermes?

Zeus and Mia


A stone pillar placed at crossroads and doorways to ward of evil

Hermes was a god of

cleverness and mental ability

What did Hermes invent in the first few hours of life?

The lyre from a turtle shell

Steak and sausage from Apollos stolen cattle

What did hermes give Apollo to atone for stealing his cattle?

The lyre


Son of Hermes

"to feed"

-Legs of Goat, upper body of a man

-Nature vs civilization notion

Pan was a god of

unbridled fertility

-goat like

-goat like sexuality (perve)


Son of Hera alone

-butt of all jokes on Mt. Olympus due to his crippleness

Hephaestus is the "___________" of the gods


What did Hephaetus do to his mother?

trapped Hera in a unescapable golden throne

-forced to come back to Olympus to undo the trap

Who does Hephaetus marry?


-unhappy marriage

Aphrodite cheats on Hephaetus with:


-god of the madness of warfare

What does Hephaetus do to Ares and Aphrodite and why?

Traps them in bed together, calls upon all the gods to expose them

-backfires on Hepaetus, for everyone just laughs at him

Venus of Willendorf

great mother/fertility goddess

Who do Aphrodite and Ares possibly produce?

Eros (cupid), Aphrodites constant companion

What is Eros known for?

Shooting people with his arrows which eludes to the arrival of danger due to erotic attraction

Who is not effected by Aphrodites power?

Athena, Artemis and Hestia

Because they are virgin goddesses

Temple prostitution

Practiced at the temple of Aphrodite

-Noble greek women take time to act as sacred prostitutes

-people would visit these temples and take part in Aphrodite's "gifts"


Son of Hermes and Aphrodite

What happened to Hermaphroditus:

A nymph named Salmacis tries to seduce him, she sees him bathing a spring, jumps on to him and they fuse together, become both male and female.

Springs the term: Hermaphrodite


Son of either Dionysus or Hermes and Aphrodite

-Has a large dick

-represents a fertility figure, "garden nome"


A trojan prince whom Aphrodite falls in love with under Zeus' power

Aphrodite and Anchises produce:


How does Anchises lose his ability to walk?

Tells people he impregnanted Aphrodite, she does not like this, goes to Zeus who strikes Anchises with a lightening bolt, causing him to never walk again


"Queens of wild animals"

"Mistress of beasts"

Artemis is associated:

Human sacrifice

Artemis is the twin of:


"Struck by the arrows of Artemis"

said when a women died, particularly in childbirth

Artemis was a:

-Virgin goddess, but alluring and dangerous


Niobes boast

Homer, illiad

-a women with 6 sons and 6 daughters

-boasted how fertile she was

-Artemis and Apollo killed all the children of Niobe


-Tried to rape Artemis

-She put a scorpion on his head

-Stung him and entombed him in the sky (constellation)


Ovid "metamorphoses"

-Represent danger of the attraction of Artemis

-Stumbles upon Artemis bathing in a pool

-Actaeon is turned into a stag, his hunting dogs tore him apart


"mistress of the city"

Takes her name from the city of Athens

"owl eyed"


Athena was born from:

Born from Zeus head

Artemis was a:


1.) goddess of war

-justified, defensive, strategic

-masculine aspect

2.) goddess of domestic crafts


-female aspect

Birth of Erichtonius

-God Hevithus tries to seduce Athena to get back at cheating wife

-Athena doesn't want it, Hevithus ejaculates onto her thigh, she wipes it off

-throws cloth onto the ground, from the ground springs Erictonius

-upper body of a man, lower body of a serpent


Ovid "metamorphoses"

-engages Athena in a weaving contest

-Arachne draws a tapestry of the gods infidelities

-enrages Athena, who slashes her face with a shuttle

-Arachnes takes her own life, hanging herself

-Athena feels bad, gives her life back as a spider


Mother goddess "Kore"

-goddess of grain and the harvest

-tied to the earth

What do people call Demeter and Persephone?

"the two demeters"

What happens to Persephone?

Hades captures her, takes her to the underworld and makes her his wife, with zeus' permission

Who hears persephones cries?

Helius and Hecate

-dont tell demeter

What does Persephones fate represent:

Resembles that of greek girls who at age 14 were married to war hardened men twice there age whom they didn't knwo

Demeter represents:

The loss a mother feels when losing a child

What does Demeter do when she finds out what happened to Persephone?

She withdraws agriculture from humanity

Where did Demeter go after she searched the world for Persephone?


Who took Demeter in at Eleusis

King Celeus daughters, made her their baby brothers nanny


Barely drink from the Eluesinian mysteries

What does Demeter do to try and payback there kindness?

Tries to make Demophoon (the baby) immortal by dipping him into the fire place

What happens when Demeter tries to do this?

Metaneria (the queen) comes in, Demeter throws off her disguise and they realize that she's a goddess

Why can't Persephone leave the underworld permanently?

she ate 3 pomegranate seeds in the underworld, she has to spend 3 months of the year in the underworld

etiologically explains seasons! (Greece: summer)


God of wet fertility, God of Ecstacy

associated with blood and semen

responsible for grapes and wines

Where is Dionysus from?

An import, believed to be from the mysterious East b/c of leopard skin

Parents of Dionysus

Zeus and Semele

Why is Dionysus called "twice born"

Because when Zeus shows Semele his full glory, she is burnt to ashes, and Zeus saves the fetus and sews it into his thigh, later to be born by Zeus

Why/what was Dionysus turned into?

To be hidden from Hero

A girl

-gender bending

A goat

-goat like fertility

What do these disguises represent?

that Dionysus was a god of theatre/drama

-becoming someone your not

How did Dionysus create dolphins?

Captured by pirates thinking that he was a lords son, Dionysus turns into his god-like forms, terrified the pirates jumped into the sea. Dionysus, feeling bad he turned them all into Dolphins.

-why dolphins are friendly, swim by boats

Bacche is written by


What are Dionysus' women followers called


Dionysus' man followers are called:


Who do Dionysus' followers kill?


Who is part of the followers that kill Pentheus?

Pentheus mom, Agave, who is overcome with Dionysus ecstasy power


Legends are stories about exceptional humans doing exceptional things which are said to narrate episodes from the human pasts


-Noble or well born, originally living & breathing people

-eventually become worshipped


Places where heroes are worshipped


King, divine, abuses his kingly powers