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38 Cards in this Set

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What is the dermatome around the nipple
The inferior angle of the scapula lines up with which vertebral level
What structure lies immediately posterior to the manubrium
which rib is related to the oblique fissure of the lung, posteriorly
which rib is parallel to the horizontal fissure of the right lung
the inferior extent of the lung at the midclavicular line is at which rib
the inferior extent of the pleura at the midclavicular line is at which rib
the inferior extent of the lung at the midaxillary line is at which rib
the inferior extent of the pleura at the midaxillary line is at which rib
the inferior extent of the lung posteriorly is at which rib
the inferior extent of the pleura posteriorly is at which rib
innervation of the costal pleura is by which nerve
intercostal nerve
innervation of the mediastinal pleura
phrenic nerve
Describe auscultation points of the heart valves
A- Right 2nd intercostal space

P- Left 2nd intercostal space

T- xiphisternal joint

M- Left 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line
which heart chamber has the greatest sternocostal projection
right ventricle
which chamber forms the apex of the heart
left ventricle
which major chamber forms the base of the heart
the left atrium
which heart chamber contains the moderator band
right ventricle
AKA septomarginal trabecula

Muscular band of heart tissue

carries part of the RBB of the AV bundle
Moderator band
Which artery determines coronary dominance
posterior interventricular artery
what is the usual origin of SA and AV nodal arteries
right coronary artery
what is the location of the SA node
cristae terminalis
what is the major vessel that drains the musculature of the heart
coronary sinus
which nerve innervates the fibrous pericarium
phrenic nerve
what is the most common cause of a systolic ejection murmur
aortic stenosis
which rib is associated with the sternal angle
the 2nd rib
which vertebral level is associated with the sternal angle
disc between T4 and T5
what is the location of the ductus arteriosus
between the left pulmonary artery and the aorta
which nerve is potentially injured with repair of the patent ductus arteriosis
left recurrent laryngeal nerve
which veins unite to form the brachiocephalic vein
subclavian vein

internal jugular vein
which veins unite to form the superior vena cava
right brachiocephalic

left brachiocephalic
what is the termination of the azygos vein
superior vena cava
which structures lie to the right and left of the thoracic duct
right: azygos vein

left: aorta
what are the levels of the greater splanchnic nerve
what are the levels of the lesser splanchnic nerve
what is the spinal level of the least splanchnic nerve
which thoracic structures can compress the esophagus
left bronchus


which disease is often associated with thymoma
myasthenia gravis