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64 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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vertebral level of hyoid bone
vertebral level of thyroid cartilage
vertebral level of cricoid cartilage
muscles that are innervated by cranial nerve 11

structures that course between the anterior and middle scalene muscles
brachial plexus

subclavian artery
innervation of omohyoid, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid
ansa cervicalis
innervation of digastric muscle
Anterior Belly: Mandibular branch of trigeminal

Posterior Belly: Branch of facial
innervation of carotid sinus and carotid body
carotid sinus: glossopharyngeal nerve

carotid body: vagus nerve
major structures to pass through the pharyngeal wall, superior to the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
auditory tube

levator veli palatini
nerves of pharyngeal plexus
CN9, CN10, Sympathetic chain
only muscle innervated by the glossopharygneal nerve
structures that pierce the thyrohyoid membrane
internal laryngeal nerve

superior laryngeal artery
only muscle to ABduct the vocal cords
posterior cricoarytenoid
innervation of cricothyroid
external laryngeal nerve
innervation of every laryngeal muscle, except for the cricothyroid
recurrent laryngeal
muscle that increases tension on vocal cords
sensory nerve to larynx, superior to vocal cords
internal laryngeal
sensory nerve to larynx, inferior to vocal cords
recurrent laryngeal
site of aspirated lodged fishbone
piriform recess
afferent and efferent limbs of gag reflex
afferent limb: glossopharyngeal

efferent limb: vagus
afferent and efferent limbs of cough reflex
afferent limb: vagus

efferent limb: vagus
nerve injury that causes hoarseness following thyroid surgery
recurrent laryngeal
chief structures that traverse internal acoustic meatus
facial nerve

vestibulocochlear nerve
foramen where facial nerve exits the skull
stylomastoid foramen
major arterial supply to calvaria and supratentorial dura
middle meningeal artery
major cutaneous nerve of face
trigeminal nerve
major artery to internal structures of head
maxillary artery
spinal levels of sympathetic fibers to the head
autonomic ganglia for CN3 (oculomotor)
sensory ganglia for CN7 (facial)
Autonomic ganglia for CN7 (facial)
submandibular and pterygopalatine
autonomic ganglia for CN9 (glossopharyngeal)
muscle attached to disc of TMJ
lateral pterygoid
muscle that retracts the mandible
major nerve to TMJ
specific nerves that elicit secretion from the parotid gland
tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
branch of trigeminal that carries parasympathetics to the parotid gland
structure that opens in the superior meatus of the nasal cavity
posterior ethmoid sinus
structures that open into middle meatus of nasal cavity
frontal sinus

maxillary sinus

anterior and middle ethmoid sinus
structures that open into inferior meatus of nasal cavity
nasolacrimal duct
major artery to nasal cavity
sphenopalatine artery
most common site of nose bleed
Kiesselbach's plexus
Kiesselbach's plexus
anterior ethmoidal artery

sphenopalatine artery

greater palatine artery

superior labial artery (septal branch)
innervation of levator veli palatini
muscle that opens auditory tube
tensor veli palatini
innervation of tensor veli palatini
mandibular branch of trigeminal
nerve that provides taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
chorda tympani
site of cell bodies for the nerve that carries taste to the anterior 2/3 of tongue (chorda tympani)
geniculate ganglion
specific nerve that elicits secretion from the submandibular gland
chorda tympani
nerve that carries parasympathetic fibers to the submandibular gland
lingual nerve
nerve injured when tonsilar pillars sag and uvula deviates
nerve potentially injured with tonsillectomy
muscle that protrudes tongue
nerve injured when there is deviation of a protruded tongue
hypoglossal nerve. on ipsilateral side
specific nerve that stimulates tear production
greater petrosal nerve (branch of CN 7)
sensory nerve to cornea
nasociliary (branch of V-1)
muscle that elevates and ABducts the eye
inferior oblique
muscle that depresses and ABducts the eye
superior oblique
site of preganglionic nerve cells that elicit dilation of pupil
Lateral horn, T1-T2
site of postganglionic nerve cells that elicit dilation of pupil
superior cervical ganglion
site of preganglionic nerve cells that elicit constriction of pupil
site of postganglionic nerve cells that elicit constriction of pupil
ciliary ganglion
innervation of external surface of tympanic membrane
auriculotemporal nerve

vagus nerve
innervation of internal surface of tympanic membrane
glossopharyngeal nerve