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72 Cards in this Set

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Neolithic Revolution

A change from people being nomadic to building permanent civilizations

Cultural Diffusion

Exchange of ideas and trade between societies

Traditional/Barter Economy

economy based on trade of goods with no cash involved

African Bantu Migration

Migrated across Africa to find rich soil, led to cultural diffusion across the continent

Himalayan Mountains

Mountains in India, separated early India from China


Tigris & Euphrates rivers in the Middle East

Code of Hammurabi

Code of law, "An eye or an eye, a tooth for a tooth"

Indus & Ganges Rivers

Rivers in India


Seasonal wind and rain storms in India that provide water for farming


Belief in one god


Belief in many gods


Monotheistic religion, Torah (Holy Book)


Monotheistic religion, Koran (Holy Book), 5 Pillars of Islam, Muhammad


Polytheistic/Karma/Dharma/Reincarnation/Caste System

Caste System

Social order in the Hindu religion


8 Fold Path/4 Noble Truths/Nirvana


Filial Piety/Civil Service Exams/China


Belief that all things in nature have spirits

Ancient Greece - Athens

Created a democracy, people in charge of government

Han Dynasty

Golden Age in China

The Silk Road

Major trade route that connected Asia to Europe

Maurya & Gupta Empire

concept of absolute zero and decimal system in mathematics/golden age India

Ancient Rome Accomplishments

12 Tables/Roads/Aqueducts/Mediterranean Sea

Golden Age of Islam Accomplishments

Advancements in mathematics/medicine/science

Ibn Battuta & Marco Polo

Explorers who traveled to China and Asia/Journals are primary sources

Byzantine Empire

Shared their culture with the Russians

Justinian was the most famous ruler

Justinian's Code

Code of law during the Byzantine Empire

Byzantine Empire Influence On Russia

Cyrillic Alphabet/Eastern Orthodox Christian Religion

Ottoman Empire

Islamic Empire that controlled the Mediterranean Sea/Suleiman The Magnificent

Mali/Ghana/Songhai Kingdoms

African trading kingdoms that traded gold and salt

Mansa Musa

Emperor who brought the Islamic religion to parts of Africa

Mansa Musa, Mali, Mecca, Muslim

Mongol Empire & Pax Mongolia

Genghis Khan/Took over Russia and China through use of stirrup and horsemanship skills

Pax Mongolia = golden age

Tang & Song Dynasties

Dynasty that created gunpowder in China


Decentralized social structure in Europe's Middle Ages and Japan's Middle Ages

Effects Of The Crusades

Cultural diffusion and trade increased between Europeans & Muslims

The Black Death/Bubonic Plague

Epidemic disease that spread from Asia to Europe due to trade and merchants

Commercial Revolution

Led to the creation of banks, insurance, buying on credit and capitalism

Niccolo Machiavelli

Wrote The Prince that instructed rulers on how to gain and keep political power

It is better to be feared than loved

The Printing Press

Invented by Gutenberg it allowed ideas to spread much faster

Protestant Reformation

Led by Martin Luther, it led to the end of religious unity in Europe

John Calvin & Henry VIII also played a role


Artistic style that developed during the Renaissance, shifted the focus from religion to individualism

Middle Passage

Voyage slaves took from Africa to the Americas across the Atlantic Ocean

Encomienda System

Way in which Spanish colonists kept social in the New World of the Americas


Mother country benefits from trade with its colonies

Columbian Exchange

Exchange of goods between Europe & the New World of the Americas

Divine Right

Belief that God wanted Monarchs (Kings and Queens) to rule

Absolute Monarchy

When one person (King or Queen) rules a country or empire

Limited Monarchy

Limits are placed on the amount of power a King or Queen has

Magna Carta

Glorious Revolution

Bill of Rights


time period in which people began to believe they should have a say in government

John Locke

Enlightenment philosopher that believed everyone was born with Natural Rights


Enlightenment philosopher that believed in 3 Branches of Government

Copernicus & Galileo

Discovered the heliocentric model of the universe during the Scientific Revolution

Peter The Great & Catherine The Great

Modernized/Westernized Russia, introduced European ideas

Latin American Independence Leaders

Toussaint L'Overture/Simon Bolivar/Jose de San Martin

3 Estates System

Commoners had to pay 100% of the taxes, major cause of the French Revolution

The French Revolution

when the French switched from divine right rule to a democracy

Maximillian Robespierre

Began the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution

Napoleon Bonaparte

Restored political stability at the end of the French Revolution


studies factors of production and transfer of wealth

Physical/Topographic Map

map that shows bodies of water, physical barriers, deserts, mountains, etc

Political Map

map that shows capital cities, boundaries, etc.


landmass that is surrounded by water on 3 sides


a chain or group of islands

Communist Economy

economic system - government controls all major business decisions

Capitalist/Laissez-Faire Economy

economic system - private business owners make their own decisions with no government involvement

Hellenistic Culture

Alexander the Great blended Persian, Greek, India and Egyptian culture together

Centralized Government

one ruler has total control of the government - they are the center of attention

Decentralized Government

several rulers control a small region/territory

Suleiman The Magnificent & Akbar The Great

Believed in religious tolerance

The Encounter

when European explorers came into contact with the Native people of the Americas


Terrace farming and a road system in South America

Scientific Revolution

time period - discovery was based on observation and experimentation - Copernicus, Galileo, Newton